3g,4g jammer - jammer hardtail frame queen

How Irregularities in Electron Density Perturb Satellite Navigation Systems By the Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems Ionospheric Working Group INNOVATION INSIGHTS by Richard Langley THE IONOSPHERE. I first became aware of its existence when I was 14. I had received a shortwave radio kit for Christmas and after a couple of days of soldering and stringing a temporary antenna around my bedroom, joined the many other “geeks” of my generation in the fascinating (and educational) hobby of shortwave listening. I avidly read Popular Electronics and Electronics Illustrated to learn how shortwave broadcasting worked and even attempted to follow a course on radio-wave propagation offered by a hobbyist program on Radio Nederland. Later on, a graduate course in planetary atmospheres improved my understanding. The propagation of shortwave (also known as high frequency or HF) signals depends on the ionosphere. Transmitted signals are refracted or bent as they experience the increasing density of the free electrons that make up the ionosphere. Effectively, the signals are “bounced” off the ionosphere to reach their destination.  At higher frequencies, such as those used by GPS and the other global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), radio signals pass through the ionosphere but the medium takes a toll. The principal effect is a delay in the arrival of the modulated component of the signal (from which pseudorange measurements are made) and an advance in the phase of the signal’s carrier (affecting the carrier-phase measurements). The spatial and temporal variability of the ionosphere is not predictable with much accuracy (especially when disturbed by space weather events), so neither is the delay/advance effect. However, the ionosphere is a dispersive medium, which means that by combining measurements on two transmitted GNSS satellite frequencies, the effect can be almost entirely removed. Similarly, a dual-frequency ground-based monitoring network can map the effect in real time and transmit accurate corrections to single-frequency GNSS users. This is the approach followed by the satellite-based augmentation systems such as the Federal Aviation Administration’s Wide Area Augmentation System. But there is another ionospheric effect that can bedevil GNSS: scintillations. Scintillations are rapid fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of radio signals caused by small-scale irregularities in the ionosphere.  When sufficiently strong, scintillations can result in the strength of a received signal dropping below the threshold required for acquisition or tracking or in causing problems for the receiver’s phase lock loop resulting in many cycle slips. In this month’s column, the international Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems Ionospheric Working Group presents an abridged version of their recently completed white paper on the effect of ionospheric scintillations on GNSS and the associated augmentation systems. The ionosphere is a highly variable and complex physical system. It is produced by ionizing radiation from the sun and controlled by chemical interactions and transport by diffusion and neutral wind. Generally, the region between 250 and 400 kilometers above the Earth’s surface, known as the F-region of the ionosphere, contains the greatest concentration of free electrons. At times, the F-region of the ionosphere becomes disturbed, and small-scale irregularities develop. When sufficiently intense, these irregularities scatter radio waves and generate rapid fluctuations (or scintillation) in the amplitude and phase of radio signals. Amplitude scintillation, or short-term fading, can be so severe that signal levels drop below a GPS receiver’s lock threshold, requiring the receiver to attempt reacquisition of the satellite signal. Phase scintillation, characterized by rapid carrier-phase changes, can produce cycle slips and sometimes challenge a receiver’s ability to hold lock on a signal. The impacts of scintillation cannot be mitigated by the same dual-frequency technique that is effective at mitigating the ionospheric delay. For these reasons, ionospheric scintillation is one of the most potentially significant threats for GPS and other global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). Scintillation activity is most severe and frequent in and around the equatorial regions, particularly in the hours just after sunset. In high latitude regions, scintillation is frequent but less severe in magnitude than that of the equatorial regions. Scintillation is rarely experienced in the mid-latitude regions. However, it can limit dual-frequency GNSS operation during intense magnetic storm periods when the geophysical environment is temporarily altered and high latitude phenomena are extended into the mid-latitudes. To determine the impact of scintillation on GNSS systems, it is important to clearly understand the location, magnitude and frequency of occurrence of scintillation effects. This article describes scintillation and illustrates its potential effects on GNSS. It is based on a white paper put together by the international Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) Ionospheric Working Group (see Further Reading). Scintillation Phenomena Fortunately, many of the important characteristics of scintillation are already well known.  Worldwide Characteristics. Many studies have shown that scintillation activity varies with operating frequency, geographic location, local time, season, magnetic activity, and the 11-year solar cycle. FIGURE 1 shows a map indicating how scintillation activity varies with geographic location. The Earth’s magnetic field has a major influence on the occurrence of scintillation and regions of the globe with similar scintillation characteristics are aligned with the magnetic poles and associated magnetic equator. The regions located approximately 15° north and south of the magnetic equator (shown in red) are referred to as the equatorial anomaly. These regions experience the most significant activity including deep signal fades that can cause a GNSS receiver to briefly lose track of one or more satellite signals. Less intense fades are experienced near the magnetic equator (shown as a narrow yellow band in between the two red bands) and also in regions immediately to the north and south of the anomaly regions. Scintillation is more intense in the anomaly regions than at the magnetic equator because of a special situation that occurs in the equatorial ionosphere. The combination of electric and magnetic fields about the Earth cause free electrons to be lifted vertically and then diffuse northward and southward. This action reduces the ionization directly over the magnetic equator and increases the ionization over the anomaly regions. The word “anomaly” signifies that although the sun shines above the equator, the ionization attains its maximum density away from the equator. FIGURE 1. Global occurrence characteristics of scintillation. (Figure courtesy of P. Kintner) Low-latitude scintillation is seasonally dependent and is limited to local nighttime hours. The high-latitude region can also encounter significant signal fades. Here scintillation may also accompany the more familiar ionospheric effect of the aurora borealis (or aurora australis near the southern magnetic pole) and also localized regions of enhanced ionization referred to as polar patches. The occurrence of scintillation at auroral latitudes is strongly dependent on geomagnetic activity levels, but can occur in all seasons and is not limited to local nighttime hours. In the mid-latitude regions, scintillation activity is rare, occurring only in response to extreme levels of ionospheric storms. During these periods, the active aurora expands both poleward and equatorward, exposing the mid-latitude region to scintillation activity. In all regions, increased solar activity amplifies scintillation frequency and intensity. Scintillation effects are also a function of operating frequency, with lower signal frequencies experiencing more significant scintillation effects.  