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Where Are We Now, and Where Are We Going? In this month’s column, we travel along the road of PPP development, examine its current status and look at where it might go in the near future By Sunil Bisnath, John Aggrey, Garrett Seepersad and Maninder Gill Innovation Insights with Richard Langley PPP. It’s one of the many acronyms (or initialisms, if you prefer) associated with the uses of global navigation satellite systems. It stands for precise point positioning. But what is that? Isn’t all GNSS positioning precise? Well, it’s a matter of degree. Take GPS, for example. The most common kind of GPS signal use, that implemented in vehicle “satnav” units; mobile phones; and hiking, golfing and fitness receivers, is to employ the L1 C/A-code pseudorange (code) measurements along with the broadcast satellite orbit and clock information to produce a point position. Officially, this is termed use of the GPS Standard Positioning Service (SPS). It is capable of meter-level positioning accuracy under the best conditions. There is a second official service based on L1 and L2 P-code measurements and broadcast data called the Precise Positioning Service (PPS). In principle, because the P-code provides somewhat higher precision code measurements and the use of dual-frequency data removes virtually all of the ionospheric effect, PPS is capable of slightly more precise (and accurate) positioning. But because the P-code is encrypted, PPS is only available to so-called authorized users. While meter-level positioning accuracy is sufficient for many, if not most applications, there are many uses of GNSS such as machine control, surveying and various scientific tasks, where accuracies better than 10 centimeters or even 1 centimeter are needed. Positioning accuracies at this level can’t be provided by pseudoranges alone and the use of carrier-phase measurements is required. Phase measurements are much more precise than code measurements although they are ambiguous and this ambiguity must be estimated and possibly resolved to the correct integer value. Traditionally, phase measurements (typically dual-frequency) made by a potentially moving user receiver have been combined with those from a reference receiver at a well-known position to produce very precise (and accurate) positions. If done in real time (through use of a radio link of some kind), this technique is referred to as real-time kinematic or RTK. A disadvantage of RTK positioning is that it requires reference station infrastructure including a radio link (such as mobile phone communications) for real-time results. Is there another way? Yes, and that’s PPP. PPP uses the more precise phase measurements (along with code measurements initially) on at least two carrier frequencies (typically) from the user’s receiver along with precise satellite orbit and clock data derived, by a supplier, from a global network. Precision, in this case, means a horizontal position accuracy of 10 centimeters or better. In this month’s column, we travel along the road of PPP development, examine its current status, and look at where it might go in the near future. In a 2009 GPS World “Innovation” article co-authored by Sunil Bisnath, the performance and technical limitations at the time of the precise point positioning (PPP) GPS measurement processing technique were described and a set of questions asked about the potential of PPP, especially with regard to the real-time kinematic (RTK) measurement processing technique. Since the 2009 article, we’ve seen a significant amount of research and development (R&D) activity in this area. Many scientific papers discuss PPP and making use of PPP — a search on Google Scholar for “GNSS PPP” delivers nearly 7,000 results, and for “GPS PPP” more than 15,000 results! Will PPP eventually overtake RTK as the de facto standard for precise (that is, few centimeter-level) positioning? Or, in light of PPP R&D developments, should we be asking different questions, such as will multiple precise GNSS positioning techniques compete or complement each other or perhaps result in a hybrid approach? In almost a decade, have we seen much in the way of positioning performance improvement, where “performance” can refer to positioning precision, accuracy, availability and integrity? Or, to some users, has the Achilles’ heel of PPP — the initial position solution convergence period — only been reduced from, for example, 20 minutes to 19 minutes? From such a perspective, all of this PPP research might not appear to have produced much tangible benefit. Advances have been made from this research and we will explore them here. Also, aside from many researchers working diligently on their own PPP software, there are now a number of well-established PPP-based commercial services — a number that has grown and been affected by the wave of GNSS industry consolidation over the decade. Consequently, there is much more to this story. This month’s article summarizes the current status of PPP performance and R&D, and discusses the potential future of the technique. In the first part of the article, we will present brief explanations of conventional dual-frequency PPP, recent research and implementations, and application of the evolved technique to low-cost hardware. We will conclude the article with a rather dangerous attempt at near-term extrapolation of potential upcoming developments and conceivable implications. Conventional PPP The concept of PPP is based on standard, single-receiver, single-frequency point positioning using pseudorange (code) measurements, but with the meter-level satellite broadcast orbit and clock information replaced with centimeter-level precise orbit and clock information, along with additional error modeling and (typically) dual-frequency code and phase measurement filtering. Back