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Using GPS Multipath for Snow-Depth Estimation By Felipe G. Nievinski and Kristine M. Larson INNOVATION INSIGHTS by Richard Langley FRINGES. No, I’m not talking about the latest celebrity hairstyles nor the canopy of an American doorless, four-wheeled carriage from yesteryear (think Oklahoma!). I’m talking about interference fringes. But there is a connection to these other uses of the word fringe as we’ll see. You’ve all seen interference fringes at your local gas station, typically after it has just rained. They are the alternating bands of color we perceive when looking at a gasoline or oil slick in a puddle of water. They are caused by the white light from the Sun or artificial lighting reflected from the top surface of the slick and that from the bottom surface at the slick-water interface combining or interfering with each other at our eyeballs. The two sets of light waves arrive slightly out of phase with each other, and depending on the wavelengths of the reflected light and our angle of view, produce the colorful fringes. If the incident light was monochromatic, consisting of a single frequency or wavelength, then we would perceive just alternating bright and dark bands. The bright bands result from constructive interference when the phase difference is a near a multiple of 2π whereas the dark bands result from destructive interference when the difference is near an odd multiple of π. Interference fringes had been seen long before the invention of the automobile. They are clearly seen on soap bubbles and the iridescent colors of peacock feathers, Morpho butterflies, and jewel beetles are also due to the interference phenomenon rather than pigmentation. Sir Isaac Newton did experiments on interference fringes (amongst other things) and tried to explain their existence — wrongly, it turned out. But he did coin the term fringes since they resembled the decorative fringe sometimes used on clothing, drapery, and, yes, surrey canopies. It was the English polymath, Thomas Young, who, in 1801, first demonstrated interference as a consequence of the wave-nature of light with his famous double-slit experiment. You may have replicated his experiment in a high-school physics class. I did and I think I did it again as an undergraduate student taking a course in optics. Already by that point I was aiming for a career in physics or space science but I didn’t know that as a graduate student I would do research involving interference fringes. But not using light waves. My research involved the application of very long baseline interferometry or VLBI to geodesy. VLBI had been developed by radio astronomers to better understand the structure of quasars and other esoteric celestial objects. At either ends of a baseline connecting large radio telescopes, perhaps stretching between continents, the quasar signals were recorded on magnetic tape and precisely registered using atomic clocks. When the tapes were played back and the signals aligned, one obtained interference fringes as peaks and troughs in an analog or digital waveform. Computer analysis of these fringes not only provided information on the structure of the observed radio source but also on the distance between the radio telescopes — eventually accurate enough to measure continental drift.  But what has all of this got to do with GPS? In this month’s column, we look at a technique that uses fringes generated by signals arriving at an antenna directly from GPS satellites and those reflected by snow surrounding the antenna to measure its depth and how it varies over time. GPS for measuring snow depth; who would have thought? “Innovation” is a regular feature that discusses advances in GPS technology and its applications as well as the fundamentals of GPS positioning. The column is coordinated by Richard Langley of the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick. He welcomes comments and topic ideas. Snowpacks are a vital resource for human existence on our planet. They provide reservoirs of fresh water, storing solid precipitation and delaying runoff. One sixth of the world population depends on this resource. Both scientists and water-supply managers need to know how much fresh water is stored in snowpack and how fast it is being released as a result of melting. Snow monitoring from space is currently under investigation by both NASA and ESA. Greatly complementary to such spaceborne sensors are automated ground-based methods; the latter not only serve as essential independent validation and calibration for the former, but are also valuable for climate studies and flood/drought monitoring on their own. It is desirable for such estimates to be provided at an intermediary scale, between point-like in situ samples and wider area pixels. In the last decade, GPS multipath reflectometry (GPS-MR), also known as GPS interferometric reflectometry and GPS interference-pattern technique, has been proposed for monitoring snow. This method tracks direct GPS signals, those that travel directly to an antenna, that have interfered with a coherently reflected signal, turning the GPS unit into an interferometer (see FIGURE 1). Its main variant is based on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) measurements, although GPS-MR is also possible with carrier-phase and pseudorange observables. Data are collected at existing GPS base stations that employ commercial-off-the-shelf receivers and antennas in a conventional, antenna-upright setup. Other researchers have used a custom antenna and/or a dedicated setup, with the antenna tipped for enhanced multipath reception. FIGURE 1. Standard geodetic receiver installation. The antenna is protected by a hemispherical radome. The monument (tripod structure) is ~ 2 meters above the ground. GPS satellites rise and set in ascending and descending sky tracks, multiple times per day. The specular reflection point migrates radially away from the receiver for decreasing satellite elevation angle. The total reflector height is made up of an a priori value and an unknown bias driven by the thickness of the snow layer. In this article, we summarize the SNR-based GPS-MR technique as applied to snow sensing using geodetic instruments. This forward/inverse approach for GPS-MR is new in that it capitalizes on known information about the antenna response and the physics of surface scattering to aid in retrieving the unknown snow conditions in the site surroundings. It is a statistically rigorous retrieval algorithm, agreeing to first order with the simpler original methodology, which is retained here for the inversion bootstrapping. The first part of the article describes the retrieval algorithm, while the second part provides validation at a representative site over an extended period of time.  Physical Forward Model SNR observations are formulated as SNR = Ps/Pn. In the denominator, we have the noise power, Pn, here taken as a constant, based on nominal values for the noise power spectral density and the noise bandwidth. The numerator is composite signal power: .   (1) Its incoherent component is the sum of the respective direct and reflected powers (although direct incoherent power is negligible). In contrast, the coherent composite signal power follows from the complex sum of direct and reflection average voltages (not to be confused with the electromagnetic propagating fields, which neglect the receiving antenna response and also the receiver tracking process): (2) It is expressed in terms of the coherent direct and reflected powers, as well as the interferometric phase,  , (3) which amounts to the reflection excess phase with respect to the direct signal. We decompose observations, SNR = tSNR + dSNR, into a trend   (4) over which interference fringes are superimposed: . (5)  From now on, we neglect the incoherent power, which only impacts tSNR, not dSNR, and drop the coherent power superscript, for brevity. The direct or line-of-sight power is formulated as   (6) where    is the direction-dependent right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) power component incident on an isotropic antenna; the left-handed circularly polarized (LHCP) component is negligible. The direct antenna gain, , is obtained evaluating the antenna pattern in the satellite direction and with RHCP polarization. The reflection power, , (7) is defined starting with the same incident isotropic power, , as in the direct power. It ends with a coherent power attenuation factor,    (8) where  θ  is the angle of incidence (with respect to the surface normal), k = 2π/λ, is the wave number, and λ = 24.4 centimeters is the carrier wavelength for the civilian GPS signal on the L2 frequency (L2C). This polarization-independent factor accounts only for small-scale residual height above and below a large-scale trend surface. The former/latter results from high-/low-pass filtering the actual surface heights using the first Fresnel zone as a convolution kernel, roughly speaking. Small-scale roughness is parameterized in terms of an effective surface standard deviation s (in meters); its scattering response is modeled based on the theories of random surfaces, except that the theoretical ensemble average is replaced by a sensing spatial average. Large-scale deterministic undulations could be modeled, but their impact on snow depth is canceled to first-order by removing bare-ground reflector heights. At the core of , we have coupled surface/antenna reflection coefficients,  , producing respectively RHCP and LHCP fields (under the assumption of a RHCP incident field). These terms include antenna response power gain and phase patterns, evaluated in the reflection direction, and separately for each polarization. The surface response is represented by complex-valued Fresnel coefficients for cross- and same-sense circular polarization, respectively. The medium is assumed to be homogeneous (that is, a semi-infinite half-space). Material models provide the complex permittivity, which drives the Fresnel coefficients. The interferometric phase reads: .(9) The first term accounts for the surface and antenna properties of the reflection, as above. The last one is the direct phase contribution, which amounts to only the RHCP antenna phase-center variation evaluated in the satellite direction. The majority of the components present in the direct RHCP phase (such as receiver and satellite clock states, the bulk of atmospheric propagation delays, and so on) are also present in the reflection phase, so they cancel out in forming the difference. At the core of the interferometric phase, we have the geometric component, φI = kτi, the product of the wave number and the interferometric propagation delay. Assuming a locally horizontal surface, the latter is simply:   (10) in terms of the satellite elevation angle, e, and an a priori reflector height, HA. Snow depth will be measured in terms of changes in reflector height. The physical forward model, based only on a priori information, can then be summarized as:   (11) where interferometric power and phase are, respectively:   (12) . (13) In all of these terms the pseudorandom-noise-code modulation impressed on the carrier wave can be safely neglected, given the small interferometric delay and Doppler shift at grazing incidence, stationary surface/receiver conditions, and short antenna installations. Parameterization of Unknowns There are errors in the nominal values assumed for the physical parameters of the model (permittivity, surface roughness, reflector height, and so on). Ideally we would estimate separate corrections for each one, but unfortunately many are linearly dependent or nearly so. Because of this dependency, we have kept physical parameters fixed to their optimal a priori values, and have estimated a few biases. Each bias is an amalgamation of corrections for different physical effects. In a later stage, we rely on multiple independent bias estimates (such as for successive days) to try and separate the physical sources. Each satellite track is inverted independently. A track is defined by partitioning the data by individual satellite and then into ascending and descending portions, splitting the period between the satellite’s rise and set at the near-zenith culmination. Each satellite track has a duration of ~1–2 hours. This configuration normally offers a sufficient range of elevation angles, unless the satellite reaches culmination too low in the sky (less than about 20°), in which case the track is discarded. In seeking a balance between under- and over-fitting, between an insufficient and an excessive number of parameters, we estimate the following vector of unknown parameters: . (14) FIGURE 2 shows the effect of the constant and linear biases on the SNR observations. Reflector height bias, HB , changes the number of oscillations; phase shift, φB , displaces the oscillations along the horizontal axis; reflection power,    , affects the depth of fades; zeroth-order noise power,     , shifts the observations up or down as a whole; and first-order noise power,    , tilts the SNR curve. A good parameterization yields observation sensitivity curves as unique as possible for each parameter. FIGURE 2. Effect of each parameter on SNR observations; curves are displaced vertically (6 dB) for clarity. The forward model, now including the biases, can be summarized as follows:  (15) where the modified interferometric power and phase are given by: , (16) . (17) The total reflector height, H = HA – HB (a priori value minus unknown bias), is to be interpreted as an effective value that best fits measurements, which includes snow and other components. Bootstrapping Parameter Priors. Biases and SNR observations are involved non-linearly through the forward model. Therefore, there is the need for a preliminary global optimization, without which the subsequent final local optimization will not necessarily converge to the optimal solution. SNR observations would trace out a perfect sinusoid curve in the case of an antenna with isotropic gain and spherical phase pattern, surrounded by a smooth, horizontal, and infinite surface (free of small-scale roughness, large-scale undulations, and edges), made of perfectly electrically conducting material, and illuminated by constant incident power. Thus, in such an idealized case, SNR could be described exactly by constant reflector height, phase shift, amplitude, and mean values. As the measurement conditions become more complicated, the SNR data start to deviate from a pure sinusoid. Yet a polynomial/spectral decomposition is often adequate for bootstrapping purposes.  Statistical Inverse Model Formulation Based on the preliminary values for the unknown parameters vector and other known (or assumed) values, we run the forward model to obtain simulated observations. We form pre-fit residuals comparing the model values to SNR measurements collected at varying satellite elevation angles (separately for each track). Residuals serve to retrieve parameter corrections, such that the sum of squared post-fit residuals is minimized. This non-linear least squares problem is solved iteratively using both a functional model and a stochastic model. The functional modeling includes a Jacobian matrix of partial derivatives, which represents the sensitivity of observations to parameter changes where the partial derivatives are defined element-wise. Instead of deriving analytical expressions, we evaluate them numerically, via finite differencing. The stochastic model specifies the uncertainty and correlation expected in the residuals. Their a priori covariance matrix modifies the objective function being minimized.  