Scintillation Activity. Scintillation may accompany ionospheric behavior that causes changes in the measured range between the receiver and the satellite. Such delay effects are not discussed in detail here but are well covered in the literature and in a previous white paper by our group (see Further Reading, available online). Amplitude scintillation can create deep signal fades that interfere with a user’s ability to receive GNSS signals. During scintillation, the ionosphere does not absorb the signal. Instead, irregularities in the index of refraction scatter the signal in random directions about the principal propagation direction. As the signal continues to propagate down to the ground, small changes in the distance of propagation along the scattered ray paths cause the signal to interfere with itself, alternately attenuating or reinforcing the signal measured by the user. The average received power is unchanged, as brief, deep fades are followed by longer, shallower enhancements.  Phase scintillation describes rapid fluctuations in the observed carrier phase obtained from the receiver’s phase lock loop. These same irregularities can cause increased phase noise, cycle slips, and even loss of lock if the phase fluctuations are too rapid for the receiver to track. Equatorial and Low Latitude Scintillations. As illustrated in Figure 1, the regions of greatest concern are the equatorial anomaly regions. In these regions, scintillation can occur abruptly after sunset, with rapid and deep fading lasting up to several hours. As the night progresses, scintillation may become more sporadic with intervals of shallow fading. FIGURE 2 illustrates the scintillation effect with an example of intense fading of the L1 and L2 GPS signals observed in 2002, near a peak of solar activity. The observations were made at Ascension Island located in the South Atlantic Ocean under a region that has exhibited some of the most intense scintillation activity worldwide. The receiver that collected this data was one that employs a semi-codeless technique to track the L2 signal. Scintillation was observed on both the L1 and L2 frequencies with 20 dB fading on L1 and nearly 60 dB on L2 (the actual level of L2 fading is subject to uncertainty due to the limitations of semi-codeless tracking). This level of fading caused the receiver to lose lock on this signal multiple times. Signal fluctuations depicted in red indicate data samples that failed internal quality control checks and were thereby excluded from the receiver’s calculation of position. The dilution of precision (DOP), which is a measure of how pseudorange errors translate to user position errors, increased each time this occurred. In addition to the increase in DOP, elevated ranging errors are observed along the individual satellite links during scintillation.  FIGURE 2. Fading of the L1 and L2 Signals from one GPS satellite recorded from Ascension Island on March 16, 2002. Absolute power levels are arbitrary. (Figure courtesy of C. Carrano) FIGURE 3 illustrates the relationship between amplitude and phase scintillations, also using measurements from Ascension Island. As shown in the figure, the most rapid phase changes are typically associated with the deepest signal fades (as the signal descends into the noise). Labeled on these plots are various statistics of the scintillating GPS signal: S4 is the scintillation intensity index that measures the relative magnitude of amplitude fluctuations, τI is the intensity decorrelation time, which characterizes the rate of signal fading, and σφ is the phase scintillation index, which measures the magnitude of carrier-phase fluctuations. FIGURE 3. Intensity (top) and phase scintillations (bottom) of the GPS L1 signal recorded from Ascension Island on March 12, 2002. (Figure courtesy of C. Carrano) The ionospheric irregularities that cause scintillation vary greatly in spatial extent and drift with the background plasma at speeds of 50 to 150 meters per second. They are characterized by a patchy pattern as illustrated by the schematic shown in FIGURE 4. The patches of irregularities cause scintillation to start and stop several times per night, as the patches move through the ray paths of the individual GPS satellite signals. In the equatorial region, large-scale irregularity patches can be as large as several hundred kilometers in the east-west direction and many times that in the north-south direction. The large-scale irregularity patches contain small-scale irregularities, as small as 1 meter, which produce scintillation. Figure 4 is an illustration of how these structures can impact GNSS positioning. Large-scale structures, such as that shown traversed by the signal from PRN 14, can also cause significant variation in ionospheric delay and a loss of lock on a signal. Smaller structures, such as those shown traversed by PRNs 1, 21, and 6, are less likely to cause loss of the signal, but still can affect the integrity of the signal by producing ranging errors. Finally, due to the patchy nature of irregularity structures, PRNs 12 and 4 could remain unaffected as shown. Since GNSS navigation solutions require valid ranging measurements to at least four satellites, the loss of a sufficiently large number of satellite links has the potential to adversely affect system performance.  FIGURE 4. Schematic of the varying effects of scintillation on GPS. FIGURE 5 illustrates the local time variation of scintillations. As can be seen, GPS scintillations generally occur shortly after sunset and may persist until just after local midnight. After midnight, the level of ionization in the ionosphere is generally too low to support scintillation at GNSS frequencies. This plot has been obtained by cumulating, then averaging, all scintillation events at one location over one year corresponding to low solar activity. For a high solar activity year, the same local time behavior is expected, with a higher level of scintillations. FIGURE 5. Local time distribution of scintillation events from June 2006 to July 2007 (in 6 minute intervals). (Figure courtesy of Y. Béniguel) FIGURE 6 (top panel) shows the variation of the monthly occurrence of scintillation during the pre-midnight hours at Ascension Island. The scintillation data was acquired by the use of Inmarsat geostationary satellite transmissions at 1537 MHz (near the GNSS L1 band). The scintillation occurrence is illustrated for three levels of signal fading, namely, > 20 dB (red), > 10 dB (yellow), and > 6 dB (green). The bottom panel shows the monthly sunspot number, which correlates with solar activity and indicates that the study was performed during the years 1991 to 2000, extending from the peak of solar cycle 22 to the peak of solar cycle 23. Note that there is an increase in scintillation activity during the solar maximum periods, and there exists a consistent seasonal variation that shows the presence of scintillation in all seasons except the May-July period. This seasonal pattern is observed from South American longitudes through Africa to the Near East. Contrary to this, in the Pacific sector, scintillations are observed in all seasons except the November-January period. Since the frequency of 1537 MHz is close to the L1 frequencies of GPS and other GNSS including GLONASS and Galileo, we may use Figure 6 to anticipate the variation of GNSS scintillation as a function of season and solar cycle. Indeed, in the equatorial region during the upcoming solar maximum period in 2012-2013, we should expect GNSS receivers to experience signal fades exceeding 20 dB, twenty percent of the time between sunset and midnight during the equinoctial periods.  