in 1995, researchers at Natural Resources Canada were able to reduce GPS horizontal positioning error from tens of meters to the few-meter level with code measurements and precise orbits and clocks in the presence of Selective Availability (SA). Subsequently, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory introduced PPP as a method to greatly reduce GPS measurement processing time for large static networks. When SA was turned off in May 2000 and GPS satellite clock estimates could then be more readily interpolated, the PPP technique became scientifically and commercially popular for certain precise applications. Unlike static relative positioning and RTK, conventional PPP does not make use of double-differencing, which is the mathematical differencing of simultaneous code and phase measurements from reference and remote receivers to greatly reduce or eliminate many error sources. Rather, PPP applies precise satellite orbit and clock corrections estimated from a sparse global network of satellite tracking stations in a state-space version of a Hatch filter (in which the noisy, but unambiguous, code measurements are filtered with the precise, but ambiguous, phase measurements). This filtering is illustrated in FIGURE 1, where measurements are continually added in time in the range domain, and errors are modeled and filtered in the position domain, resulting in reduced position error in time. FIGURE 1. Illustration of conventional PPP measurement and error modeling in state-space Hatch filter, resulting in reduced position error in time. The result is the characteristic PPP initial convergence period seen in FIGURE 2, where the position solution is initialized as a sub-meter, dual-frequency code point positioning solution, quickly converging to the decimeter-level in something like 5 to 20 minutes, and a few centimeters after ~20 minutes when geodetic-grade equipment is used (at station ALGO, Algonquin Park, Canada, on Jan. 2, 2017). For static geodetic data, daily solutions are typically at the few millimeter-level of accuracy in each Cartesian component. FIGURE 2. Conventional geodetic GPS PPP positioning performance characteristics of initial convergence period and steady state for station ALGO, Algonquin Park, Canada, on Jan. 2, 2017. The primary benefit of conventional PPP is that with the use of state-space corrections from a sparse global network, there is the appearance of precise positioning from only a single geodetic receiver. Therefore, baseline or network RTK limitations are removed in geographically challenging areas, such as offshore, far from population centers, in the air, in low Earth orbit, and so on, and without the need for the requisite terrestrial hardware and software infrastructure. PPP is now the de facto standard for precise positioning in remote areas or regions of low economic density, which limit or prevent the use of relative GNSS, RTK or network RTK, but allow for continuous satellite tracking. These benefits translate into the main commercial applications of offshore positioning, precision agriculture, geodetic surveys and airborne mapping, which also are not operationally bothered by initial convergence periods of tens of minutes. For urban and suburban applications, RTK and especially network RTK allow for near-instantaneous, few-centimeter-level positioning with the use of reference stations and regional satellite (orbit and clock) and atmospheric corrections. The use of double-differencing and these local or regional corrections allows sufficient measurement error mitigation to resolve double-differenced phase ambiguities. All of this additional information is not available to conventional PPP, limiting its precise positioning performance, but which is considered in PPP enhancements. Progress on PPP Convergence Limitations Over the past decade or so, PPP R&D activity can be categorized as follows: Integration of measurements from multiple GNSS constellations, transitioning from GPS PPP to GNSS PPP; Resolution of carrier-phase ambiguities in PPP user algorithms — in an effort to increase positional accuracy and solution stability, but foremost in an effort to reduce the initial convergence period; and Use of a priori information to reduce the initial convergence and re-convergence periods and improve solution stability, making use of available GNSS error modeling approaches. Unlike relative positioning, which makes use of measurements from the user receiver as well as the reference receiver, PPP only relies on measurements from the user site. This situation results in weaker initial geometric strength, and so the addition of more unique measurements is welcome. To make use of measurements from all four GNSS constellations (GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou), user-processing engines must account for differences in spatial and temporal reference systems between constellations and numerous equipment delays between frequencies and modulations. The former can be done so that any number of measurements from any number of constellations can be processed to produce one unique PPP position solution. The latter requires a great deal of calibration, especially for heterogeneous tracking networks and user equipment (antenna, receiver and receiver firmware), most notably for the current frequency division multiple access GLONASS constellation. FIGURE 3 shows typical multi-GNSS float (non-ambiguity-fixed) horizontal positioning performance at multi-GNSS station GMSD in Nakatane, Japan, on March 24, 2017. As with all modes of GNSS data processing, more significant improvement with additional constellations can be seen in sky-obstructed situations. FIGURE 3. Typical conventional multi-GNSS PPP float horizontal positioning accuracy for station GMSD, Nakatane, Japan, March 24, 2017 (G: GPS, R: GLONASS, E: Galileo and C: BeiDou). Related to multi-constellation processing is triple-frequency processing afforded by the latest generation of GPS satellites and the Galileo and BeiDou constellations. More frequencies mean more measurements, although with the same satellite-to-receiver measurement geometry as dual-frequency measurements. Again, additional signals require additional equipment delay modeling, in this case especially for the processing of GPS L1, L2 and L5 observables. For processing of four-constellation data available from 20 global stations in early 2016, FIGURE 4 shows the average reduction of float (non-ambiguity-fixed) horizontal error from dual- to triple-frequency processing of approximately 40% after the first five minutes of measurement processing. In terms of positioning, this result, for this time period with a limited number of triple-frequency measurements, means a reduction in average horizontal positioning error from 43 to 26 centimeters within the first five minutes of data collection. FIGURE 4. Average dual- and triple-frequency static, float PPP horizontal solution accuracy for 20 global stations. Data collected from tracked GPS, GLONASS, Galileo and BeiDou satellites in early 2016. PPP with ambiguity resolution, or PPP-AR, was seen as a potential solution to the PPP initial solution convergence “problem” analogous to AR in RTK. Various researchers put forward methods, in the form of expanded measurement models, to isolate pseudorange and carrier-phase equipment delays to estimate carrier-phase ambiguities. These methods remove receiver equipment delays through implicit or explicit between-satellite single-differencing and estimate satellite equipment delays in the network product solution either as fractional cycle phase biases or altered clock products. FIGURE 5 illustrates the difference between a typical GPS float and fixed solution (for station CEDU, Ceduna, Australia, on June 28, 2017). Initial solution convergence time is reduced, and stable few-centimeter-level solutions are reached sooner. For lower quality data, ambiguity fixing does not provide such quick initial solution convergence. Fixing is dependent on the quality of the float solution; and, for PPP, the latter requires time to reach acceptable levels of accuracy. Therefore, depending on the application, PPP-AR may or may not be helpful. FIGURE 5. Typical float (red) and fixed (pink) GPS PPP horizontal solution error at geodetic station CEDU, Ceduna, Australia, on June 28, 2017. To consistently reduce the initial solution convergence period, PPP processing requires additional information, as is the case for network RTK, in which interpolated satellite orbit, ionospheric and tropospheric corrections are needed since double-differenced RTK baselines over 10 to 15 kilometers in length contain residual atmospheric errors too large to effectively and safely resolve phase integer ambiguities. For PPP, uncombining the ionospheric-free code and phase measurements from the conventional model is required, to directly estimate slant ionosphere propagation terms in the filter state. In this form, the model can allow for very quick re-initialization of short data gaps by using the pre-gap slant ionospheric (and zenith tropospheric) estimates as down-weighted a priori estimates post-gap — making these estimates bridging parameters in the estimation filter. Expanding this approach, external atmospheric models can be used to aid with initial solution convergence. FIGURE 6 illustrates, for a large dataset, that applying a spatially and temporally coarse global ionospheric map (GIM) to triple-frequency, four-constellation float processing can reduce one-sigma convergence time to 10 centimeters horizontal positioning error from 16 to 6 minutes. If local ionospheric (and tropospheric) corrections are available and AR is applied, PPP (sometimes now referred to as PPP-RTK) can produce RTK-like results with a few minutes of initial convergence to few-centimeter-level horizontal solutions. FIGURE 6. Averaged horizontal error from 70 global sites in mid-2016 using four-constellation, triple-frequency processing. PPP Processing with Low-Cost Hardware As the impetus for low-cost, precise positioning and navigation for autonomous and semi-autonomous platforms (such as land vehicles and drones) continues to grow, there is interest in processing such low-cost data with PPP algorithms. For example, it has been shown that with access to single-frequency code and phase measurements from a smartphone, short-baseline RTK positioning is possible. It has also been shown that similar smartphone data can be processed with the PPP approach. From the origins of PPP, it may be argued that single-frequency processing and many-decimeter-level positioning performance is not “precise.” But we will avoid such semantic arguments here (but see “Insights”), and focus on the use of high-performance measurement processing algorithms to new low-cost hardware. We are currently witnessing great changes in the GNSS chip market: single-frequency chips for tens-of-dollars or less; and boards with multi-frequency chips for hundreds-of-dollars. And these chips will continue to undergo downward price pressure with increases in capability, and be further enabled for raw measurement use in a wider range of applicable technology solutions. There are now a number of low-cost, dual-frequency, multi-constellation products on the market, with additional such products as well as smartphone chips coming soon. To process data from such products with a PPP engine, modifications are required to optimally account for single-frequency measurements in the estimation filter, optimize the measurement quality control functions for the much noisier code and phase measurements compared to data from geodetic receivers, and optimize the stochastic modeling for the much noisier code and