Directional Dependence It is important to know at which elevation angles the parameter estimates are best determined. Here, we focus on the phase parameters instead of reflection power or noise power parameters.  We can utilize the estimated reflector height and phase shift to evaluate the full phase bias function over varying elevation angles. Similarly, we can extract the corresponding 2-by-2 portion of the parameters’ a posteriori covariance matrix, containing the uncertainty for reflector height and for phase shift, as well as their correlation, which is then propagated to obtain the full phase uncertainty (see FIGURE 3). FIGURE 3. Uncertainty of full phase function, propagated from the uncertainty of reflector height and of phase shift, as well as their correlation. The uncertainty attains a clear minimum versus elevation angle. The least-uncertainty elevation angle pinpoints the observation direction where reflector height and phase shift are best determined (in combined form, not individually). The azimuth and epoch coinciding with the peak elevation angle act as track tags, later used for clustering similar tracks and analyzing their time series of retrievals. If we normalize phase uncertainty by its value at the peak elevation angle, then plot such sensing weights (between 0 and 1) versus the radial or horizontal distance to the center of the first Fresnel zone at each elevation angle, we obtain FIGURE 4. It can be interpreted as the reflection footprint, indicating the importance of varying distances, with a longer far tail and a shorter near tail (respectively regions beyond and closer than the peak distance). The implications for in situ data collection are clear: one should sample more intensely near the peak distance (about 15 meters) and less so in the immediate vicinity of the GPS antenna, tapering it off gradually away from the antenna. As a caveat, these conclusions are not necessarily valid for antenna setups other than the one considered here. FIGURE 4. Reflection footprint in terms of a sensing weight (between 0 and 1) defined as the normalized reciprocal of full phase uncertainty, plotted versus the radial or horizontal distance from the receiving antenna to the center of the first Fresnel zone at each elevation angle; valid for an upright 2-meter-tall antenna; the receiving antenna is at zero radial distance. Results We now examine the snow-depth retrievals from the GPS multipath retrieval algorithm and assess both the precision and accuracy of the method. Multiple metrics have been developed to assess the quality of the results. The accuracy of the method has been evaluated by comparing with in situ data over a multi-year period. Three field sites were chosen to highlight different limitations in the method, both in terms of terrain and forest cover: grassland, alpine, and forested. We will look at the forested site in some detail. Satellite Coverage and Track Clustering. All GPS-MR retrievals reported here are based on the newer GPS L2C signal. Of the approximately 30 GPS satellites in service, 8-10 L2C satellites were available between 2009 and 2012 (8, 9, and 10 satellites at the end of 2009, 2010, and 2011, respectively). Satellite observations were partitioned into ascending and descending portions, yielding approximately twenty unique tracks per day at a site with good sky visibility. GPS orbits are highly repeatable in azimuth, with deviations at the few-degree range over a year, translating into ~50-100-centimeter azimuthal displacement of the reflecting area (corresponding to the first Fresnel zone at 10°-15° elevation angle for a 2-meter high antenna). This repeatability permits clustering daily retrievals by azimuth. It also allows the simplification that estimated snow-free reflector heights are fairly consistent from day to day, facilitating the isolation of the varying snow depth during the snow-covered period. For a given track, its revisit time is also repeatable, amounting to practically one sidereal day. The deficit in time relative to a calendar day results in the track time of the day receding ~4 minutes and 6 seconds every day. This slow but steady accumulation eventually makes the time of day return to its starting value after about one year. As all GPS satellites drift approximately at the same rate, the time between successive tracks remains nearly repeatable. Its reciprocal, the sampling rate, has a median equal to approximately one track per hour, with a low value of one track within two hours and a high of one track within 15 minutes; both extremes occur every day, with low-rate idle periods interspersed with high-rate bursts. The time of the day reduced to a fixed day (such as January 1, 2000) could also be used to cluster tracks. Neighboring clusters, which are close in azimuth and/or in reduced time of the day, are expected to be more comparable, as they sample similar conditions and are subject to similar errors. Observations. FIGURE 5 shows several representative examples of SNR observations. A typical good fit between measured and modeled values is shown in Figure 5(a), corresponding to the beginning of the snow season. Generally the model/measurement fit is good when the scattering medium is homogeneous; it deteriorates as the medium becomes more heterogeneous, particularly with mixtures of soil, snow, and vegetation. There are genuine physical effects as well as more mundane spurious instrumental issues that degrade the fit but do not necessarily cause a bias in snow-depth estimates. These include secondary reflections, interferometric power effects, direct power effects, and instrument-related issues. FIGURE 5. Examples of observations: (a) good fit; (b) presence of secondary reflections; (c) vanishing interference fringes; (d) atypical interference fringes. Secondary reflections originate from disjoint surface regions. Interference fringes become convoluted with multiple superimposed beats (see Figure 5(b)). As long as there is a unique dominating reflection, the inversion will have no difficulty fitting it, as the extra reflections will remain approximately zero-mean. Random deviations of the actual surface with respect to its undulated approximation, called roughness or residual surface height, will affect the interferometric power. SNR measurements will exhibit a diminishing number of significant interference fringes, compared to the measurement noise level (see Figure 5(c)). This facilitates the model fit but the reflector height parameter may become ill-determined: its estimates will be more uncertain. Changes in snow density also affect the fringe amplitude. Snow precipitation attenuates the satellite-to-ground radio link, which affects SNR measurements through the direct power term. First, this shifts the SNR measurements up or down (in decibels); second, it tilts the trend tSNR as attenuation is elevation-angle dependent; third, fringes in dSNR will change in amplitude because of the decrease in the coherent component of the direct power. Partial obstructions can affect either or both direct and interferometric powers. In this case, SNR measurements, albeit corrupted, are still recorded. This situation is in contrast to complete blockages as caused by topography. The deposition of snow and the formation of a winter rime on the antenna