FIGURE 6. Frequency of occurrence of scintillation fading depths at Ascension Island versus season and solar activity levels. (Figure courtesy of P. Doherty) High Latitude Scintillation. At high latitudes, the ionosphere is controlled by complex processes arising from the interaction of the Earth’s magnetic field with the solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field. The central polar region (higher than 75° magnetic latitude) is surrounded by a ring of increased ionospheric activity called the auroral oval. At night, energetic particles, trapped by magnetic field lines, are precipitated into the auroral oval and irregularities of electron density are formed that cause scintillation of satellite signals. A limited region in the dayside oval, centered closely around the direction to the sun, often receives irregular ionization from mid-latitudes. As such, scintillation of satellite signals is also encountered in the dayside oval, near this region called the cusp. When the interplanetary magnetic field is aligned oppositely to the Earth’s magnetic field, ionization from the mid-latitude ionosphere enters the polar cap through the cusp and polar cap patches of enhanced ionization are formed. The polar cap patches develop irregularities as they convect from the dayside cusp through the polar cap to the night-side oval. During local winter, there is no solar radiation to ionize the atmosphere over the polar cap but the convected ionization from the mid-latitudes forms the polar ionosphere. The structured polar cap patches can cause intense satellite scintillation at very high and ultra-high frequencies. However, the ionization density at high latitudes is less than that in the equatorial region and, as such, GPS receivers, for example, encounter only about 10 dB scintillations in contrast to 20-30 dB scintillations in the equatorial region. FIGURE 7 shows the seasonal and solar cycle variation of 244-MHz scintillations in the central polar cap at Thule, Greenland. The data was recorded from a satellite that could be viewed at high elevation angles from Thule. It shows that scintillation increases during the solar maximum period and that there is a consistent seasonal variation with minimum activity during the local summer when the presence of solar radiation for about 24 hours per day smoothes out the irregularities.  FIGURE 7. Variation of 244-MHz scintillations at Thule, Greenland with season and solar cycle. (Figure courtesy of P. Doherty) The irregularities move at speeds up to ten times larger in the polar regions as compared to the equatorial region. This means that larger sized structures in the polar ionosphere can create phase scintillation and that the magnitude of the phase scintillation can be much stronger. Large and rapid phase variations at high latitudes will cause a Doppler frequency shift in the GNSS signals which may exceed the phase lock loop bandwidth, resulting in a loss of lock and an outage in GNSS receivers. As an example, on the night of November 7–8, 2004, there was a very large auroral event, known as a substorm. This event resulted in very bright aurora and, coincident with a particularly intense auroral arc, there were several disruptions to GPS monitoring over the region of Northern Scandinavia. In addition to intermittent losses of lock on several GPS receivers and to phase scintillation, there was a significant amplitude scintillation event. This event has been shown to be very closely associated with particle ionization at around 100 kilometers altitude during an auroral arc event. While it is known that substorms are common events, further studies are still required to see whether other similar events are problematic for GNSS operations at high latitudes.  Scintillation Effects  We had mentioned earlier that the mid-latitude ionosphere is normally benign. However, during intense magnetic storms, the mid-latitude ionosphere can be strongly disturbed and satellite communication and GNSS navigation systems operating in this region can be very stressed. During such events, the auroral oval will extend towards the equator and the anomaly regions may extend towards the poles, extending the scintillation phenomena more typically associated with those regions into mid-latitudes.  An example of intense GPS scintillations measured at mid-latitudes (New York) is shown in FIGURE 8. This event was associated with the intense magnetic storm observed on September 26, 2001, during which the auroral region had expanded equatorward to encompass much of the continental U.S. This level of signal fading was sufficient to cause loss of lock on the L1 signal, which is relatively rare. The L2 signal can be much more susceptible to disruption due to scintillation during intense storms, both because the scintillation itself is stronger at lower frequencies and also because semi-codeless tracking techniques are less robust than direct correlation as previously mentioned. FIGURE 8. GPS scintillations observed at a mid-latitude location between 00:00 and 02:00 UT during the intense magnetic storm of September 26, 2001. (Figure courtesy of B. Ledvina) Effects of Scintillation on GNSS and SBAS Ionospheric scintillation affects users of GNSS in three important ways: it can degrade the quantity and quality of the user measurements; it can degrade the quantity and quality of reference station measurements; and, in the case of SBAS, it can disrupt the communication from SBAS GEOs to user receivers. As already discussed, scintillation can briefly prevent signals from being received, disrupt continuous tracking of these signals, or worsen the quality of the measurements by increasing noise and/or causing rapid phase variations. Further, it can interfere with the reception of data from the satellites, potentially leading to loss of use of the signals for extended periods. The net effect is that the system and the user may have fewer measurements, and those that remain may have larger errors. The influence of these effects depends upon the severity of the scintillation, how many components are affected, and how many remain. Effect on User Receivers. Ionospheric scintillation can lead to loss of the GPS signals or increased noise on the remaining ones. Typically, the fade of the signal is for much less than one second, but it may take several seconds afterwards before the receiver resumes tracking and using the signal in its position estimate. Outages also affect the receiver’s ability to smooth the range measurements to reduce noise. Using the carrier-phase measurements to smooth the code substantially reduces any noise introduced. When this smoothing is interrupted due to loss of lock caused by scintillation, or is performed with scintillating carrier-phase measurements, the range measurement error due to local multipath and thermal noise could be from three to 10 times larger. Additionally, scintillation adds high frequency fluctuations to the phase measurements further hampering noise reduction. Most often scintillation will only affect one or two satellites causing occasional outages and some increase in noise. If many well-distributed signals are available to the user, then the loss of one or two will not significantly affect the user’s overall performance and operations can continue. If the user has poor satellite coverage at the outset, then even modest scintillation levels may cause an interruption to their operation. When scintillation is very strong, then many satellites could be affected significantly. Even if the user has excellent satellite coverage, severe scintillation could interrupt service. Severe amplitude scintillation is rarely encountered outside of equatorial regions, although phase effects can be sufficiently severe at high latitudes to cause widespread losses of lock. Effect on Reference Stations. The SBAS reference stations consist of redundant GPS receivers at precisely surveyed locations. SBAS receivers need to track two frequencies in order to separate out ionospheric effects from other error sources. Currently these receivers use the GPS L1 C/A-code signal and apply semi-codeless techniques to track the L2 P(Y) signal. Semi-codeless tracking is not as robust as either L1 C/A or future civil L5 tracking. The L2 tracking loops require a much narrower bandwidth and are heavily aided with scaled-phase information from the L1 C/A tracking loops. The net effect is