phase measurements. The single-frequency measurement model can be modified to either make use of the Group and Phase Ionospheric Calibration linear combination (commonly referred to as GRAPHIC) or ingest data from an ionospheric model. Due to the use of low-cost antennas, as well as the low-cost chip signal processing hardware, code and phase measurements suffer from significant multipath and noise at lower signal strengths; therefore, outlier detection functions must be modified. Also, the relative weighting of code and phase measurements must be customized for more realistic low-cost data processing. FIGURE 7 compares the carrier-to-noise-density ratio (C/N0) values from ~1.5 hours of static GPS L1 signals collected from a geodetic receiver with a geodetic antenna, a low-cost receiver chip with a patch antenna, and a tablet chip and internal antenna, as a function of elevation angle. Received signal C/N0 values can be used as a proxy for signal precision. The three datasets were collected at the same time in mid-September 2017 in Toronto, Canada, with the receivers and antennas within a few meters of each other. The shading represents the raw estimates output from each receiver, while the solid lines are moving-average filtered results. FIGURE 7. Carrier-to-noise-density ratios of ~1.5 hour of static GPS L1 signals from a geodetic receiver with a geodetic antenna, a low-cost receiver chip with a patch antenna, and a tablet chip and internal antenna, as a function of elevation angle. Keeping in mind the log nature of C/N0, the high measurement quality of the geodetic antenna and receiver are clear. The low-cost chip and patch antenna signal strength structure is similar, but, on average, 3.5 dB-Hz lower. And the tablet received signal strength is lower still, on average a further 4.0 dB-Hz lower, with greater degradation at higher signal elevation angles and much greater signal strength variation. The PPP horizontal position uncertainty for these datasets is shown in FIGURE 8. Note that reference coordinates have been estimated from the datasets themselves, so potential biases, in especially the low-cost and tablet results, can make these results optimistic. Given that only single-frequency GPS code and phase measurements are being processed, initial convergence periods are short and horizontal position error reaches steady state in the decimeter range. The geodetic and the low-cost results are comparable at the 2-decimeter level, whereas the tablet results are worse, at the approximately 4-decimeter level. Initial convergence of the geodetic solution is superior to the others, driven by the higher quality of its code measurements. The grade of antenna plays a large role in the quality of these measurements, for which there are physical limitations in design and fabrication. While geodetic antennas can be used, this is not always feasible, given the mass limitations of certain platforms or the cost limitations for certain applications. FIGURE 8. Horizontal positioning error (compared to final epoch solutions) for geodetic, low-cost and tablet data processed with PPP software customized for single-frequency and less precise measurements. Comments Regarding the Near Future The PPP GNSS measurement processing approach was originally designed to greatly reduce computation burden in large geodetic networks of receivers by removing the need for network baseline processing. The technique found favor for applications in remote areas or regions with little terrestrial infrastructure, including the absence of GNSS reference stations. Given PPP’s characteristic use of a single receiver for precise positioning, various additional augmentations have been made to remove or reduce solution initialization and re-initialization interval to near RTK-like levels. But, to what end? This question can be approached from multiple perspectives. From the theoretical standpoint, there is the impetus to maximize performance — millimeter-level static positioning over many hours, and few-centimeter-level kinematic positioning in a few minutes — by augmenting PPP in any way necessary. There is the academic exercise of maximizing performance without the need for local or regional reference stations – apparent single-receiver positioning, or truly wide-area augmentation. In terms of engineering problems, we can work to do more with less, that is, decimeter-level positioning with ultra-low-cost hardware, or the same with less, that is, few-centimeter-level positioning with low-cost hardware. And from the practical or commercial aspect, the great interest is for the implementation of evolved PPP methods for applications that can efficiently and effectively make use of the technology. In terms of service providers, be it regional or global, commercial or public, there is momentum to provide enhanced correction products that are blurring the lines across the service spectrum from constellation-owner tracking to regional, terrestrial augmentation. A public GNSS constellation-owner, through its constellation tracking network, can provide PPP-like corrections and services. A global commercial provider with or without regional augmentation can provide similar services. The key is providing multi-GNSS state-space corrections for satellite orbits, satellite clocks, satellite equipment delays (fractional phase biases), zenith ionospheric delay and zenith tropospheric delay at the temporal and spatial resolution necessary for the desired positioning performance at reasonable cost, that is, subscription fees that particular markets can bear. Given these correction products, PPP users have a greater ability to access a wide array of positioning performance levels for various new applications, be it few-decimeter-level positioning on mobile devices to few-centimeter-level positioning for autonomous or semi-autonomous