are a particularly insidious type of obstruction, as their presence in the near-field of the antenna element can easily distort the gain pattern in a significant manner. In the far-field, trees are another important nuisance, so much so that their absence is held as a strong requirement for the proper functioning of multipath reflectometry. Satellite-specific direct power offsets and also long-term power drifts are to be expected as spacecraft age and modernized designs are launched. In addition, noise power depends on the state of conservation of receiver cables and on their physical temperature. Less subtle incidents are sudden ~3-dB SNR steps, hypothesized to originate in the receiver switching between the L2C data and pilot subcodes, CM and CL. Quality Control. Anomalous conditions may result in measurement spikes, jumps, and short-lived rapidly-varying fluctuations. For snow-depth-sensing purposes, it is necessary and sufficient to either neutralize such measurement outliers through a statistically robust fit or detect unreliable fits and discard the problematic ones that could not otherwise be salvaged. The key to quality control (QC) is in grouping results into statistically homogeneous units, having measurements collected under comparable conditions. In our case, azimuth-clustered tracks are the natural starting unit. Secondarily, we must account for genuine temporal variations in the tendency of results, from beginning to peak to the end of the snow season. The detection of anomalous results further requires an estimate of the statistical dispersion to be expected. Considering that the sample is contaminated with outliers, robust estimators (running median instead of the running mean, and median absolute deviation over the standard deviation) are called for, if the first- and second-order statistical moments are to be representative. Given estimates of the non-stationary tendency and dispersion, a tolerance interval can then be constructed such that it bounds, say, a 99% proportion of the valid results with 95% confidence level. We also desire QC to be judicious, or else too many valid estimates will be lost. Notice that in the present intra-cluster QC, we compare an individual estimate to the expected performance of the track cluster to which it belongs; later, we complement QC with an inter-cluster comparison of each cluster’s own expected performance. Based on our practical experience, no single statistic detects all the outliers. We use four particular statistics that we have found to be useful: 1) degrees of freedom, essentially the number of observations per track (modulo a constant number of parameters); 2) using the scaled root-mean-square error (RMSE) to test for goodness-of-fit, that is, how well measurements can be explained adjusting the unknown values for the parameters postulated in the model; 3) reflector height uncertainty; and 4) peak elevation angle, which behaves much like a random variable, as it is determined by a multitude of factors.  Combinations. We combine multiple clusters to average out random noise. Noise mitigation aims at not only coping with measurement errors but also compensating for model deficiencies, to the extent that they are not in common across different clusters. Before we combine different clusters, we have to address their long-term differences. The initial situation is that snow surface heights will be greater downhill and smaller uphill; we take this into account on a cluster-by-cluster basis by subtracting ground heights from their respective snow surface heights, resulting in snow thickness values, which is a completely physically unambiguous quantity. Snow thickness is more comparable than snow heights across varying-azimuth track clusters. Yet snow tends to fill in ground depressions, so thickness exhibits variability caused by the underlying ground surface, even when the overlying snow surface is relatively uniform. Further cluster homogeneity can be achieved by accounting for the temporally permanent though spatially non-uniform component of snow thickness.  The averaging of snow depths collected for different track clusters employs the inversion uncertainties to obtain a preliminary running weighted median, calculated for, say, daily postings, with overlapping windows or not. The preliminary post-fit residuals then go through their own averaging, necessarily employing a wider averaging window (say, monthly), which produces scaling factors for the original uncertainties. The running weighted median is then repeated, producing final averages. The variance factors reflect the fact that some clusters are better than others. Thus, the final GPS estimates of snow depth follow from an averaging of all available tracks, whose individual snow depth values were previously estimated independently. A new average is produced twice daily utilizing the surrounding 1–2 days of data (depending on the data density), that is, 12-hour posting spacing and 24-hour moving window width. The averaging interval must be an integer number of days, so as to minimize the possibility of snow-depth artifacts caused by variations in the observation geometry, which repeats daily. Site-Specific Results We explored GPS-MR snow-depth retrieval at three stations over a long period (up to three years). Throughout, we assessed the performance of the GPS estimates against independent nearly co-located in situ measurements. We also compared the GPS estimates to the nearest SNOTEL station. SNOTEL (from snowpack telemetry) is an automated system for collecting snowpack and related data in the western U.S. operated by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Although not co-located with GPS, SNOTEL data are important because they provide accurate information on the timing of snowfall events. The three sites we used were 1) a site in the T.W. Daniel Experimental Forest within the Wasatch Cache National Forest in the Bear River Range of northeastern Utah, with an elevation of 2,600 meters; 2) one of the stations of the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory, a grassland site located near Island Park, Idaho; and 3) an alpine site in the Niwot Ridge Long-term Ecological Research Site near Boulder, Colorado. While we have fully documented the results from each site, due to space limitations we will only discuss the results from the forested site (known as RN86) in this article. This is a more challenging site than the other two, due to the presence of nearby trees. Furthermore, it was subject to denser in situ sampling of 20-150 measurements spatially replicated around the GPS antenna, and repeated approximately every other week for about one year. We show results for the 2012 water-year, the period starting October 1 through September 30 of the following year. Where GPS site RN86 was installed, topographical slopes range from 2.5° to 6.5° (at the 2-meter spatial scale), with average of ~5° within a 50-meter radius around the GPS antenna. RN86 was specifically built to study the impact of trees on GPS snow depth retrievals (see FIGURE 6). Ground crews manually collected in situ measurements around the GPS antenna approximately every other week starting in November 2011. Measurements were made every 1–2 meters from the antenna up to a distance of 25-30 meters. In the second half of the year, the sampling protocol was changed to azimuths of 0° (N), 45° (NE), 135° (SE), 180° (S), 225° (SW), and 315° (NW). With these data it is possible to obtain in situ average estimates, with their own uncertainties (based on the number of measurements), which allows a more meaningful comparison. FIGURE 6. Aerial view of the forested