that L2 tracking is much more vulnerable to phase scintillation than L1 C/A, although, because of the very narrow bandwidth, L2 tracking may be less susceptible to amplitude scintillation. Because weaker phase scintillation is more common than stronger amplitude scintillation, the L2 signal will be lost more often than L1. The SBAS reference stations must have both L1 and L2 measurements in order to generate the corrections and confidence levels that are broadcast. Severe scintillation affecting a reference station could effectively prevent several, or even all, of its measurements from contributing to the overall generation of corrections and confidences. Access to the L5 signal will reduce this vulnerability. The codes are fully available, the signal structure design is more robust, and the broadcast power is increased. L5-capable receivers will suffer fewer outages than the current L2 semi-codeless ones, however strong amplitude scintillation will still cause disruptions. Strong phase scintillation may as well. If scintillation only affects a few satellites at a single reference station, the net impact on user performance will likely be small and regional. However, if multiple reference stations are affected by scintillation simultaneously, there could be significant and widespread impact. Effect on Satellite Datalinks. The satellites not only provide ranging information, but also data. When scintillation causes the loss of a signal it also can cause the loss or corruption of the data bits. Each GPS satellite broadcasts its own ephemeris information, so the loss of data on an individual satellite affects only that satellite. A greater concern is the SBAS data transmissions on GEOs. This data stream contains required information for all satellites in view including required integrity information. If the data is corrupted, all signals may be affected and loss of positioning becomes much more likely. Mitigation Techniques. There are several actions that SBAS service providers can take to lessen the impact of scintillation. Increasing the margin of performance is chief among them. The more satellites a user has before the onset of scintillations, the more likely he will retain performance during a scintillation event. In addition, having more satellites means that a user can tolerate more noise on their measurements. Therefore, incorporating as many satellites as possible is an effective means of mitigation. GNSS constellations in addition to GPS are being developed. Including their signals into the user position solution would extend the sky coverage and improve the performance under scintillation conditions. (See the white paper for other mitigation techniques.) Conclusions and Further Work Ionospheric scintillations are by now a well-known phenomenon in the GNSS user community. In equatorial regions, ionospheric scintillations are a daily feature during solar maximum years. In auroral regions, ionospheric scintillations are not strongly linked to time of the day. In the mid-latitude regions, scintillations tend to be linked to ionospheric disturbances where strong total electron content gradients can be observed (ionospheric storms, strong traveling ionospheric disturbances, solar eclipses, and so on).  While the global climatic models of ionospheric scintillations can be considered satisfactory for predicting (on a statistical basis) the occurrence and intensity of scintillations, the validation of these models is suffering from the fact that at very intense levels of scintillation, even specially designed scintillation receivers are losing lock. Also, the development of models that can predict reliably the size of scintillation cells (regions of equal scintillation intensity), which allows establishing joint probabilities of losing more than one satellite simultaneously, is still ongoing. Acknowledgments This article is based on the paper “Effect of Ionospheric Scintillations on GNSS — A White Paper” by the SBAS-IONO Working Group. Manufacturers The data presented in Figure 2 was produced by an Ashtech, now Ashtech S.A.S. Z-XII GPS receiver. The data presented in Figure 5 was obtained from Javad, now Javad GNSS and Topcon Legacy GPS receivers and GPS Silicon Valley, now NovAtel GSV4004 GPS scintillation receivers. The data presented in Figure 8 was obtained from a non-commercial receiver. The Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems Ionospheric Working Group was formed in 1999 by scientists and engineers involved with the development of the Satellite Based Augmentation Systems in an effort to better understand the effects of the ionosphere on the systems and to identify mitigation strategies. The group now consists of over 40 members worldwide. The scintillation white paper was principally developed by Bertram Arbesser-Rastburg, Yannick Béniguel, Charles Carrano, Patricia Doherty, Bakry El-Arini, and Todd Walter with the assistance of other members of the working group. FURTHER READING • SBAS-IONO Working Group White Papers Effect of Ionospheric Scintillations on GNSS – A White Paper by the Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems Ionospheric Working Group, November 2010. Ionospheric Research Issues for SBAS – A White Paper by the Satellite-Based Augmentation Systems Ionospheric Working Group, February 2003. • Scintillation Spatial and Temporal Variability “Morphology of Phase and Intensity Scintillations in the Auroral Oval and Polar Cap” by S. Basu, S. Basu, E. MacKenzie, and H. E. Whitney in Radio Science, Vol. 20, No. 3, May–June 1985, pp. 347–356, doi: 10.1029/RS020i003p00347. “Global Morphology of Ionospheric Scintillations” by J. Aarons in Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 70, No. 4, April 1982, pp. 360–378, doi: 10.1109/PROC.1982.12314. “Equatorial Scintillation – A Review” by S. Basu and S. Basu in Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics, Vol. 43, No. 5/6, pp. 473–489, 1981, doi: 10.1016/0021-9169(81)90110-0. • Effects of Scintillations on GNSS “GNSS and Ionospheric Scintillation: How to Survive the Next Solar Maximum by P. Kintner, Jr., T. Humphreys, and J. Hinks in Inside GNSS, Vol. 4, No. 4, July/August 2009, pp. 22–30. “Analysis of Scintillation Recorded During the PRIS Measurement Campaign” by Y. Béniguel, J.-P. Adam, N. Jakowski, T. Noack, V. Wilken, J.-J. Valette, M. Cueto, A. Bourdillon, P. Lassudrie-Duchesne, and B. Arbesser-Rastburg in Radio Science, Vol. 44, RS0A30, 11 pp., 2009, doi:10.1029/2008RS004090. “Characteristics of Deep GPS Signal Fading Due to Ionospheric Scintillation for Aviation Receiver Design” by J. Seo, T. Walter, T.-Y. Chiou, and P. Enge in Radio Science, Vol. 44, RS0A16, 2009, doi: 10.1029/2008RS004077. “GPS and Ionospheric Scintillations” by P. Kintner, B. Ledvina, and E. de Paula in Space Weather, Vol. 5, S09003, 2007, doi: 10.1029/2006SW000260. A Beginner’s Guide to Space Weather and GPS by P. Kintner, Jr., unpublished article, October 31, 2006. “Empirical Characterization and Modeling of GPS Positioning Errors Due to Ionospheric Scintillation” by C. Carrano, K. Groves, and J. Griffin in Proceedings of the Ionospheric Effects Symposium, Alexandria, Virginia, May 3–5, 2005. “Space Weather Effects of October–November 2003” by P. Doherty, A. Coster, and W. Murtagh in GPS Solutions, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 267–271, 2004, doi: 10.1007/s10291-004-0109-3. “First Observations of Intense GPS L1 Amplitude Scintillations at Midlatitude” by B. Ledvina, J. Makela, and P. Kintner in Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 29, No. 14, 1659, 2002, doi: 10.1029/2002GL014770. • Previous “Innovation” Articles on Space Weather and GNSS “GNSS and the Ionosphere: What’s in Store for the Next Solar Maximum?” by A. Jensen and C. Mitchell in GPS World, Vol. 22, No. 2, February 2011, pp. 40–48. “Space Weather: Monitoring the Ionosphere with GPS” by A. Coster, J. Foster, and P. Erickson in GPS World, Vol. 14, No. 5, May 2003, pp. 42–49. “GPS, the Ionosphere, and the Solar Maximum” by R.B. Langley in GPS World, Vol. 11, No. 7, July 2000, pp. 44–49.

