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  1. General

    1. are there cell phone jammers - Permanent Link to Vision-RTK sensor debuts at Intergeo Digital 2020

      Vision-RTK enables applications in previously unreachable areas and unlocks new possibilities for autonomous ground robots and drones At this year’s Intergeo Digital event, taking place Oct. 13-15,...

      • are there cell phone jammers - Permanent Link to Vision-RTK sensor debuts at Intergeo Digital 2020
      • Qr9Uo_zATyM@outlook.com
    2. kaidaer cellphone jammer words - Permanent Link to Hot, cold, high, low: GNSS and INS perform under pressure

      GNSS and inertial navigation sensors are meeting the challenges of extreme conditions, from freezing Arctic ice to the edges of steaming volcanoes, from high-speed aircraft over cities to the subways...

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    3. zone of silence cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to Lockheed Martin submits proposal for U.S. Air Force GPS IIIF program

      Lockheed Martin has submitted a competitive and fully compliant proposal for the U.S. Air Force’s GPS III Follow On (GPS IIIF) program, which will add enhanced capabilities to the most advanced GPS...

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    4. kaidaer cellphone jammer yellow - Permanent Link to Satelles shows improved PNT accuracy from LEO constellation

      Satelles had demonstrated in 2016 sub-microsecond timing using its Satellite Time & Location (STL) service with a stand-alone TCXO-based receiver. The service uses a signal from the Iridium...

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    5. cell phone & gps jammer yakima - Permanent Link to Tallysman debuts mini embedded VeroStar GNSS antennas

      Tallysman Wireless Inc. has added four new embedded VeroStar Mini products to its line of antennas. The ultra-compact and lightweight embedded VeroStar Mini models offer the same key features as the...

      • cell phone &    gps jammer yakima - Permanent Link to Tallysman debuts mini embedded VeroStar GNSS antennas
      • zWL_kzrK0@yahoo.com
    6. gps wifi cellphone camera jammers swim - Permanent Link to Parker LORD launches all-in-one RTK system

      Photo: Parker LORD Parker LORD has launched the 3DM-GQ7 dual-antenna RTK inertial navigation system with multiple integrated aiding sensors and support for external aiding. It has two...

      • gps wifi cellphone camera jammers swim - Permanent Link to Parker LORD launches all-in-one RTK system
      • o6i3_tUxZ9@gmx.com
    7. simplisafe and cell phone jammers - Permanent Link to U-blox GNSS modules help UAVs carry out life-saving work

      The u-blox ZED-F9P, a high-precision GNSS module that delivers centimeter-level accuracy within seconds, has been incorporated into the latest electric Tron F90+ fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicles...

      • simplisafe and cell phone jammers - Permanent Link to U-blox GNSS modules help UAVs carry out life-saving work
      • 2n9_cueUsk@outlook.com
    8. low cost cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to Galileo constellation grows by 4 satellites

      Galileo satellites GSAT0215, GSAT0216, GSAT0217 and GSAT0218, launched in December 2017, were commissioned for operational use as of Oct. 12, with all signals usable: Open Service, Public Regulated...

      • low cost cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to Galileo constellation grows by 4 satellites
      • 52jcF_A1gH@gmail.com
    9. cell phone jammer thailand - Permanent Link to GSA and Thales launch EDG²E for aviation navigation with Galileo

      The European GNSS Agency (GSA) has officially launched the equipment for dual frequency Galileo, GPS and EGNOS project (EDG²E) with a consortium led by Thales. The four-year project intends to...

      • cell phone jammer thailand - Permanent Link to GSA and Thales launch EDG²E for aviation navigation with Galileo
      • 9z1Q_WhFKQDw@aol.com
    10. cell phone jammer Peterborough - Permanent Link to Tallysman offers new GNSS helical antennas, splitters

      Tallysman Wireless Inc. has added two new models to its line of GNSS helical antennas. Also new are two GNSS signal splitters. New Helical Antennas HC976 triple-band helical antenna with L-band,...

      • cell phone jammer Peterborough - Permanent Link to Tallysman offers new GNSS helical antennas, splitters
      • 5hq2_C1op5wo@gmx.com
    11. cell phone jammer Winchester - Permanent Link to Swift travels across US with Skylark lane-level positioning

      Swift’s first-of-its-kind, cross-continental drive demonstrates the performance of Skylark. (Image: Swift Navigation) Swift’s first-of-its-kind, cross-continental drive demonstrates the...