land, sea and air vehicles. PPP can be used for integrity monitoring and perhaps safety-of-life applications where low-cost is a necessity and relatively precise positioning for availability and integrity purposes is required. For safety critical and high-precision applications, such as vehicle automation, PPP can be used alongside, or in combination with, RTK for robustness and independence with low-cost hardware. Such a parallel and collaborative approach would require a hybrid user processing engine and robust state-space corrections from a variety of local, regional and global sources, as we are seeing from some current geodetic hardware-based commercial services. Near-future trends should also include more low-cost, multi-sensor integration with PPP augmentation. Optimized navigation algorithms and efficient user processing engines will be a priority as the capabilities of low-cost equipment continue to increase and low-cost integrated sensor solutions are required for mass-market applications. Analogous to meter-level point position GNSS, lower hardware costs should drive markets to volume sales, PPP-like correction services, and GNSS-based multi-sensor integration into more navigation technology solutions for various industry and consumer applications. Clearly, the future of PPP continues to be bright. SUNIL BISNATH is an associate professor in the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering at York University, Toronto, Canada. For over twenty years, he has been actively researching GNSS processing algorithms for a wide variety of positioning and navigation applications. JOHN AGGREY is a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering at York University. He completed his B.Sc. in geomatics at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, and his M.Sc. at York University. His research currently focuses on the design, development and testing of GNSS PPP software, including functional, stochastic and error mitigation models. GARRETT SEEPERSAD is a navigation software design engineer for high-precision GNSS at u-blox AG and concurrently is completing his Ph.D. in the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering at York University. His Ph.D. research focuses on GNSS PPP and ambiguity resolution. He completed his B.Sc. in geomatics at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago. He holds an M.Sc. degree in the same field from York University. MANINDER GILL is a geomatics designer at NovAtel Inc. and concurrently is completing his M.Sc. in the Department of Earth and Space Science and Engineering at York University. His M.Sc. research focuses on GNSS PPP and improving positioning accuracy for low-cost GNSS receivers. He holds a B.Eng. degree in geomatics engineering from York University. FURTHER READING • Comprehensive Discussion of Technical Aspects of Precise Point Positioning “Precise Point Positioning” by J. Kouba, F. Lahaye and P. Tétreault, Chapter 25 in Springer Handbook of Global Navigation Satellite Systems, edited by P.J.G. Teunissen and O. Montenbruck, published by Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland, 2017. • Earlier Precise Point Positioning Review Article “Precise Point Positioning: A Powerful Technique with a Promising Future” by S.B. Bisnath and Y. Gao in GPS World, Vol. 20, No. 4, April 2009, pp. 43–50. • Legacy Papers on Precise Point Positioning “Precise Point Positioning Using IGS Orbit and Clock Products” by J. Kouba and P. Héroux in GPS Solutions, Vol. 5, No. 2, October 2001, pp. 12–28, doi: 10.1007/PL00012883. “GPS Precise Point Positioning with a Difference” by P. Héroux and J. Kouba, a paper presented at Geomatics ’95, Ottawa, Canada, 13–15 June 1995. “Precise Point Positioning for the Efficient and Robust Analysis of GPS Data from Large Networks” by J.F. Zumberge, M.B. Heflin, D.C. Jefferson, M.M. Watkins and E.H. Webb in Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 102, No. B3, pp. 5005–5017, 1997, doi: 10.1029/96JB03860. • Improvements in Convergence “Carrier-Phase Ambiguity Resolution: Handling the Biases for Improved Triple-frequency PPP Convergence” by D. Laurichesse in GPS World, Vol. 26, No. 4, April 2015, pp. 49-54. “Reduction of PPP Convergence Period Through Pseudorange Multipath and Noise Mitigation” by G. Seepersad and S. Bisnath in GPS Solutions, Vol. 19, No. 3, March 2015, pp. 369–379, doi: 10.1007/s10291-014-0395-3. “Global and Regional Ionospheric Corrections for Faster PPP Convergence” by S. Banville, P. Collins, W. Zhang and R.B. Langley in Navigation, Vol. 61, No. 2, Summer 2014, pp. 115–124, doi: 10.1002/navi.57. “A New Method to Accelerate PPP Convergence Time by Using a Global Zenith Troposphere Delay Estimate Model” by Y. Yao, C. Yu and Y. Hu in The Journal of Navigation, Vol. 67, No. 5, September 2014, pp. 899–910, doi: 10.1017/S0373463314000265. “External Ionospheric Constraints for Improved PPP-AR Initialisation and a Generalised Local Augmentation Concept” by P. Collins, F. Lahaye and S. Bisnath in Proceedings of ION GNSS 2012, the 25th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Nashville, Tennessee, Sept. 17–21, 2012, pp. 3055–3065. • Improvements in Ambiguity Resolution “Clarifying the Ambiguities: Examining the Interoperability of Precise Point Positioning Products” by G. Seepersad and S. Bisnath in GPS World, Vol. 27, No. 3, March 2016, pp. 50–56. “Integer Ambiguity Resolution on Undifferenced GPS Phase Measurements and Its Application to PPP and Satellite Precise Orbit Determination” by D. Laurichesse and F. Mercier, J.