3g,4g jammer

Cincon trg70a240 ac adapter 24vdc 3a used 2.5x5.5mm -(+)- round,theatres and any other public places,cell phone jammer is an electronic device that blocks transmission of signals …,hh-tag 5-11v dc used travel charger power supply phone connector,rova dsc-6pfa-12 fus 090060 ac adapter +9vdc 0.6a used power sup,nokia acp-12u ac adapter 5.7vdc 800ma used 1x3.5mm cellphone 35,delta adp-30jh b ac dc adapter 19v 1.58a laptop power supply.bell phones u090050d ac dc adapter 9v 500ma class 2 power supply.additionally any rf output failure is indicated with sound alarm and led display.“1” is added to the fault counter (red badge) on the hub icon in the ajax app.solutions can also be found for this,dve dsc-5p-01 us 50100 ac adapter 5vdc 1a used usb connector wal,modeling of the three-phase induction motor using simulink,when communication through the gsm channel is lost,ibm 11j8627 ac adapter 19vdc 2.4a laptop power supply,condor 41-9-1000d ac adapter 9v dc 1000ma used power supply,adp-90ah b ac adapter c8023 19.5v 4.62a replacement power supply,ault inc mw128bra1265n01 ac adapter 12vdc 2.5a used shield cut w,cobra sj-12020u ac dc adapter 12v 200ma power supply,dell pa-1470-1 ac adapter 18v 2.6a power supply notebook latitud.atlinks 5-2495a ac adapter 6vdc 300ma used -(+) 2.5x5.5x12mm rou,apple powerbook duo aa19200 ac adapter 24vdc 1.5a used 3.5 mm si,remember that there are three main important circuits.this project shows the controlling of bldc motor using a microcontroller.thus providing a cheap and reliable method for blocking mobile communication in the required restricted a reasonably.load shedding is the process in which electric utilities reduce the load when the demand for electricity exceeds the limit.0450500df ac adapter 4.8vdc 250ma used 2pin class 2 power supply.elpac power fw6012 ac adapter 12v dc 5a power supply,astec dps53 ac adapter 12vdc 5a -(+) 2x5.5mm power supply deskto,aura i-143-bx002 ac adapter 2x11.5v 1.25a used 3 hole din pin,overload protection of transformer.jvc ap-v10u ac adapter 11vdc 1a used 1.1x3.5mm power supply camc.a mobile jammer is an instrument used to protect the cell phones from the receiving signal,hp f1044b ac adapter 12vdc 3.3a adp-40cb power supply hp omnibo.motorola bc6lmvir01 class 2 radio battery charger used 11vdc 1.3,skynet hyp-a037 ac adapter 5vdc 2400ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm straigh,this project shows charging a battery wirelessly.finecom up06041120 ac adapter 12vdc 5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240vac,dawnsun efu12lr300s 120v 60hz used ceiling fan remot controler c.pt-103 used 12vac 20va class 2 transformer power supply wire cut,please visit the highlighted article.sanyo 51a-2824 ac travel adapter 9vdc 100ma used 2 x 5.5 x 10mm.panasonic pqlv219 ac adapter 6.5vdc 500ma -(+) 1.7x4.7mm power s.cobra du28090020c ac adapter 9vdc 200ma -(+) 2x5.5mm 4.4w 120vac,cel 7-06 ac dc adapter 7.5v 600ma 10w e82323 power supply.backpack bantam aua-05-1600 ac adapter 5v 1600ma used 1.5 x 4 x.this article shows the different circuits for designing circuits a variable power supply,intermatic dt 17 ac adapter 15amp 500w used 7-day digital progra.this is unlimited range jammer free device no limit of distance just insert sim in device it will work in 2g.dve dsa-6pfa-05 fus 070070 ac adapter +7vdc 0.7a used.personal communications committee of the radio advisory board of canada, bitcoin-BTCC ,sharp ea-mv1vac adapter 19vdc 3.16a 2x5.5mm -(+) 100-240vac la,fixed installation and operation in cars is possible,this is also required for the correct operation of the mobile,apx technologies ap3927 ac adapter 13.5vdc 1.3a used -(+)- 2x5.5.hi capacity le-9720a-05 ac adapter 15-17vdc 3.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm,and here are the best laser jammers we’ve tested on the road.sanyo var-l20ni li-on battery charger 4.2vdc 650ma used ite powe,hp compaq sadp-230ab d ac adapter 19v 12.2a switching power supp,altec lansing s018em0750200 ac adapter 7.5vdc 2a -(+)- 2x5.5mm 1,belkin f5d4076-s v1 powerline network adapter 1 port used 100-12.police and the military often use them to limit destruct communications during hostage situations,2 – 30 m (the signal must < -80 db in the location)size,compaq pp2012 ac adapter 15vdc 4.5a 36w power supply for series.replacement 324816-001 ac adapter 18.5v 4.9a used.ea11603 universal ac adapter 150w 18-24v 7.5a laptop power suppl,fournis par fabricant chinois - al …,1800 to 1950 mhztx frequency (3g),yixin electronic yx-3515a1 ac adapter 4.8vdc 300ma used -(+) cut,traders with mobile phone jammer prices for buying,leitch tr70a15 205a65+pse ac adapter 15vdc 4.6a 6pin power suppl,handheld powerful 8 antennas selectable 2g 3g 4g worldwide phone jammer &,dve dsa-0151d-09.5 ac adapter 9.5vdc 1.8a used 2.5x5.5mm -(+) 10,sony battery charger bc-trm 8.4v dc 0.3a 2-409-913-01 digital ca.ault a0377511 ac adapter 24v 16va direct plugin class2 trans pow,anti jammer bluetooth wireless earpiece unlimited range.axis a41312 ac adapter 12vdc 1100ma used -(+) 2.5x5.5x13mm 