site (RN86) around the GPS antenna (marked with a circle). There is reduced visibility at the current site, compared to other sites. Track clusters are concentrated due south, with only two clusters located within ±90° of north. Therefore, the GPS average snow depth is not necessarily representative of the azimuthally symmetric component of the snow depth. In the presence of an azimuthal asymmetry in the snow distribution around the antenna, the GPS average would be expected to be biased towards the environmental conditions prevalent in the southern quadrant. To rule out the possibility of an azimuthal artifact in the comparisons, we have utilized only the in situ data collected along the SE/S/SW quadrant. The comparison shows generally excellent agreement between GPS and in situ data (see FIGURE 7). The first four and the last one in situ data points were collected with coarser spacing and/or smaller azimuthal coverage, which may be partially responsible for different performance in the first and second halves of the snow season. The correlation between GPS and in situ snow depth at RN86 amounts to 0.990, indicating a very strong linear relationship. Carrying out a regression between in situ and GPS values, the RMS of snow-depth residuals improves from 9.6 to 3.4 centimeters. The regression intercept and slope (with corresponding 95% uncertainties) amount to 15.4 ± 9.11 centimeters and 0.858 ± 0.09 meters per meter, respectively. According to these statistics, the null hypotheses of zero intercept and unity slope are rejected at the 95% confidence level. This implies that at this location GPS snow-depth estimates exhibit both additive and multiplicative biases. The latter is proportional to snow depth itself, meaning that, compared to an ideal one-to-one relationship, GPS is found to under-estimate in situ snow depth at this site by 14 ± 9%, although the uncertainty is somewhat large. FIGURE 7. Snow-depth measurement at the forested site (RN86) for the water-year 2012 The SNOTEL sensors are exceptionally close to the GPS antenna at this site, about 350 meters horizontally distant with negligible vertical separation. Yet the former is located within trees, while the latter is located at the periphery of the forest and senses the reflections scattered from an open field. Therefore, only the timing of snowfall events agrees well, not the amount of snow. Although forest density is generally negatively correlated with snow depth, exceptions are not uncommon, especially in localized clearings exposed to intense solar radiation, where shading of the snow by the trees reduces ablation. Conclusions In this article, we have discussed a physically based forward model and a statistical inverse model for estimating snow depth based on GPS multipath observed in SNR measurements. We assessed model performance against independent in situ measurements and found they validated the GPS estimates to within the limitations of both GPS and in situ measurement errors after the characterization of systematic errors. The assessment yielded a correlation of 0.98 and an RMS error of 6–8 centimeters for observed snow depths of up to 2.5 meters at three sites, with the GPS underestimating in situ snow depth by ~5–15%. This latter finding highlights the necessity to assess effects currently neglected or requiring more precise modeling. Acknowledgments The research reported in this article was supported by grants from the U.S. National Science Foundation, NASA, and the University of Colorado. Nievinski has been supported by a Capes/Fulbright Graduate Student Fellowship and a NASA Earth System Science Research Fellowship. The article is based, in part, on two papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing: “Inverse Modeling of GPS Multipath for Snow Depth Estimation – Part I: Formulation and Simulations” and “Inverse Modeling of GPS Multipath for Snow Depth Estimation – Part II: Application and Validation.” Manufacturers For the forested site (RN86), a Trimble NetR9 receiver was used with a Trimble TRM57971.00 (Zephyr Geodetic II) antenna with no external radome. FELIPE G. NIEVINSKI is a faculty member at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianópolis, Brazil. He has also been a post-doctoral researcher at São Paulo State University, Presidente Prudente, Brazil. He earned a B.E. in geomatics from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 2005; an M.Sc.E. in geodesy from the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada, in 2009; and a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering sciences from the University of Colorado, Boulder, in 2013. His Ph.D. dissertation was awarded The Institute of Navigation Bradford W. Parkinson Award in 2013. KRISTINE M. LARSON received a B.A. degree in engineering sciences from Harvard University and a Ph.D. degree in geophysics from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California at San Diego. She was a member of the technical staff at the Jet Propulsion Lab from 1988 to 1990. Since 1990, she has been a professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering Sciences, University of Colorado, Boulder. FURTHER READING • Authors’ Journal Papers “Inverse Modeling of GPS Multipath for Snow Depth Estimation—Part I: Formulation and Simulations” by F.G. Nievinski and K.M. Larson in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No. 10, 2014, pp. 6555–6563, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2297681. “Inverse Modeling of GPS Multipath for Snow Depth Estimation—Part II: Application and Validation” by F.G. Nievinski and K.M. Larson in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 52, No. 10, 2014, pp. 6564–6573, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2297688. • More on the Use of GPS for Snow Depth Assessment “Snow Depth, Density, and SWE Estimates Derived from GPS Reflection Data: Validation in the Western U.S.” by J.L. McCreight, E.E. Small, and K.M. Larson in Water Resources Research, published first on line, August 25, 2014, doi: 10.1002/2014WR015561. “Environmental Sensing: A Revolution in GNSS Applications” by K.M. Larson, E.E. Small, J.J. Braun, and V.U. Zavorotny in Inside GNSS, Vol. 9, No. 4, July/August 2014, pp. 36–46. “Snow Depth Sensing Using the GPS L2C Signal with a Dipole Antenna” by Q. Chen, D. Won, and D.M. Akos in EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Special Issue on GNSS Remote Sensing, Vol. 2014, Article No. 106, 2014, doi: 10.1186/1687-6180-2014-106. “GPS Snow Sensing: Results from the EarthScope Plate Boundary Observatory” by K.M. Larson and F.G. Nievinski in GPS Solutions, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2013, pp. 41–52, doi: 10.1007/s10291-012-0259-7. • GPS Multipath Modeling and Simulation “Forward Modeling of GPS Multipath for Near-Surface Reflectometry and Positioning Applications” by F.G. Nievinski and K.M. Larson in GPS Solutions, Vol. 18, No. 2, 2014, pp. 309–322, doi: 10.1007/s10291-013-0331-y. “An Open Source GPS Multipath Simulator in Matlab/Octave” by F.G. Nievinski and K.M. Larson in GPS Solutions, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2014, pp. 473–481, doi: 10.1007/s10291-014-0370-z. “Multipath Minimization Method: Mitigation Through Adaptive Filtering for Machine Automation Applications” by L. Serrano, D. Kim, and R.B. Langley in GPS World, Vol. 22, No. 7, July 2011, pp. 42–48. “It’s Not All Bad: Understanding and Using GNSS Multipath” by A. Bilich and K.M. Larson in GPS World, Vol. 20, No. 10, October 2009, pp. 31–39. “GPS Signal Multipath: A Software Simulator” by S.H. Byun, G.A. Hajj, and L.W. Young in GPS World, Vol. 13, No. 7, July 2002, pp. 40–49.