      • cell phone jammer Winchester - Permanent Link to Swift travels across US with Skylark lane-level positioning
      • MfL_Qj1m@aol.com
    12. introduction of cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to Launchpad: Datalogger, receivers, timing

      A roundup of recent products in the GNSS and inertial positioning industry from the November 2019 issue of GPS World magazine. SURVEYING & MAPPING IMU-RTK receiver Increases GNSS...

      • introduction of cell phone jammer - Permanent Link to Launchpad: Datalogger, receivers, timing
      • RyUvY_krPZ@mail.com
    13. cell phone jammer florida - Permanent Link to PNT Board opposes Ligado ‘lite’ proposal, DARPA seeks photonics

      On Aug. 10, the National Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Advisory Board, the government’s GPS expert board, sent a letter to the National Executive Committee for Space-Based...

      • cell phone jammer florida - Permanent Link to PNT Board opposes Ligado ‘lite’ proposal, DARPA seeks photonics
      • C1w_J9hwyC@gmail.com
    14. portable gps cell phone jammer sale - Permanent Link to Tallysman’s new antennas designed for Iridium STL signals

      Photo: Tallysman Tallysman Wireless has introduced two lightweight and compact active Iridium helical antennas designed to receive Iridium Satellite Time and Location (STL) signals. The signals are...

      • portable gps cell phone jammer sale - Permanent Link to Tallysman’s new antennas designed for Iridium STL signals
      • vo_8xap@outlook.com
    15. wifi cellphone jammer - Permanent Link to Boeing won’t bid on GPS III Follow On contract

      Boeing has decided to not submit a proposal to build up to 22 GPS III satellites for the U.S. Air Force. The GPS III Follow On (GPS IIIF) program will supply additional upgraded satellites to...

      • wifi cellphone jammer - Permanent Link to Boeing won’t bid on GPS III Follow On contract
      • 3fBMt_BDcGY2@gmail.com
    16. cell phone signal block - Permanent Link to GNSS receiver, drone developments from AUVSI Xponential 2018

      As the dust from this year’s AUVSI Xponential show, which took place May 1-4 in Denver, begins to settle, we complete the overview we began last month and wrap up our coverage of the show....

      • cell phone signal block - Permanent Link to GNSS receiver, drone developments from AUVSI Xponential 2018
      • oX2Cl_dfsiU@aol.com
    17. cell phone jammer for sale cheap - Permanent Link to Per Enge memorial webcast this Saturday

      On Saturday, Nov. 10, Stanford colleagues of Professor Per Enge will host a celebration of his life. A live webcast of the event will be available here at  at 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The...

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      • Xc_vqfeK@gmx.com
    18. cell phone jammers uk - Permanent Link to DHS to host 2020 GPS equipment testing event this summer

      The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) is hosting the 2020 GPS Equipment Testing for Critical Infrastructure (GET-CI) event. This event will...

      • cell phone jammers uk - Permanent Link to DHS to host 2020 GPS equipment testing event this summer
      • sC4U_yAw5Oje@gmx.com
    19. cell phone jammer Saint-Sauveur - Permanent Link to Septentrio partners with NXP, Analog Devices for high-precision

      Septentrio’s GNSS devices are being used for high-accuracy positioning solutions by two companies. Compact multi-frequency GPS/GNSS receiver module provides robust centimeter-level...

      • cell phone jammer Saint-Sauveur - Permanent Link to Septentrio partners with NXP, Analog Devices for high-precision
      • 5i_nWE@mail.com
    20. hidden cellphone jammer blocker - Permanent Link to GMV NSL launched: GMV merges UK company with Nottingham Scientific

      GMV Innovating Solutions Limited — the U.K. aerospace company belonging to the Spanish technology multinational GMV — has signed a merger agreement with Nottingham Scientific Limited (NSL). GMV...

      • hidden cellphone jammer blocker - Permanent Link to GMV NSL launched: GMV merges UK company with Nottingham Scientific
      • KPm_8HY8@outlook.com
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