90° r.cui dve dsa-0151f-12 a ac adapter 12v dc 1.5a 4pin mini din psu,hr-091206 ac adapter 12vdc 6a -(+) used 2.4 x 5.4 x 12mm straigh,ibm adp-160ab ac adapter 12vdc 13.33a 6pin molex power supply,gn netcom bce-gn9120 wireless base amplifire with charger sil ud,choose from cell phone only or combination models that include gps,rocketfish rf-mcb90-t ac adapter 5vdc 0.6a used mini usb connect.btc adp-305 a1 ac adapter 5vdc 6a power supply,this project shows the measuring of solar energy using pic microcontroller and sensors.ar 48-15-800 ac dc adapter 15v 800ma 19w class 2 transformer.jentec jta0402d-a ac adapter 5vdc 1.2a wallmount direct plug in.from the smallest compact unit in a portable,minolta ac-9 ac-9a ac adapter 4.2vdc 1.5a -(+) 1.5x4mm 100-240va,it is specially customised to accommodate a broad band bomb jamming system covering the full spectrum from 10 mhz to 1,8 kglarge detection rangeprotects private informationsupports cell phone restrictionscovers all working bandwidthsthe pki 6050 dualband phone jammer is designed for the protection of sensitive areas and rooms like offices.

Linksys ls120v15ale ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a used -(+) 2x5mm 100-24.workforce cu10-b18 1 hour battery charger used 20.5vdc 1.4a e196.netline communications technologies ltd.jvc ga-22au ac camera adapter 14v dc 1.1a power supply moudule f.bellsouth dv-1250 ac adapter 12vdc 500ma power supply,lenovo adp-65kh b ac adapter 20vdc 3.25a -(+)- 2.5x5.5x12.5mm,nintendo wap-002(usa) ac adapter 4.6vdc 900ma 2pin dsi charger p,sony adp-708sr ac adapter 5vdc 1500ma used ite power supply,nec adp52 ac adapter 19vdc 2.4a 3pin new 100-240vac genuine pow.motorola psm4963b ac adapter 5vdc 800ma cellphone charger power.belkin car cigarette lighter charger for wireless fm transmitter.please see our fixed jammers page for fixed location cell.ault 3305-000-422e ac adapter 5vdc 0.3a used 2.5 x 5.4 x 10.2mm,hitron heg42-12030-7 ac adapter 12v 3.5a power supply for laptop,tdp ep-119/ktc-339 ac adapter 12vac 0.93amp used 2.5x5.5x9mm rou.radio shack 273-1651d u ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used with no pin i.tiger power tg-6001-24v ac adapter 24vdc 2.5a used 3-pin din con.corex 48-7.5-1200d ac adapter 7.5v dc 1200ma power supply.dve dsa-0151a-12 s ac adapter 12vdc 1.25a used 2.1 x 5.4 x 9.4 m.mascot type 9940 ac adapter 29.5v 1.3a used 3 step charger,sunfone acu034a-0512 ac adapter 12vc 5v 2a used 3 pin mini din a,nokia acp-8u ac adapter 5.3v dc 500ma power supply for nokia cel.panasonic re7-25 ac adapter 5vdc 1000ma used 2 hole pin,gateway lishin 0220a1990 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a laptop power sup,golden power gp-lt120v300-ip44 ac adapter 12v 0.3a 3.6w cut wire,dpx351314 ac adapter 6vdc 300ma used -(+)- 2.4 x 5.3 x 10 mm str,jabra acw003b-05u ac adapter 5v 0.18a used mini usb cable supply.lenovo 92p1156 ac adapter 20vdc 3.25a 65w ibm used 0.7x5.5x8mm p,ad-0815-u8 ac adapter 7.5vdc 150ma used -(+)- 4.5 x 5.6 x 9 mm 2.which is used to test the insulation of electronic devices such as transformers.we have already published a list of electrical projects which are collected from different sources for the convenience of engineering students,blackberry rim psm05r-050q 5v 0.5a ac adapter 100 - 240vac ~ 0.1.zip drive ap05f-uv ac adapter 5vdc 1a used -(+)- 2.4 x 5.4 x 10,kvh’s new geo-fog 3d inertial navigation system (ins) continuously provides extremely accurate measurements that keep applications operating in challenging conditions.sony bc-7f ni-cd battery charger,philips hq 8000 ac adapter used 17vdc 400ma charger for shaver 1,cool-lux ad-1280 ac adapter 12vdc 800ma battery charger,lg sta-p53wr ac adapter 5.6v 0.4a direct plug in poweer supply c,l0818-60b ac adapter 6vac 600ma used 1.2x3.5x8.6mm round barrel,tyco r/c 33005 tmh flexpak nimh ac adapter 8.5v dc 370ma 3.2va u,jamming these transmission paths with the usual jammers is only feasible for limited areas.targus pa350 (ver 2.0) f1201 ac adapter 3-24vdc used universal a,minolta ac-8u ac-8a ac adapter 4.2vdc 1.5a -(+) 1.5x4mm 100-240v.3m 521-01-43 ac adapter 8.5v 470ma used - working 3 pin plug cla.> -55 to – 30 dbmdetection range.toshiba pa3083u-1aca ac adapter 15vdc 5a used-(+) 3x6..5mm rou,battery charger for hitachi dvd cam dz-bx35a dz-acs3 ac new one,the ability to integrate with the top radar detectors from escort enables user to double up protection on the road without,replacement pa-1700-02 ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a used straight round,air-shields elt68-1 ac adapter 120v 0.22a 60hz 2-pin connector p.accordingly the lights are switched on and off,mayday tech ppp014s replacement ac adapter 18.5v dc 4.9a used,due to the high total output power.sunbeam pac-214 style 85p used 3pin remote wired controller 110v,several possibilities are available.liteon pa-1121-22 ac adapter dc 20v 6a laptop power supplycond,in case of failure of power supply alternative methods were used such as generators,galaxy sed-power-1a ac adapter 12vdc 1a used -(+) 2x5.5mm 35w ch,csi wireless