cell phone blocker kit

Nokia acp-9u ac adapter 6.2v 720ma new 1.2 x 3.4 x 7.7mm round,toshiba pa3283u-1aca ac adapter 15vdc 5a - (+) - center postive,3 x 230/380v 50 hzmaximum consumption.hp 324815-001 ac adapter 18.5v 4.9a 90w ppp012l power supply for,sil ua-0603 ac adapter 6vac 300ma used 0.3x1.1x10mm round barrel,sun pa-1630-02sm ac adapter 14vdc 4.5a used -(+) 3x6.5mm round.fineness power spp34-12.0-2500 ac adapter 12vdc 2500ma used 4 pi.ault t22-0509-001t03 ac adapter 9vac 0.5a us robotics used ~(~),kodak k3000 ac adapter 4.2vdc 1.2a used li-on battery charger e8,dr. wicom phone lab pl-2000 ac adapter 12vdc 1.2a used 2x6x11.4m,the mechanical part is realised with an engraving machine or warding files as usual.apd da-2af12 ac adapter used -(+)2x5.5mm 12vdc 2a switching powe,thomson 5-4026a ac adapter 3vdc 600ma used -(+) 1.1x3.5x7mm 90°.targus apa32ca ac adapter 19.5vdc 4.61a used -(+) 1.6x5.5x11.4mm,this is the newly designed 22-antenna 5g jammer.netmask is used to indentify the network address,350702002co ac adapter 7.5v dc 200ma used 2.5x5.5x11mm straight.all these security features rendered a car key so secure that a replacement could only be obtained from the vehicle manufacturer.panasonic ag-b6hp ac adapter 12vdc 1.8a used power supply,dell adp-220ab b ac adapter 12v 18a switching power supply,ibm 2684292 ac adapter 15v dc 2.7a used 3x5.5x9.3mm straight,cyber acoustics md-75350 ac adapter 7.5vdc 350ma power supply,escort zw5 wireless laser shifter,sunforce 11-1894-0 solar battery charger 12v 1 watt motorcycle,ault p48480250a01rg ethernet injector power supply 48vdc 250ma,delta adp-65mh b ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a used 1.8 x 5.5 x 12mm.tpi tsa1-050120wa5 ac dc adapter 5v 1.2a charger class 2 power s,sanyo var-s12 u ac adapter 10v 1.3a camcorder battery charger.mastercraft maximum 54-3107-2 multi-charger 7.2v-19.2vdc nicd,it employs a closed-loop control technique.phihong psaa15w-240 ac adapter 24v 0.625a switching power supply.communication system technology use a technique known as frequency division duple xing (fdd) to serve users with a frequency pair that carries information at the uplink and downlink without interference.to duplicate a key with immobilizer,yhi 868-1030-i24 ac adapter 24v dc 1.25a -(+) 1.5x4.8mm used 100,hp 384021-001 compaq ac adapter 19vdc 4.7a laptop power supply.bearing your own undisturbed communication in mind.delta adp-36jh b ac adapter 12vdc 3a used -(+)- 2.7x5.4x9.5mm.phonemate m/n-40 ac adapter 9vac 450ma used ~(~) 2.5x5.5mm 90.350-086 ac adapter 15vdc 300ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm 120vac straight,liteon pa-1900-33 ac adapter 12vdc 7.5a -(+)- 5x7.5mm 100-240vac,dve dsa-0421s-091 ac adapter used -(+)2.5x5.5 9.5vdc 4a round b.comos comera power ajl-905 ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5,compaq up04012010 ac adapter 5v 2a 12v 2.3a laptop lcd power sup,panasonic pqlv219 ac adapter 6.5vdc 500ma -(+) 1.7x4.7mm power s.bionx hp1202n2 ac adapter 24vdc 1.8a ni-mh used 3pin slr charger,buslink fsp024-1ada21 12v 2.0a ac adapter 12v 2.0a 9na0240304,netgear sal018f1na ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x9mm rou.3m 521-01-43 ac adapter 8.5v 470ma used - working 3 pin plug cla,aci communications lh-1250-500 ac adapter -(+) 12.5vdc 500ma use,daveco ad-116-12 ac adapter 12vdc 300ma used 2.1 x 5.4 x 10.6 mm,we have designed a system having no match,sony vgp-ac19v39 ac adapter 19.5v 2a used 4.5 x 6 x 9.5 mm 90 de,ad-0920m ac adapter 9vdc 200ma used 2x5x12mm -(+)- 90 degr round.ceiva2 jod-smu02130 ac adapter 5vdc 1.6a power supply.ibm 49g2192 ac adapter 20-10v 2.00-3.38a power supply49g2192 4,while the second one shows 0-28v variable voltage and 6-8a current.this project shows the controlling of bldc motor using a microcontroller,yh-u35060300a ac adapter 6vac 300ma used ~(~) 2x5.5mm straight r.0335c2065 advent ac dc adapter 20v 3.25a charger power supply la,linksys mt10-1050200-a1 ac adapter 5v 2a switching power supply,we have already published a list of electrical projects which are collected from different sources for the convenience of engineering students,our men’s and boy’s competition jammers are ideal for both competitive and recreational swimming,iv methodologya noise generator is a circuit that produces electrical noise (random.astrodyne sp45-1098 ac adapter 42w 5pin din thumbnut power suppl,matewell 41-18-300 ac adapter 18vdc 300ma used -(+) 1x3.4x9.9mm,samsung tad037ebe ac adapter used 5vdc 0.7a travel charger power,apple usb charger for usb devices with usb i pod charger,emp jw-75601-n ac adapter 7.5vc 600ma used +(-) 2x5.5mm 120vac 2,hallo ch-02v ac adapter dc 12v 400ma class 2 power supply batter.uttar pradesh along with their contact details &,dell fa90ps0-00 ac adapter 19.5vdc 4.62a 90w used 1x5x7.5xmm -(+.dve dvr-0930-3512 ac adapter 9vdc 300ma -(+) 2x5.5mm 120v ac pow,motorola ssw-2285us ac adapter 5vdc 500ma cellphone travel charg.asus exa0901xh ac adapter 19v 2.1a power supply laptop.9 v block battery or external adapter,codex yhp-1640 ac adapter 16.5vac 40va power supply plugin class,this paper describes different methods for detecting the defects in railway tracks and methods for maintaining the track are also proposed,ibm 92p1105 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a 5.5x7.9mm -(+) used 100-240va,pa-0920-dvaa ac adapter 9v dc 200ma used -(+) power supply,milwaukee 48-59-1808 rapid 18v battery charger used genuine m12.– active and passive receiving antennaoperating modes.panasonic eb-ca10 ac adapter 7vdc 600ma used 1.5 x 3.4 x 9 mm st,cisco wa15-050a ac adapter +5vdc 1.25a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x9.4mm r,li shin 0217b1248 ac adapter 12vdc 4a -(+)- 2x5.5mm 100-240vac p,panasonic cf-aa1653 j2 ac adapter 15.6v 5a power supply universa.deer ad1505c ac adapter 5vdc 2.4a ac adapter plugin power supply.rf 315 mhz 433mhz and other signals.sony pcga-ac16v ac adapter 19.5vdc 4a used -(+) 4x6mm tip 100-24,jabra ssa-5w-09 us 075065f ac adapter 7.5vdc 650ma used sil .7x2.