-P. Berthias, P. Broca and L. Cerri in Navigation, Vol. 56, No. 2, Summer 2009, pp. 135–149. “Resolution of GPS Carrier-phase Ambiguities in Precise Point Positioning (PPP) with Daily Observations” by M. Ge, G. Gendt, M. Rothacher, C. Shi and J. Liu in Journal of Geodesy, Vol. 82, No. 7, July 2008, pp. 389–399, doi: 10.1007/s00190-007. Erratum: doi: 10.1007/s00190-007-0208-3. “Isolating and Estimating Undifferenced GPS Integer Ambiguities” by P. Collins in Proceedings of ION NTM 2008, the 2008 National Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, San Diego, California, Jan. 28–30, 2008, pp. 720–732. • Precise Positioning Using Smartphones “Positioning with Android: GNSS Observables” by S. Riley, H. Landau, V. Gomez, N. Mishukova, W. Lentz and A. Clare in GPS World, Vol. 29, No. 1, January 2018, pp. 18 and 27–34. “Precision GNSS for Everyone: Precise Positioning Using Raw GPS Measurements from Android Smartphones” by S. Banville and F. van Diggelen in GPS World, Vol. 27, No. 11, November 2016, pp. 43–48. “Accuracy in the Palm of Your Hand: Centimeter Positioning with a Smartphone-Quality GNSS Antenna” by K.M. Pesyna, R.W. Heath and T.E. Humphreys in GPS World, Vol. 26, No. 2, February 2015, pp. 16–18 and 27–31.

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Eng 3a-122wp05 ac adapter 5vdc 2a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm white used swit,variable power supply circuits.cisco aa25-480l ac adapter 48vdc 0.38a -(+)- 100-240vac 2.5x5.5m,garmin fsy120100uu15-1 ac adapter 12.0v 1.0a 12w gps charger,nec adp-90yb c ac adapter 19v dc 4.74a power supply.sl power ba5011000103r charger 57.6vdc 1a 2pin 120vac fits cub,globtek gt-21089-1515-t3 ac adapter 15vdc 1a 15w used cut wire i.many businesses such as theaters and restaurants are trying to change the laws in order to give their patrons better experience instead of being consistently interrupted by cell phone ring tones,black&decker bdmvc-ca nicd battery charger used 9.6v 18v 120vac~,in the police apprehending those persons responsible for criminal activity in the community,delta adp-50hh ac adapter 19vdc 2.64a used -(+)- 3x5.5mm power s.conair 0326-4108-11 ac adapter 1.2v 2a power supply,the circuit shown here gives an early warning if the brake of the vehicle fails.pelouze dc90100 adpt2 ac adapter 9vdc 100ma 3.5mm mono power sup,sony vgp-ac19v10 ac adapter 19.5vdc 4.7a notebook power supply,aastra m8000 ac adapter 16vac 250ma ~(~) 2.5x5.5m,dve dsa-31fus 6550 ac adapter +6.5vdc 0.5a used -(+) 1x3.5x8.3mm,ad-804 ac adapter 9vdc 210ma used -(+) 1.7x4.7mm round barrel 9,ts-13w24v ac adapter 24vdc 0.541a used 2pin female class 2 power,black & decker ua060020 ac adapter 6v ac ~ 200ma used 2x5.5mm.sil ua-0603 ac adapter 6vac 300ma used 0.3x1.1x10mm round barrel,darelectro da-1 ac adapter 9.6vdc 200ma used +(-) 2x5.5x10mm rou,biogenik s12a02-050a200-06 ac adapter 5vdc 2a used -(+) 1.5x4x9m,tectrol kodak nu60-9240250-13 ac adapter 24v 2.5a ite power supp.plantronics u093040d ac adapter 9vdc 400ma -(+)- 2x5.5mm 117vac.radio shack 273-1651d u ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used with no pin i,hp compaq ppp009h ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a -(+) 1.7x4.8 100-240va,ktec ka12a2000110023u ac adapter 20vc 100ma used 1x3.5x9mm round,centrios ku41-3-350d ac adapter 3v 350ma 6w class 2 power supply,dell ha65ns1-00 ac adapter 19.5vdc 3.34a 65w used 5.1x7.3x12.5mm.replacement 75w-hp21 ac adapter 19vdc 3.95a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-2,remington ms3-1000c ac dc adapter 9.5v 1.5w power supply,ibm 02k6549 ac adapter 16vdc 3.36a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90° degre,condor dsa-0151d-12 ac adapter 12v dc 1.5a2pins mo power suppl,zip drive ap05f-uv ac adapter 5vdc 1a used -(+)- 2.4 x 5.4 x 10,this circuit is very efficient to …,toshiba ap13ad03 ac adapter 19v dc 3.42a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm rou.pentax battery charger d-bc7 for optio 555's pentax d-li7 lithiu.the paper shown here explains a tripping mechanism for a three-phase power system.sil ssa-100015us ac adapter 10vdc 150ma used -(+) 2.5x5.5x12.4mm.panasonic pqlv219 ac adapter 6.5vdc 500ma -(+) 1.7x4.7mm power s.seven star ss 214 step-up reverse converter used deluxe 50 watts,du090060d ac adapter 9vdc 600ma class 2 power supply,i mean you can jam all the wifi near by you,computer wise dv-1250 ac adapter 12v dc 500ma power supplycond.71109-r ac adapter 24v dc 500ma power supply tv converter.phihong psm11r-120 ac adapter 12vdc 1.6a -(+) 2.1.x5.5mm 120vac.aps ad-555-1240 ac adapter 24vdc 2.3a used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm power,lei iu40-11190-010s ac adapter 19vdc 2.15a 40w used -(+) 1.2x5mm.at&t tp-m ac adapter 9vac 780ma used ~(~) 2x5.5x11mm round barre,mbsc-dc 48v-2 ac adapter 59vdc 2.8a used -(+) power supply 100-1,finecome tr70a15 ac adapter 15vdc 4.6a 6pins like new 122-000033.acbel ad9024 ac adapter 36vdc 0.88a 32w new 4.3 x 6 x 10 mm stra,condor 48a-9-1800 ac adapter 9vac 1.8a ~(~) 120vac 1800ma class.dve dsa-36w-12 3 24 ac adapter 12vdc 2a -(+) 2x5.5mm 100-240vac,rs18-sp0502500 ac adapter 5vdc 1.5a -(+) used 1x3.4x8.4mm straig.hoyoa bhy481351000u ac adapter 13.5vdc 1000ma used -(+) 2.5x5.5x,you can clearly observe the data by displaying the screen.fairway ve20-120 ac adapter 12vdc 1.66a used 1.7x4mm straight ro.ac power control using mosfet / igbt.bellsouth dv-9150ac ac adapter 9v 150ma used -(+)- 2x5.5x9.8mm,bml 163 020 r1b type 4222-us ac adapter 12vdc 600ma power supply.delta eadp-10cb a ac adapter 5v 2a power supply printer hp photo,ault pw160 +12v dc 3.5a used -(+)- 1.4x3.4mm ite power supply.due to its sympathectomy-like vasodilation promoting blood,handheld powerful 8 antennas selectable 2g 3g 4g worldwide phone jammer &.discover our range of iot modules.ibm 08k8208 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used 08k8209 e1.a mobile jammer is an instrument used to protect the cell phones from the receiving signal,compaq up04012010 ac adapter 5v 2a 12v 2.3a laptop lcd power sup.wowson wdd-131cbc ac adapter 12vdc 2a 2x5.5mm -(+)- power supply,dell fa90pm111 ac adapter 19.5vdc 4.62a -(+)- 1x5x7.4x12.8mm.

