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An Answer for Precise Positioning Research By Thomas Pany, Nico Falk, Bernhard Riedl, Tobias Hartmann, Günter Stangl, and Carsten Stöber INNOVATION INSIGHTS by Richard Langley WHAT IS THE IDEAL GNSS RECEIVER? Well, that depends on what you mean by “ideal.” If we take it to mean the simplest, conceptually, yet the most capable and adaptable receiver, then we would just connect an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) to an antenna and pass the converter’s output to a digital signal processor whose software would transform the received signal into the desired result with the utmost speed and precision. There are certain technological limitations that currently preclude fully developing such a device but we are getting very close to the ideal and practical implementations already exist. Such a GNSS receiver is an example of a software-defined radio — a radio-communications architecture in which as much of the operation of a receiver (or a transmitter) as feasible is performed by software in an embedded system or on a personal computer (PC). Now, we can’t simply connect an ADC to an antenna since the strength of GNSS signals falls well below the sensitivity threshold of real ADCs and those that can directly digitize microwave radio frequencies are rather power hungry. Therefore, the front end of a real software GNSS receiver includes a low-noise preamplifier, filters, and one or more downconverters to produce an analog intermediate-frequency signal that passes to a high-speed ADC. The digitized signal is provided at the output of the front end in a convenient format, which, for processing signals on a PC, is typically USB 2.0 with its maximum signaling rate of 480 megabits per second. All baseband signal processing is then carried out in the programmable microprocessor. Software GNSS receivers offer a number of advantages over their hardware cousins. Foremost is their flexibility, which permits easy and rapid changes to accommodate new radio frequency bands, signal modulation types and bandwidths, and baseband algorithms. This flexibility is beneficial not only for multi-GNSS operation but also for prototyping algorithms for conventional hardware designs. Another advantage is their use in embedded systems such as smartphones and wireless personal digital assistants. Software GNSS receivers are also a boon for teaching, where a student can tweak a particular operating parameter and immediately see the effect. And given their remarkable flexibility, software GNSS receivers can be adapted to a variety of special scientific and engineering research applications such as reflectometry and signal analysis. In this month’s “Innovation,” we look into the development and capabilities of one modern software GNSS receiver in an effort to answer the question “What is the ideal GNSS receiver for precise positioning research?” “Innovation” is a regular feature that discusses advances in GPS technology andits applications as well as the fundamentals of GPS positioning. The column is coordinated by Richard Langley of the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick. Personal-computer-based software receivers have found broad use as R&D tools for testing new signal processing algorithms, for analyzing received GNSS signals, and for integrating various sensors with GNSS. Software receivers also provide a consistent framework for GNSS signal samples, correlator values, pseudoranges, positions, assistance data, and sensor (inertial) data, and often act as integration platforms for prototype navigation systems. The distinctive feature of PC-based software receivers is their ability to work in post-processing mode in addition to real-time operation and the support of high-performance central processing units (CPUs). So far, software receivers are typically not used as operational receivers — neither in the mass market, nor in the professional sector, nor as a reference station where a PC would already be available. The last point can be explained by the fact that most software receivers can only process a limited number of frequency bands (sometimes just L1) and are often limited to small bandwidth signals (such as that of the L1 C/A-code signal or the L2 civil signal (L2C)). Improvements of the PC-based software receiver SX-NSR achieved at the end of 2010 and in early 2011 try to overcome these limitations. They include the first real-time implementation of P-code processing on L2, a unique method for processing the ultra-wide Galileo AltBOC signals on E5, and a method to synchronize two NavPort-4 frontends (each supporting four frequency bands of 15 MHz bandwidth) via a hardware link. The SX-NSR, which has been developed in cooperation with the Universität der Bundeswehr München in Munich, Germany, runs under the Windows operating system (XP or 7) and supports processing of GNSS signals plus sensor data (such as that from an inertial measurement unit, or IMU) in real time and in post-processing mode. It supports all the civil GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, and Compass signals. User-defined signals can be included by providing the pseudorandom noise (PRN) codes and the associated tracking parameters. The computational real-time performance can be characterized by two rules-of-thumb for acquisition and tracking. Acquisition is based on a flexible coherent and noncoherent integration and may be accelerated by a graphics card based on the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) — a parallel-computing architecture developed by Nvidia for graphics processing but also useful for accelerating non-graphics applications. Depending on the graphics card type, a few million or many millions of equivalent correlators are available to detect even the weakest signals quickly. Stable tracking is done with multiple correlators. An x86 CPU core supports around 20 channels (for a laptop) to 30 channels (for a PC) at an average CPU load below 50–60 percent. With that CPU load, the software has enough reserve (in terms of the size of the sample buffer) to cope with latencies introduced by the non-real-time Windows operating system. In post-processing, a virtually unlimited number of channels or correlators is available. The SX-NSR software typically connects to the NavPort-4 front end via a single USB 2.0 connector. One front end supports four RF paths with 15-MHz bandwidth in the L-band. One band is sampled at 40.96 MHz with 12-bit precision. Small batches of samples are transferred with 12 bits at regular intervals to the PC for increased spectral analysis possibilities but the continuous transfer is usually done with just 2 bits. Decimation by a factor of two (yielding a sample rate of 20.48 MHz) and/or bit reduction are options to limit the data transfer bandwidth on the USB bus. The NavPort also includes configurable notch and finite-impulse-response (FIR) filters working with 12-bit precision and 40.96-MHz data rate. The SX-NSR further supports standard output formats (such as Receiver Independent Exchange (RINEX) format or that of the Radio Technical Commission for Maritime Services (RTCM)), has a graphical user interface, and a freely user-accessible application programming interface (API) in the C programming language. A reference station was established with the SX-NSR for the International GNSS Service (IGS) Multi-GNSS Experiment (M-GEX) starting on February 1, 2012, at the Observatory Graz in Austria (marker name GRAB). The data is routinely processed by the European Reference Frame analysis center at Observatory Lustbuehel, Graz, Austria, with Bernese Software 5.0, and shows results with a quality that is virtually no different than that of commercial hardware receivers. All-in-view tracking of the four GNSS constellations on all frequencies (see TABLE 1) has been achieved with an off-the-shelf $1,000 PC, two synchronized NavPorts, and the SX-NSR software. In particular, the front end receives Compass B1, B2, and B3 signals and currently the software is tracking two of the geostationary Earth orbit (GEO) satellites, a few of the inclined geosynchronous orbit (IGSO) satellites, and the medium Earth orbit (MEO) satellites at Graz on B1 and B2. There are plans to implement tracking of the B3 signal for the M1 satellite and that of satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) satellites on L5. Table 1. Frequency bands supported by the dual NavPort-4 receiver. Typical received carrier-to-noise-density-ratio (C/N0) values recorded at station GRAB are shown in FIGURE 1. Freely accessible GRAB data in RINEX format can be downloaded from several data archive sites (see Further Reading online). The SX-NSR software receiver provides a GNSS development and research framework with the API opening it up for user-implemented algorithms. The user may implement only small portions of new code (such as a special acquisition technique) and for the rest of the receiver rely on the well-known behavior of the SX-NSR’s framework. A number of applications are possible using the flexibility of a software receiver; some of them are described in this article. Figure 1. C/N0 values for five typical satellites, one each for GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, Compass, and the European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) SBAS as recorded at Observatory Graz. The Front End The front-end frequency plan was adjusted to have a clean spectrum free of internal interference. This is of utmost importance as software receivers are often used to detect and mitigate interference especially for the Galileo E5 and E6 frequency bands due to overlapping radio navigation services. An inter-front-end link enables synchronization of two NavPort-4 devices. It generates a synchronous reference clock for a proper phase relationship. Moreover, a trigger is used to adjust the digital data stream of both devices. One possible application of the inter-front-end link technology is to easily double the number of available GNSS frequencies. Another possible application is the