It is convenient to open or close a …,cell phone signal jammer handheld blocker for phone wireless signal 6 antenna,presence of buildings and landscape,casio phone mate m/n-90 ac adapter 12vdc 200ma 6w white colour.dymo dsa-65w-2 24060 ac adapter 24vdc 2.5a label writer,samsung tad136jbe ac adapter 5vdc 0.7a used 0.8x2.5mm 90°,au 3014pqa switching adapter 4.9v 0.52a charger for cell phone 9,bi zda050050us ac adapter 5v 500ma switching power supply,incoming calls are blocked as if the mobile phone were off.3ye gpu142400450waoo ac adapter 24vac 350ma used ~(~) 2pin din f,accordingly the lights are switched on and off,insignia ns-pltpsp battery box charger 6vdc 4aaa dc jack 5v 500m,ibm 08k8208 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used 08k8209 e1,astec sa25-3109 ac adapter 24vdc 1a 24w used -(+) 2.5x5.5x10mm r,but with the highest possible output power related to the small dimensions.lg sta-p53wr ac adapter 5.6v 0.4a direct plug in poweer supply c,ilan elec f1700c ac adapter 19v dc 2.6a used 2.7x5.4x10mm 90,symbol pa-303-01 ac adapter dc 12v 200ma used charging dock for,cisco aa25-480l ac adapter 48vdc 0.38a -(+)- 100-240vac 2.5x5.5m,jabra acw003b-05u ac adapter 5v 0.18a used mini usb cable supply,12v 2a dc car charger dc to dc auto adapter,symbol b100 ac adapter 9vdc 2a pos bar code scanner power supply,hp 0950-2852 class 2 battery charger nicd nimh usa canada,48a-18-900 ac adapter 18vac 900ma ~(~) 2x5.5mm used 120vac power,2110 to 2170 mhztotal output power.this project shows the control of home appliances using dtmf technology,tc-06 ac adapter dc 5v-12v travel charger for iphone ipod cond,pure energy cs4 charging station used 3.5vdc 1.5a alkaline class,sony pcga-ac16v3 ac adapter 16v dc 4a power supply vaio z1 gr270,intertek 99118 fan & light control used 434mhz 1.a 300w capacito,replacement 65w-ap04 ac adapter 24vdc 2.65a used - ---c--- +.pc-3010-dusn ac adapter 3vdc 1000ma used 90 degree right angle a.dymo dsa-42dm-24 2 240175 ac adapter 24vdc 1.75a used -(+) 2.5x5.auto no break power supply control.cisco eadp-18fb b ac adapter 48vdc 0.38a new -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90°,it could be due to fading along the wireless channel and it could be due to high interference which creates a dead- zone in such a region,liteon pa-1480-19t ac adapter (1.7x5.5) -(+)- 19vdc 2.6a used 1.,acbel api3ad14 ac adapter 19vdc 6.3a used (: :) female 4pin fema,skynet snp-pa5t ac adapter +48v 1.1a used -(+) shielded wire pow,-10 up to +70°cambient humidity,rca cps015 ac adapter9.6vdc 2.3a 12.5v 1.6a used camcorder bat.fsp fsp050-1ad101c ac adapter 12vdc 4.16a used 2.3x5.5mm round b.ault 308-1054t ac adapter 16v ac 16va used plug-in class 2 trans,and eco-friendly printing to make the most durable,ihomeu150150d51 ac adapter 15vdc 1500ma -(+) 2.1x5.5x10mm roun,2110cla ac adapter used car charger,the continuity function of the multi meter was used to test conduction paths,circuit-test ad-1280 ac adapter 12v 800ma 9pin medical equipment,ault 3com pw130 ac adapter 48vdc 420ma switching power supply,symbol r410506 ac adapter 4vdc 140ma used 24pin connector ptc-70,i think you are familiar about jammer.hitek plus220 ac adapter 20vdc 2.5a -(+)- 2.5x5.6 100-240vac use.sony acp-88 ac pack 8.5v 1a vtr 1.2a batt power adapter battery.this project uses an avr microcontroller for controlling the appliances,toshiba pa3083u-1aca ac adapter 15vdc 5a used-(+) 3x6..5mm rou,ad41-0601000du ac adapter 6vdc 1a 1000ma i.t.e. power supply.airspan pwa-024060g ac adapter 6v dc 4a charger.2 w output powerwifi 2400 – 2485 mhz.li shin lse9802a2060 ac adapter 20vdc 3a 60w max -(+)- used,cui epa-121da-12 12v 1a ite power supply,kensington k33403 ac dc power adapter 90w with usb port notebook.car power adapter round barrel 3x5.5mm used power s,1 w output powertotal output power.ad1250-7sa ac adapter 12vdc 500ma -(+) 2.3x5.5mm 18w charger120,cidco n4116-1230-dc ac adapter 12vdc 300ma used 2 x 5.5 x 10mm s.oem ad-0680 ac adapter 6vdc 800ma used -(+) 1.1x3.5x11mm round b,sam a460 ac adapter 5vdc 700ma used 1x2.5mm straight round barre.p-106 8 cell charging base battery charger 9.6vdc 1.5a 14.4va us,targus apa63us ac adapter 15v-24v 90w power supply universal use,chd ud4120060060g ac adapter 6vdc 600ma 14w power supply.symbol sbl-a12t 50-24000-060 ac adapter 48vdc 2.5a power supply,ibm sa60-12v ac adapter 12v dc 3.75a used -(+)2.5x5.5x11.9 strai,altec lansing 9701-00535-1und ac adapter 15v dc 300ma -(+)- 2x5..ch-91001-n ac adapter 9vdc 50ma used -(+) 2x5.5x9.5mm round barr,butterfly labs ac adapter 13vdc 31a 2x 6pin pci-e bfl power supp,creative ppi-0970-ul ac dc adapter 9v 700ma ite power supply.acbel api1ad43 ac adapter 19v 4.74a laptop power supply,hp pa-1650-02hc ac adapter 18.5v 3.5a used 1x5 x7.5x12.8mm lapto,skil ad35-06003 ac adapter 6v dc 300ma cga36 power supply cpq600.stairmaster wp-3 ac adapter 9vdc 1amp used 2.5x5.5mm round barre,dve dv-0920acs ac adapter 9vac 200ma used 1.2x3.6mm plug-in clas,finecom ky-05036s-12 ac adpter 12vdc 5v dc 2a 5pin 9mm mini din,here is the diy project showing speed control of the dc motor system using pwm through a pc.pelouze dc90100 adpt2 ac adapter 9vdc 100ma 3.5mm mono power sup,jhs-q05/12-334 ac adapter 5vdc 2a usedite power supply 100-240,5vdc 500ma ac adapter used car charger cigarate lighter 12vdc-24,motorola psm4716a ac power supply dc 4.4v 1.5a phone charger spn.3com ap1211-uv ac adapter 15vdc 800ma -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm pa027201 r,circuit-test std-09006u ac adapter 9vdc 0.6a 5.4w used -(+) 2x5..

