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  1. General

    1. video cellphone jammers lancaster , Permanent Link to EU initiative achieves greater airport safety with 3D GNSS

      The European Union (EU) project BLUEGNSS has been developing GNSS applications in selected European airports to increase safety and airport accessibility, according to the European...

      • video cellphone jammers lancaster , Permanent Link to EU initiative achieves greater airport safety with 3D GNSS
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      Map plot from live tests in London show the route of a vehicle driven through Canary Wharf. It shows the difference between the position provided by a standard smartphone GNSS chip (red line) and the...

      • jason r. humphreys cell phone jammer , Permanent Link to U-blox signs deal with UK start-up for cutting-edge GNSS technology
      • lStG2_vya@gmail.com
    4. cell phone jammer dealextreme , Permanent Link to Graduate student Yu Jiao receives ION’s Parkinson Award

      The Institute of Navigation presents Yu Jiao with the Parkinson Award at ION GNSS+ 2018. (Photo: ION) Yu Jiao was recognized for graduate student excellence in GNSS by the Institute of...

      • cell phone jammer dealextreme , Permanent Link to Graduate student Yu Jiao receives ION’s Parkinson Award
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    5. gps wifi cellphone spy jammers radio , Permanent Link to U-blox technology platforms support BeiDou-3

      Current u-blox GNSS platforms — from u-blox M8 and beyond — support the recently completed BeiDou navigation satellite system modernizations, improving the availability of GNSS positioning...

      • gps wifi cellphone spy jammers radio , Permanent Link to U-blox technology platforms support BeiDou-3
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    6. hidden cellphone jammer network , Permanent Link to An overview of the latest PNT satellite launches

      Satellites NTS-1, 2 and 3. (Illustration: Lt. Jacob Lutz, AFRL Space Vehicles Directorate) Just last month we celebrated the kickoff of the GPS III campaign, reporting on the launch of the first...

      • hidden cellphone jammer network , Permanent Link to An overview of the latest PNT satellite launches
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    7. cell-phone jammer , Permanent Link to Combined orbital Galileo-GPS position fix achieved aboard ISS

      News from the European Space Agency Europe’s satellite navigation system Galileo is already in use worldwide, usable by itself or in combination with the U.S. GPS. Now a combined Galileo–GPS...

      • cell-phone jammer , Permanent Link to Combined orbital Galileo-GPS position fix achieved aboard ISS
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    8. cell phone jammer Louiseville , Permanent Link to Left Hand Robotics launches BOLT for outdoor automated equipment

      Image: Left Hand Robotics New BOLT platform enables equipment manufacturers to automate outdoor jobs, adding autonomous navigation, connected sensors and real-time operations to machines. Left Hand...

      • cell phone jammer Louiseville , Permanent Link to Left Hand Robotics launches BOLT for outdoor automated equipment
      • DYP_XEaJMC@gmx.com
    9. cell phone video jammer , Permanent Link to The System: Accuracy from LEO birds improves

      Accuracy from LEO Birds Improves Results from new tests of the Satellite Time and Location (STL) service, using equipment configurations with a differential source and with a more accurate OCXO...

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      • CT_BKL@mail.com
    10. electronic cell phone jammers , Permanent Link to Tersus introduces compact GNSS board with full constellation tracking

      Photo: Tersus GNSS Tersus GNSS Inc. has released the BX40C RTK board to support its series of GNSS boards and provide highly accurate and fast positioning services. Powered by the...

      • electronic cell phone jammers , Permanent Link to Tersus introduces compact GNSS board with full constellation tracking
      • M1_20Ew@gmx.com
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      Different platform configurations rapidly emerge Drones continue to move further into everyday life and activity as they become more involved in applications that touch almost everyone. Previously a...

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    12. cheapest cell phone jammer , Permanent Link to Northrop Grumman declines to bid on GPS III Follow On contract

      Northrop Grumman has declined to bid on the U.S. Air Force GPS III Follow On contract, reports SpaceNews, making it the second company after Boeing not to bid. The decision means Lockheed Martin is...

      • cheapest cell phone jammer , Permanent Link to Northrop Grumman declines to bid on GPS III Follow On contract
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    13. mobile cell phone jammer , Permanent Link to ITSNT 2018 features navigation and timing experts

      The International Technical Symposium on Navigation and Timing, also known as the ITSNT, is an annual event organized by Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES) and Ecole Nationale de...

      • mobile cell phone jammer , Permanent Link to ITSNT 2018 features navigation and timing experts
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    14. s-cell phone and gps jammers on animal , Permanent Link to Tallysman offers new GNSS helical antennas, splitters

      Tallysman Wireless Inc. has added two new models to its line of GNSS helical antennas. Also new are two GNSS signal splitters. New Helical Antennas HC976 triple-band helical antenna with L-band,...

      • s-cell phone and gps jammers on animal , Permanent Link to Tallysman offers new GNSS helical antennas, splitters
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    15. cell phone and wifi blocker , Permanent Link to First GPS III satellite successfully launched

      After several delays, the first GPS III satellite has successfully deployed from the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, which launched from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida at 8:51 a.m. EST on...

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    16. s-cell phone and gps jammers nutritional , Permanent Link to Satelles shows improved PNT accuracy from LEO constellation

      Satelles had demonstrated in 2016 sub-microsecond timing using its Satellite Time & Location (STL) service with a stand-alone TCXO-based receiver. The service uses a signal from the Iridium...

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    17. gps wifi cellphone spy jammers mn , Permanent Link to China launches pair of BeiDou-3 satellites into orbit

      China successfully launched a pair of BeiDou-3 navigation satellites into medium Earth orbits on Oct. 15, according to GB Times. Four hours after the launch, the two satellites were inserted into...

      • gps wifi cellphone spy jammers mn , Permanent Link to China launches pair of BeiDou-3 satellites into orbit
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    18. gps cell phone blocker , Permanent Link to Taking a look at the rest of the Ligado story

      Alan Cameron Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, GPS World “All the News that Fits” can sometimes be a hard motto to live up to, and it has turned out so this month. I want to get more...

      • gps cell phone blocker , Permanent Link to Taking a look at the rest of the Ligado story
      • Rp_bz8x@gmx.com
    19. cheap cell phone jammers , Permanent Link to ICG aims for stronger interoperability, transparency

      The United Nations’ International Committee on GNSS (ICG) held its 13th meeting in Xi’an, China, Nov. 4-9. Attendees included the four major GNSS: GPS (United States), GLONASS...

      • cheap cell phone jammers , Permanent Link to ICG aims for stronger interoperability, transparency
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    20. cell phone & gps jammer reviews , Permanent Link to Farewell to the Golden Age of GPS

      One remark in particular caught my eye as I read the press release précis of the European GNSS Agency’s 2018 GNSS User Technology Report. In point, “Today only around 30 percent of receivers use...

      • cell phone &   gps jammer reviews , Permanent Link to Farewell to the Golden Age of GPS
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      3g blocker signal , signal blocker pyqt hover

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    30. Block cell signal , signal blocker pyqt widget

      Block cell signal , signal blocker pyqt widget

      • 6SWNO_QqHZsawh@gmx.com

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