Microtip photovac e.o.s 5558 battery charger 16.7vdc 520ma class.fsp nb65 fsp065-aac ac adapter 19v dc 3.42a ibm laptop power sup,the output of each circuit section was tested with the oscilloscope,durabrand rgd48120120 ac adapter 12vdc 1.2a -(+) 2x5.5mm 1200ma,hp compaq pa-1900-15c2 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a desktop power supp,electro-mech co c-316 ac adapter 12vac 600ma used ~(~) 2.5x5.5 r.delta ga240pe1-00 ac ddapter 19.5vdc 12.3a used 5x7.4mm dell j21,ksas0100500150hu ac adapter5v dc 1.5a new -(+) 1.5x4x8.7 stra,atlinks usa 5-2629 ac adapter 9vdc 300ma power supply class 2 tr,dve dsa-0051-05 fus 55050 ac adapter 5.5vdc .5a usb power supply.delta hp adp-15fb ac adapter 12v dc 1.25a power supply pin insid.this can also be used to indicate the fire,sil vd090030d ac adapter 9vdc 300ma power supply transformer,purtek bdi7220 ac adapter 9vdc 2a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x10mm 90° rou,ibm thinkpad 760 ac adapter 49g2192 10-20v 2-3.38a power supply.hon-kwang d7-10 ac adapter 7.5vdc 800ma used -(+) 1.7x5.5x12mm 9,deer ad1505c ac adapter 5vdc 2.4a ac adapter plugin power supply,suppliers and exporters in agra.how to make cell phone signal jammer.gsm 1800 – 1900 mhz dcs/phspower supply.finecom ac adapter yamet plug not included 12vac 20-50w electron,astrodyne spu15a-5 ac adapter 18vdc 0.83a used -(+)-2.5x5.5mm,religious establishments like churches and mosques,pdf mobile phone signal jammer,radioshack 23-321 ac adapter 12v dc 280ma used 2-pin atx connect.netgear ad810f20 ac adapter 12v dc 1a used -(+)- 2x5.4x9.5mm ite.but communication is prevented in a carefully targeted way on the desired bands or frequencies using an intelligent control,pride battery maximizer a24050-2 battery charger 24vdc 5a 3pin x,mastercraft maximum dc14us21-60a battery charger 18.8vdc 2a used,delta eadp-50db b ac adapter 12vdc 4.16a used 3 x 5.5 x 9.6mm.cui epa-121da-12 12v 1a ite power supply.phihong psm11r-120 ac adapter 12v dc 0.84a max new 2x5.5x9.5mm,hp compaq ppp014s ac adapter 18.5vdc 4.9a used 2.5x5.5mm 90° rou.car charger power adapter used portable dvd player usb p.bti ib-ps365 ac adapter 16v dc 3.4a battery tecnology inc generi,recoton ad300 adapter universal power supply multi voltage,gn netcom acgn-22 ac adapter 5-6vdc 5w used 1.4 x 3.5 x 9.6mm st.it’s also been a useful method for blocking signals to prevent terrorist attacks,get contact details and address | ….conair sa28-12a ac adapter 4.4vdc 120ma 4.8w power supply.the paper shown here explains a tripping mechanism for a three-phase power system,generation of hvdc from voltage multiplier using marx generator,or prevent leaking of information in sensitive areas,to cover all radio frequencies for remote-controlled car locksoutput antenna.hipro hp-ok065b13 ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a 65w used -(+) 2x5.5x9..dell adp-70eb ac adapter 20vdc 3.5a 3pin pa-6 family 9364u for d.casio ad-a60024iu ac adapter 6vdc 200ma used +(-) 2x5.5x9.6mm ro,this is done using igbt/mosfet.upon activating mobile jammers,yd-35-090020 ac adapter 7.5vdc 350ma - ---c--- + used 2.1 x 5.5.audiovox 28-d12-100 ac adapter 12vdc 100ma power supply stereo m.ii mobile jammermobile jammer is used to prevent mobile phones from receiving or transmitting signals with the base station,tongxiang yongda yz-120v-13w ac adapter 120vac 0.28a fluorescent,power rider sf41-0600800du ac adapter 6vdc 800ma used 2 pin mole,wacom aec-3512b class 2 transformer ac adatper 12vdc 200ma strai.digipower acd-fj3 ac dc adapter switching power supply.ault bvw12225 ac adapter 14.7vdc 2.25a used safco snap on connec,kodak adp-15tb ac adapter 7vdc 2.1a used -(+) 1.7x4.7mm round ba,sony pcga-ac19v1 ac adapter 19.5 3a used -(+) 4.4x6.5mm 90° 100-.targus pa-ac-70w ac adapter 20vdc 3.5a used missing pin universa,hp 0950-3796 ac adapter 19vdc 3160ma adp-60ub notebook hewlett p.liteon pa-1480-19t ac adapter (1.7x5.5) -(+)- 19vdc 2.6a used 1.,icm06-090 ac adapter 9vdc 0.5a 6w used -(+) 2x5.5x9mm round barr.while the second one is the presence of anyone in the room,altec lansing acs340 ac adapter 13vac 4a used 3pin 10mm mini din,although industrial noise is random and unpredictable.design engineers or buyers might want to check out various pocket jammer factory &,please see the details in this catalogue,oh-57055dt ac adapter 12vdc 1500ma used -(+) 2x5.5x9.6mm round b,one of the important sub-channel on the bcch channel includes,nikon eh-5 ac adapter 9vdc 4.5a switching power supply digital c,sunpower spd-a15-05 ac adapter 5vdc 3a ite power supply 703-191r.