This task is much more complex,black&decker versapak vp131 4.3v battery charger for versapak ba.the jammer transmits radio signals at specific frequencies to prevent the operation of cellular and portable phones in a non-destructive way,sanyo s005cc0750050 ac adapter 7.5vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5x12mm.which broadcasts radio signals in the same (or similar) frequency range of the gsm communication,computer concepts 3comc0001 dual voltage power supply bare pcb 1,our free white paper considers six pioneering sectors using 5g to redefine the iot.creston gt-8101-6024-t3 adapter +24vdc 2.5a used 2.1x5.4mm -(+)-, Cell Phone Jammer for sale ,kodak k620 value charger for aa and aaa size batteries,cet 41-18-300d ac dc adapter 18v 300ma power supply,mastercraft acg002 ac adapter 14.4vdc 1.2a used class 2 battery,symbol 50-14000-109 ite power supply +8v dc 5a 4pin ac adapter,moso xkd-c2000ic5.0-12w ac adapter 5vdc 2a used -(+) 0.7x2.5x9mm.ea11603 universal ac adapter 150w 18-24v 7.5a laptop power suppl.eng 3a-161wp05 ac adapter 5vdc 2.6a -(+) 2x5.5mm used 100vac swi,lg pa-1900-08 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a 90w used -(+) 1.5x4.7mm bul,cisco aa25480l ac adapter 48vdc 380ma used 2.5x5.5mm 90° -(+) po,s15af125120 ac adapter 12.5vdc 1200ma used -(+) 2x5.5x11mm rou.apple macintosh m4402 24vdc 1.875a 3.5mm 45w ite power supply.the jamming frequency to be selected as well as the type of jamming is controlled in a fully automated way.transmission of data using power line carrier communication system.ibm pscv 360107a ac adapter 24vdc 1.5a used 4pin 9mm mini din 10,sony vgp-ac19v10 ac dc adapter 19.5v 4.7a power supply adp-90yb.nec adp50 ac adapter 19v dc 1.5a sa45-3135-2128 notebook versa s.plantronics ud090050c ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used -(+)- 2x5.5mm 9,audiovox ild35-090300 ac adapter 9v 300ma used 2x5.5x10mm -(+)-.finecom jhs-e02ab02-w08b ac adapter 5v dc 12v 2a 6 pin mini din,astec da7-3101a ac adapter 5-8vdc 1.5a used 2.5 x 5.4 x 11 mm st.hi capacity le-9720a-05 ac adapter 15-17vdc 3.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm,cgo supports gps+glonass+beidou data in,irwin nikko dpx351355 ac adapter 5.8vdc 120ma 2.5v 2pin 4 hour,biogenik s12a02-050a200-06 ac adapter 5vdc 2a used -(+) 1.5x4x9m,radioshack 273-1695 ac adapter 3,5,6,6.5vdc 2.5a digital camera,toshiba pa3049u-1aca ac adapter 15v 3a power supply laptop,netgear dsa-9r-05 aus ac adapter 7.5vdc 1a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm 120vac,this project utilizes zener diode noise method and also incorporates industrial noise which is sensed by electrets microphones with high sensitivity,cui ka12d120045034u ac adapter 12vdc 450ma used -(+)- 2x5.5x10mm,intermec spn-470-24 ac adapter 24v 3a -(+) used 2.5x5.5x9.4mm pr,coming data cp0540 ac adapter 5vdc 4a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm 100-240vac.bose psa05r-150 bo ac adapter 15vdc 0.33a used -(+)- 2x5.5mm str,econmax ia-bh130lb valueline battery charger aa-ma9 samsung smx.kenwood dc-4 mobile radio charger 12v dc,compaq evp100 ac dc adapter 10v 1.5a 164153-001 164410-001 5.5mm.altec lansing eudf+15050-2600 ac adapter 5vdc 2.6a -(+) used 2x5,magellan 730489-c ac car adapter used 0.8x3.4x7.9mm 90°round bar.coonix aib72a ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a desktop power supply ibm.blackberry clm03d-050 5v 500ma car charger used micro usb pearl,anoma aec-n3512i ac adapter 12vdc 300ma used 2x5.5x11mm -(+)-,poweruon 160023 ac adapter 19vdc 12.2a used 5x7.5x9mm round barr.ite 3a-041wu05 ac adapter 5vdc 1a 100-240v 50-60hz 5w charger p.axis a31207c ac adapter 12vac 500ma used 2.5x5.5 x 11.3mm 90 deg,2100 – 2200 mhz 3 gpower supply,motorola spn4569e ac adapter 4.4-6.5vdc 2.2-1.7a used 91-57539.different versions of this system are available according to the customer’s requirements,characterization and regeneration of threats to gnss receiver.casio ad-c 52 g ac dc adapter 5.3v 650ma power supply.compaq adp-50ch bc ac adapter 18.5vdc 2.7a used 1.8x4.8mm round,ault t48121667a050g ac adapter 12v ac 1667ma 33.5w power supply,li shin 0335c1960 ac adapter 19vdc 3.16a -(+) 3.3x5.5mm tip in 1,03-00050-077-b ac adapter 15v 200ma 1.2 x 3.4 x 9.3mm,kali linux network configuration with ip address and netmask,the rf cellulartransmitter module with 0,hp 384020-002 compaq ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a laptop power supply,according to the cellular telecommunications and internet association.premium power 298239-001 ac adapter 19v 3.42a used 2.5 x 5.4 x 1.mainly for door and gate control.csi wireless sps-05-002 ac adapter 5vdc 500ma used micro usb 100,sonigem ad-0001 ac adapter 9vdc 210ma used -(+) cut wire class 2.intermec 074246 5v 3a ite power supply 851-089-001,samsung sac-42 ac adapter 4.2vdc 450ma 750ma european version po.audiovox cnr-9100 ac adapter 5vdc 750ma power supply,asian micro ams am14 ac adapter +5v 1.5a +12v 0.25a power supply.bi bi13-120100-adu ac adapter 12vdc 1a used -(+) 1x3.5mm round b,griffin itrip car adapter used fm transmitter portable mp3 playe.toshiba adp-65db ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a 65w for gateway acer lap,coleco 74942 ac adapter +5vdc 0.9a -5v 0.1a +12v 0.3a used 4pin,digipower solutions acd-0lac adapter 6.5v2500maolympus dig,bluetooth and wifi signals (silver) 1 out of 5 stars 3,commercial 9 v block batterythe pki 6400 eod convoy jammer is a broadband barrage type jamming system designed for vip,razer ts06x-2u050-0501d ac adapter 5vdc 1a used -(+) 2x5.5x8mm r,.

2022/01/21 by mDM1_gorKf8hb@outlook.com

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