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  1. General

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      The U.S. Air Force has awarded a GPS III satellite launch contract to SpaceX. This is the third GPS III launch contract awarded; the previous two also were awarded to SpaceX. SpaceX will receive a...

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      News from the European Space Agency (ESA) Two tiny GNSS-RO nanosatellites now circle the Earth, ready for action. The first European Pioneer mission lifted off Nov. 29 from Sriharikota, India, to...

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      Photo: Systron Donner Emcore achieved success in an ultra-high-altitude flight simulation conducted by CAST Navigation, which tested Emcore’s SDN500 inertial navigation system (INS)....

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      On April 1 — there’s a telling date for you — the Russian news outlet RT published a story headlined, “Russia and China to merge satellite tracking systems into one global navigation...

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      Less than three weeks after its launch, the first GPS III satellite, SVN74, started transmitting navigation signals. SVN74 uses the pseudorandom noise (PRN) code number G04 previously used by the...

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      Septentrio has entered into a commercial agreement with Sapcorda, a global provider of sub-decimeter GNSS corrections. Through the collaboration with Sapcorda, Septentrio will pioneer an no-hassle...

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      A roundup of recent products in the GNSS and inertial positioning industry from the April 2020 issue of GPS World  magazine. OEM LPWA module Collaborative IoT solution Photo: Quectel Quectel...

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      New hardware-in-the-loop application programming interface (API) for GNSS simulators enables greater accuracy, integrity and control for growing sensor fusion testing needs Spirent Communications plc...

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      Swift ​​Navigation​, ​​a firm specializing in GNSS positioning technology for autonomous vehicles, looks back on a year of progress in 2019 and forward to what’s ahead in 2020. 2019...

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      On April 1 — there’s a telling date for you — the Russian news outlet RT published a story headlined, “Russia and China to merge satellite tracking systems into one global navigation...

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      Photo: Aceinna Module designed for developers creating guidance and navigation systems for autonomous vehicles, robots, drones, industrial, construction and agricultural machinery Aceinna launched...

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      The ninth Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies, NAVITEC 2018, will be held Dec. 5-7 at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The workshop,...

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      An independent technical review published earlier this month found sufficient data in three government-conducted tests to assess the risk of using frequencies near the GPS band for a ground-based...

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    14. cell phone jammer egypt - Permanent Link to Kite-blown Antarctic explorers make most southerly Galileo positioning fix

      News from the European Space Agency A kite-blown science expedition to the interior of Antarctica has made the most southerly positioning fixes yet made with Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation...

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    15. cell phone blocker sale - Permanent Link to Tallysman debuts VeroStar precision antenna, helical antennas at Intergeo 2019

      The VSP600L VeroStar supports the full GNSS spectrum, as well as L-band correction services. (Photo: Allison Barwacz) Tallysman has released its VSP600L VeroStar precision antenna at Intergeo 2019,...

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    16. cell phone jammer Terrebonne - Permanent Link to Receiver innovators log trends and product launches — Part 1

      Cover photo: Topcon Lay of the GNSS Land Top receiver manufacturers discuss what’s on the horizon for GNSS receivers. The companies reveal recent and upcoming innovations, how to combat spoofing...

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    17. purchase cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to Allystar launches QZSS L6D and L6E decoder

      Allystar Technology Co. has launched its QZSS L6 decoder technology in module TAU-1303, which supports tracking the QZSS signals L6D (CLAS) and L6E (MADOCA). The Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS)...

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      Image: Spire Spire Global, a space-to-cloud analytics company, is now using Galileo to offer GNSS radio occultation (GNSS-RO) products for the weather community. Radio occultation is the process of...

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      On Dec. 4, President Trump signed the Frank LoBiondo U.S. Coast Guard Authorization Act of 2018. Included in that bill was the National Timing Security and Resilience Act of 2018. The act tasks the...

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    20. cell phone jammer Newry - Permanent Link to Spirent adds major GSS9000 series GNSS simulator enhancements

      Multi-frequency, multi-GNSS RF simulator now has greater performance and flexibility Spirent Communications plc has launched its enhanced GSS9000 Series GNSS constellation simulator. Providing...

      • cell phone jammer Newry - Permanent Link to Spirent adds major GSS9000 series GNSS simulator enhancements
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