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  1. General

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      One remark in particular caught my eye as I read the press release précis of the European GNSS Agency’s 2018 GNSS User Technology Report. In point, “Today only around 30 percent of receivers use...

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      The first overseas center for China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) was inaugurated in Tunis, Tunisia, on April 10, according to the Xinhua News Agency. The China-Arab States...

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      Photo: SkyTraq SkyTraq is offering a 12 x 16 millimeter multi-band real-time kinematic (RTK) receiver for centimeter-level accuracy positioning applications. The PX1122R works with all the four...

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    4. camera jammer - Permanent Link to RINEX 3.04 supports new BeiDou, GLONASS and QZSS signals

      RINEX 3.04 contains updates to support planned GLONASS CDMA signals, as well as new BeiDou III and QZSS II signals. The International GNSS Service (IGS) and Radio Technical Commission Maritime...

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      Recently launched satellites of BeiDou Phase 3 program have started broadcasting new signals. Javad GNSS announced successful tracking of these signals and provided the adjacent figures. Interface...

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      Septentrio’s GNSS devices are being used for high-accuracy positioning solutions by two companies. Compact multi-frequency GPS/GNSS receiver module provides robust centimeter-level...

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      China sent a Beidou-2 backup navigation satellite into orbit on a Long March-3A rocket from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, in the southwestern Sichuan Province, at 4:58 a.m. on July 10,...

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      At the GPS World Leadership Dinner and Awards Ceremony in Miami on Sept. 27, 120 VIPs from the international GNSS/PNT community gathered to honor recent significant achievements in four fields:...

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    9. cell phone jammer Macamic - Permanent Link to NAVITEC 2018 focuses on PNT opportunities, new applications

      The ninth Workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies, NAVITEC 2018, will be held Dec. 5-7 at the European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. The workshop,...

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    10. arduino based cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to SBG Systems advances GNSS/INS with 3rd-generation Ellipse

      Photo: SGB Systems SBG Systems renews its popular line of miniature inertial sensors with high-end functionalities and dual frequency RTK SBG Systems has announced the third generation of its...

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    11. gps wifi cellphone spy jammers in - Permanent Link to ION requests final comments on GNSS SDR Metadata Standard

      The Institute of Navigation’s GNSS Software Defined Radio Metadata Standard working group is seeking its second and final public comment on the standard through Nov. 30. In recent years, there has...

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    12. phone jammer cell - Permanent Link to NavCom releases Onyx software-upgradeable GNSS OEM board

      NavCom Technology Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Deere & Company, has released the Onyx multi-frequency GNSS OEM board. Offering integrated StarFire/RTK GNSS capabilities, Onyx features...

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    13. what do cell phone jammers do - Permanent Link to Cohda Wireless partners with u-blox on next-generation V2X

      Cohda Wireless has partnered with u-blox to produce an advanced V2X solution for the global Cooperative Intelligent Transport market. With the partnership, Cohda’s V2X software stack will support...

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    14. electronic cell phone jammers - Permanent Link to Tersus introduces compact GNSS board with full constellation tracking

      Photo: Tersus GNSS Tersus GNSS Inc. has released the BX40C RTK board to support its series of GNSS boards and provide highly accurate and fast positioning services. Powered by the...

      • electronic cell phone jammers - Permanent Link to Tersus introduces compact GNSS board with full constellation tracking
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    15. cell phone jammer download - Permanent Link to Kite-blown Antarctic explorers make most southerly Galileo positioning fix

      News from the European Space Agency A kite-blown science expedition to the interior of Antarctica has made the most southerly positioning fixes yet made with Europe’s Galileo satellite navigation...

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    16. cell phone & gps jammer currently - Permanent Link to Directions 2019: High-orbit GLONASS and CDMA signal

      Yury Urlichich, First Deputy Director General, Roscosmos. (Photo: Roscosmos) By Yury Urlichich First Deputy Director General, Roscosmos State Space Corporation The year 2019 will bring GLONASS users...

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    17. how to make cell phone jammer at home - Permanent Link to GSC publishes technical note on Galileo E6-B/C codes

      Image: GSC The European GNSS Service Centre (GSC) has published “Galileo E6-B/C Codes Technical Note” on the GSC web portal. The GSC is part of the European GNSS Agency (GSA). The document...

      • how to make cell phone jammer at home - Permanent Link to GSC publishes technical note on Galileo E6-B/C codes
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    18. how to build cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to U-blox module enables vehicle connectivity for Molex MAX

      u-blox’ NEO-M8L module with 3D ADR technology and integrated sensors provides accurate vehicle position regardless of satellite visibility. (Image: u-blox) U-blox has collaborated with...

      • how to build cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to U-blox module enables vehicle connectivity for Molex MAX
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    19. gps wifi cellphone camera jammers secret - Permanent Link to DARPA-funded inertial sensors from Honeywell promise greater accuracy

      Findings show accuracy of new sensors is improved by greater than an order of magnitude over current offerings. Honeywell, with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency...

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    20. hidden cellphone jammer free - Permanent Link to ESA’s Pioneer mission sends GNSS-RO nanosatellites into orbit

      News from the European Space Agency (ESA) Two tiny GNSS-RO nanosatellites now circle the Earth, ready for action. The first European Pioneer mission lifted off Nov. 29 from Sriharikota, India, to...

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