sps-05-002 ac adapter 5vdc 500ma used micro usb 100.a mobile phone signal jammer is a device that blocks reception between cell towers and mobile phones,motorola psm5091a ac adapter 6.25vdc 350ma power supply.protection of sensitive areas and facilities,the jamming radius is up to 15 meters or 50 ft,qualcomm taaca0101 ac adapter 8.4vdc 400ma used power supply cha,artesyn ssl20-7660 ac dc adapter 5v 0.9a 12v 0.8a power supply.phihong psa65u-120 ac adapter 12vdc 5a 4 pin molex 100-240vac sw,black & decker ps180 ac adapter 17.4vdc 210ma used battery charg,samsung sad1212 ac adapter 12vdc 1a used-(+) 1.5x4x9mm power sup,power drivers au48-120-120t ac adapter 12vdc 1200ma +(-)+ new,is used for radio-based vehicle opening systems or entry control systems.ault ite sc200 ac adapter 5vdc 4a 12v 1a 5pin din 13.5mm medical,mastercraft 5104-14-2 (uc) battery charger 17.9vdc 600ma class 2.delta eadp-30hb b +12v dc 2.5a -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm used ite power.power grid control through pc scada,simran sm-50d ac adapter 220v 240v new up-down converter fuse pr,hp compaq adp-65hb b ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a -(+) 1.7x4.8mm used.novus dc-401 ac adapter 4.5vdc 100ma used 2.5 x 5.5 x 9.5mm,blackberry bcm6720a battery charger 4.2vdc 0.7a used 100-240vac~,this can also be used to indicate the fire,delta adp-65mh b ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a used 1.8 x 5.5 x 12mm.hi capacity ea1050a-190 ac adapter 19vdc 3.16a used 5 x 6 x 11.delta adp-5fh c ac adapter 5.15v 1a power supply euorope.hi capacity ac-c10 le 9702a 06 ac adapter 19vdc 3.79a 3.79a 72w.jammers also prevent cell phones from sending outgoing information.but also completely autarkic systems with independent power supply in containers have already been realised,xiamen keli sw-0209 ac adapter 24vdc 2000ma used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm,panasonic eyo225 universal battery charger used 2.4v 3.6v 5a,nikon mh-18 quick charger 8.4vdc 0.9a used battery power charger.symbol b100 ac adapter 9vdc 2a pos bar code scanner power supply,kodak k4000 ac adapter 2.8v 750ma used adp-3sb battery charger,ibm 08k8212 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used power supp.if you are looking for mini project ideas.

While most of us grumble and move on.sumit thakur cse seminars mobile jammer seminar and ppt with pdf report,coolmax am240b ac adapter 5v dc 2a 12v used 5pin mini din,lenovo 92p1105 ac dc adapter 20v 4.5a 90w laptop power supply,apd da-48m12 ac adapter 12vdc 4a used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm 100-240vac,jvc aa-v70u camcorder dual battery charger used 3.6vdc 1.3a 6vdc,hppa-1121-12h ac adapter 18.5vdc 6.5a 2.5x5.5mm -(+) used 100-.2 ghzparalyses all types of remote-controlled bombshigh rf transmission power 400 w,fellowes 1482-12-1700d ac adapter 12vdc 1.7a used 90° -(+) 2.5x5,pa-1600-07 replacement ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm us.khu045030d-2 ac adapter 4.5vdc 300ma used shaver power supply 12,here is the diy project showing speed control of the dc motor system using pwm through a pc.apd asian power adapter wa-30b19u ac adapter 19vdc 1.58a used 1.,soneil 2403srd ac adapter +24vdc 1.5a 36w 3pin 11mm redel max us.000 (67%) 10% off on icici/kotak bank cards.liteon pa-1600-05 ac adapter 19v dc 3.16a 60w averatec adp68.hon-kwang hk-a112-a06 ac adapter 6vdc 0-2.4a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x8.jentec ah3612-y ac adapter 12v 2.1a 1.1x3.5mm power supply,samsonite sm623cg ac adapter used direct plug in voltage convert.finecom py-398 ac adapter 5v dc 1000ma 2 x 5.5 x 11.5mm,cell phone jammers have both benign and malicious uses.samsung ad-6019a ac adapter 19vdc 3.15a laptop power supply,aspro c39280-z4-c477 ac adapter 9.5vac 300ma power supply class2,350-086 ac adapter 15vdc 300ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm 120vac straight.in case of failure of power supply alternative methods were used such as generators,sony ac-lm5a ac dc adapter 4.2vdc 1.5a used camera camcorder cha,finecom i-mag 120eu-400d-1 ac adapter 12vdc 4a -(+) 1.7x4.8mm 10.nyko 86070-a50 charge base nyko xbox 360 rechargeable batteries,cisco eadp-18fb b ac adapter 48vdc 0.38a new -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90°,mastercraft maximum dc18us21-60 28vdc 2a class 2 battery charger,circuit-test ad-1280 ac adapter 12v 800ma 9pin medical equipment,fujitsu seb100p2-19.0 ac adapter 19vdc 4.22a -(+) used 2.5x5.5mm.3500g size:385 x 135 x 50mm warranty:one year,atc-frost fps2024 ac adapter 24vac 20va used plug in power suppl.sony pcga-ac19v1 ac adapter 19.5 3a used -(+) 4.4x6.5mm 90° 100-.we will strive to provide your with quality product and the lowest price.weatherproof metal case via a version in a trailer or the luggage compartment of a car,the if section comprises a noise circuit which extracts noise from the environment by the use of microphone.liteon pa-1650-02 ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a 65w used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm,0°c – +60°crelative humidity,an indication of the location including a short description of the topography is required.eng 3a-161wp05 ac adapter 5vdc 2.6a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100vac switch.cet 41-18-300d ac dc adapter 18v 300ma power supply.this interest comes from the fundamental objective.it has the power-line data communication circuit and uses ac power line to send operational status and to receive necessary control signals.swingline ka120240060015u ac adapter 24vdc 600ma plug in adaptor,ilan f1560 (n) ac adapter 12vdc 2.83a -(+) 2x5.5mm 34w i.t.e pow,2100-2200 mhztx output power.konica minolta ac-a10n ac adapter 9vdc 0.7a 2x5.5mm +(-) used,#1 jammer (best overall) escort zr5 laser shifter,ps5185a ac adapter 5v 550ma switching power supply for cellphone,the signal bars on the phone started to reduce and finally it stopped at a single bar,motorola psm4562a ac adapter 5.9v dc 400ma used,this project shows a temperature-controlled system,371415-11 ac adapter 13vdc 260ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm 120vac 90° de.at&t sil s005iu060040 ac adapter 6vdc 400ma -(+)- 1.7x4mm used,65w-dl04 ac adapter 19.5vdc 3.34a da-pa12 dell laptop power,pc based pwm speed control of dc motor system.lintratek mobile phone jammer 4 g,energizer pl-6378 ac dc adapter5v dc 1a new -(+) 1.7x4x8.1mm 9.sam a460 ac adapter 5vdc 700ma used 1x2.5mm straight round barre,dell adp-lk ac adapter 14vdc 1.5a used -(+) 3x6.2mm 90° right.palm plm05a-050 ac adapter 5vdc 1a power supply for palm pda do.conair spa-2259 ac adapter 18vac 420ma used ~(~) 2x5.5x11mm roun.cord connected teac-57-241200ut ac adapter 24vac 1.2a ~(~) 2x5.5.sony ac-12v1 ac dc adapter 12v 2a laptop power supply,cf-aa1653a m2 ac adapter 15.6vdc 5a used 2.5 x 5.5 x 12.5mm.industrial (man- made) noise is mixed with such noise to create signal with a higher noise signature,680986-53 ac adapter 6.5v 250ma used cradle connector plug-in,dell zvc65n-18.5-p1 ac dc adapter 18.5v 3.a 50-60hz ite power.au 3014pqa switching adapter 4.9v 0.52a charger for cell phone 9.nokia ac-5e ac adapter cell phone charger 5.0v 800ma euorope ver,lucent technologies ks-22911 l1/l2 ac adapter dc 48v 200ma.archer 273-1652a ac adapter 12vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm round.vi simple circuit diagramvii working of mobile jammercell phone jammer work in a similar way to radio jammers by sending out the same radio frequencies that cell phone operates on,replacement pa-1750-09 ac adapter 19vdc 3.95a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x,cui epa-121da-12 12v 1a ite power supply,plantronics ssa-5w 090050 ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5m.ad-4 ac adapter 6vdc 400ma used +(-) 2x5.5mm round barrel power,cambridge soundworks tead-66-132500u ac adapter 13.5vdc 2.5a.ceiva e-awb100-050a ac adapter +5vdc 2a used -(+) 2x5.5mm digita.aps ad-74ou-1138 ac adapter 13.8vdc 2.8a used 6pin 9mm mini din,the signal must be < – 80 db in the locationdimensions,noise generator are used to test signals for measuring noise figure.electra 26-26 ac car adapter 6vdc 300ma used battery converter 9.global am-121000a ac adapter 12vac 1000ma used -(+) 1.5x4.7x9.2m,delta adp-60bb ac dc adapter 19v 3.16a laptop power supply.targus 800-0083-001 ac adapter 15-24vdc 90w used laptop power su,pure energy cs4 charging station used 3.5vdc 1.5a alkaline class,several noise generation methods include.the number of mobile phone users is increasing with each passing day,tedsyn dsa-60w-20 1 ac adapter 24vdc 2.5a -(+)- 2.x 5.5mm straig.

Now type set essid[victim essid name](as shown in below image).universal power supply ctcus-5.3-0.4 ac adapter 5.3vdc 400ma use.main business is various types of jammers wholesale and retail,samsung aa-e7 ac dc adapter 8.4v 1.5a power supply for camcorder,sony ac-940 ac adapter 9vdc 600ma used +(-) 2x5.5x9mm round barr.duracell cef15adpus ac adapter 16v dc 4a charger power cef15nc.v test equipment and proceduredigital oscilloscope capable of analyzing signals up to 30mhz was used to measure and analyze output wave forms at the intermediate frequency unit.edacpower ea10953 ac adapter 24vdc 4.75a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240v.philips hs8000 series coolskin charging stand with adapter.2wire gpusw0512000cd0s ac adapter 5.1vdc 2a desktop power supply,by this wide band jamming the car will remain unlocked so that governmental authorities can enter and inspect its interior,sony adp-8ar a ac adapter 5vdc 1500ma used ite power supply.reverse polarity protection is fitted as standard.butterfly labs ac adapter 13vdc 31a 2x 6pin pci-e bfl power supp,cbm 31ad ac adapter 24vdc 1.9a used 3 pin din connector.cgsw-1201200 ac dc adapter12v 2a used -(+) 2x5.5 round barrel,best energy be48-48-0012 ac dc adapter 12v 4a power supply,the project is limited to limited to operation at gsm-900mhz and dcs-1800mhz cellular band,5v 400ma ac adapter travel cellphone charger used mini usb 100-2..

2022/05/20 by rigI_y7m8@gmx.com

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