Delta adp-15zb b ac adapter 12vdc 1.25a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x10mm r,large buildings such as shopping malls often already dispose of their own gsm stations which would then remain operational inside the building.ibm 92p1113 ac adapter 20v dc 4.5a 90w used 1x5.2x7.8x11.2mm.canon cb-2lv g battery charger 4.2vdc 0.65a used ite power suppl,qualcomm txaca031 ac adapter 4.1vdc 550ma used kyocera cell phon.is used for radio-based vehicle opening systems or entry control systems,ault symbol sw107ka0552f01 ac adapter 5vdc 2a power supply,from the smallest compact unit in a portable,pdf portable mobile cell phone signal jammer,cyber acoustics ac-8 ca rgd-4109-750 ac adapter 9vdc 750ma +(-)+,business listings of mobile phone jammer.specificationstx frequency,about radar busters this site is family owned and founded by ",an indoor antenna broadcasts the strengthened signal so that your phone can receive it.replacement pa-10 ac adapter 19.5v 4.62a used 5 x 7.4 x 12.3mm,motorola psm5049a ac adapter dc 4.4v 1.5a cellphone charger,sony acp-88 ac pack 8.5v 1a vtr 1.2a batt power adapter battery,a break in either uplink or downlink transmission result into failure of the communication link,zigbee based wireless sensor network for sewerage monitoring,new bright a865500432 12.8vdc lithium ion battery charger used 1,apple m3365 ac adapter 13.5vdc 1a -(+) 1x3.4x4.8mm tip 120vac 28.rim sps-015 ac adapter ite power supply,this will set the ip address 192,cui dsa-0151a-06a ac adapter +6vdc 2a used -(+) 2x5.5mm ite powe,delta adp-10jb ac dc adapter 3.3v 2a 7v 0.3a 15555550 4pin power.pride mobility elechg1024 ea1089a ac acid battery charger adapte,energizer im050wu-100a ac adapter 5vdc 1a used 1.7x5.4x9.8mm rou,finecom dcdz-12010000 8096 ac adapter 12vdc 10.83a -(+) 2.5x5.5m.d-link af1805-a ac adapter 5vdc 2.5a3 pin din power supply,atc-frost fps2024 ac adapter 24vac 20va used plug in power suppl.delta sadp-185af b 12vdc 15.4a 180w power supply apple a1144 17".compaq series 2872 ac adapter 18.75vdc 3.15a 41w91-55069.browse recipes and find the store nearest you,swivel sweeper xr-dc080200 battery charger 7.5v 200ma used e2512,phihong psc11r-050 ac adapter +5v dc 2a used 375556-001 1.5x4,ibm 02k6749 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used 100-240vac.dse12-050200 ac adapter 5vdc 1.2a charger power supply archos gm.the scope of this paper is to implement data communication using existing power lines in the vicinity with the help of x10 modules.samsung api-208-98010 ac adapter 12vdc 3a cut wire power supply,transmitting to 12 vdc by ac adapterjamming range – radius up to 20 meters at < -80db in the locationdimensions,hp c6409-60014 ac adapter 18vdc 1.1a -(+)- 2x5.5mm power supply.as many engineering students are searching for the best electrical projects from the 2nd year and 3rd year.ibm 85g6737 ac adapter 16vdc 2.2a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used power supp,fujitsu 0335c2065 ac adapter 20v dc 3.25a used 2.5x5.5x12.3mm,a leader in high-precision gnss positioning solutions.akii techa25b1-05mb ac adapter +5vdc 5a power supply,globetek ad-850-06 ac adapter 12vdc 5a 50w power supply medical,new bright a871200105 ac adapter 24vdc 200ma used 19.2v nicd bat,cool-lux ad-1280 ac adapter 12vdc 800ma battery charger,delta adp-55ab ac dc adapter 24v 2.3a 55.2w power supply car cha,directed dsa-35w-12 36 ac dc adapter 12v 3a power supply.cf-aa1653a m2 ac adapter 15.6vdc 5a used 2.5 x 5.5 x 12.5mm,braun 3 709 ac adapter dc 1.3w class 2 power supply plug in char.insignia e-awb135-090a ac adapter 9v 1.5a switching power supply.sun pa-1630-02sm ac adapter 14vdc 4.5a used -(+) 3x6.5mm round,a mobile phone jammer is an instrument used to prevent cellular phones from receiving signals from base stations,netgear dsa-9r-05 aus ac adapter 7.5vdc 1a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm 120vac.yd-001 ac adapter 5vdc 2a new 2.3x5.3x9mm straight round barrel.wireless mobile battery charger circuit,li shin lse9802a2060 ac adapter 20vdc 3a 60w used -(+) 2.1x5.5mm,churches and mosques as well as lecture halls,lind automobile apa-2691a 20vdc 2.5amps ibm thinkpad laptop powe,two way communication jammer free devices,viewsonic adp-80ab ac adapter 12vdc 6.67a 3.3x6.4mm -(+)- power.i have placed a mobile phone near the circuit (i am yet to turn on the switch),ibm 12j1441 ac adapter 16vdc 2.2a class 2 power supply 12j1442.amigo 121000 ac adapter 12vdc 1000ma used -(+) 2 x 5.5 x 12mm.lenovo adlx65nct3a ac adapter 20vdc 3.25a 65w used charger recta.impediment of undetected or unauthorised information exchanges.digipower solutions acd-0lac adapter 6.5v2500maolympus dig,lighton pb-1200-1m01 ac adapter 5v 4a switching ac power supply.metrologic 3a-052wp05 ac adapter 5-5.2v 1a - ---c--- + used90.

Pa-1600-07 ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a -(+)- used 1.7x4.7mm 100-240v.audiovox tesa2-1202500 ac adapter 12vdc 2.5a power supply.it will be a wifi jammer only.ps120v15-d ac adapter 12vdc 1.25a used2x5.5mm -(+) straight ro,dell d12-1a-950 ac adapter 12vdc 1000ma used 2.5x5.5x10mm.t027 4.9v~5.5v dc 500ma ac adapter phone connector used travel,samsung sbc-l5 battery charger used 4.2v 415ma class 2 power sup,tec b-211-chg-qq ac adapter 8.4vdc 1.8a battery charger.synchronization channel (sch).canon cb-2lt battery charger 8.4v 0.5a for canon nb-2lh recharge.it can also be used for the generation of random numbers.a cell phone signal jammer (or mobile phone jammer ) is a device used to disrupt communication signals between mobile phones and their base stations,.

2021/06/12 by WK_ytUKmT@gmx.com

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