building of a dual-antenna solution. For this purpose, each NavPort-4 device handles the same GNSS frequencies, but from different antennas. Whereas within each NavPort, a quad analog-to-digital converter (ADC) synchronously samples the four received GNSS signals, the synchronicity between two NavPorts is more complex. For the inter-front-end link, both devices have to use the same 10-MHz clock reference for a synchronous setup. This is reached by using the reference clock output of the master device as reference clock input of the slave device as depicted in FIGURE 2. It is also possible to connect both NavPort-4 devices to a single external clock reference. Each device generates its own 40.96-MHz sample rate from this reference. The phase difference of the 40.96-MHz sample rate is measured in the master and slave with a phase detector. The first input of the detector is the local 40.96-MHz clock. The second input is the 40.96-MHz clock from the other NavPort-4 with a different phase alignment due to ambiguities in its generation and cable delay. The phase detector measures the phase difference between both clocks. The low-pass-filtered output of this measurement is digitized with an ADC. If this measurement is within a phase range of ±7 degrees at 40.96 MHz, which corresponds to ±14 centimeters, the coarse synchronization is finished. If the value is not within this range, the synchronization algorithm repeats. After starting the data processing for both devices simultaneously with an implemented digital trigger, the phase difference between master and slave clock could be measured continuously for later fine-tuning in the SX-NSR to achieve an accuracy of much below 1 degree at 40.96 MHz, which corresponds to ±2 centimeters. The synchronization algorithm is verified by connecting two L1-capable NavPorts to the same antenna. The phase and code delay can then be determined from receiver single-differences of GPS L1 C/A-code-derived phase and code measurements. Actually, this delay estimation is part of an attitude solution (see below) and an example is shown in FIGURE 3. The code delay here is around 50 centimeters and includes the RF filter delay difference of around 40 centimeters (which can be calibrated and is stable over power cycles) in addition to the synchronization delay (here around 10 centimeters). The phase delay is naturally determined modulo one cycle and shows warm-up effects of 1.4 centimeters during the first few minutes of operation. Figure 3. Inter-front-end hardware delay variation on a GPS L1 signal. GNSS Reference Station Although the GPS modernization process is ongoing and more and more L2C-capable satellites are in orbit, tracking of the encrypted P-code signal on L2 is still a key element for any receiver to be considered as a reference station or geodetic receiver. Dual-frequency observations need to be available for the full GPS constellation. A possible option to retrieve full wavelength carrier-phase observations and code ranges on L2 is cross-correlation tracking of the encrypted P-code signal. The receiver computes the cross-correlation function between the raw L1 and L2 samples over a long coherent interval as shown in FIGURE 4. The encrypted P-code stream, identical on L1 and L2, is represented by c(tµ). Figure 4. Cross-correlation block diagram. A receiver internal complex carrier is generated (see frequency compensation in Figure 4), whose frequency equals the Doppler shift frequency plus the intermediate-frequency difference between L1 and L2. This frequency is generally different for each satellite. The L1 signal is delayed to compute the cross-correlation function for several code-phase taps. The cross-correlation function is computed using the predicted Doppler difference based on the Doppler frequency estimated from L1 with complex-valued baseband samples. A number of batches are collected and a post-correlation fast Fourier transform is applied. The parameter values shown in TABLE 2 result in a total coherent integration time of 6.4 seconds. Table 2. SX-NSR cross-correlation parameter values. The result is the cross-correlation function as a function of code phase and Doppler. Using interpolation techniques, the position of the peak is determined, which then gives the delay and Doppler shift of the L2 signal with respect to the L1 signal. The complex argument of the peak value gives the L2-L1 carrier-phase differences. Those differences are filtered and are then added to the L1 parameters to give the L2P code estimates. We use two first-order Kalman filters (one for the code, one for the phase) to smooth the cross-correlation estimates. The code filter is updated with the estimated delay and the Doppler; the phase filter is updated with the estimated Doppler and phase. Cycle slips are detected if the L1-L2 phase changes are too high. Loss-of-lock is detected by comparing the estimated L2 C/N0 value against a threshold. After several Kalman filter tuning steps, the L2P signal is tracked down to low elevation angles. For example, the GPS Block IIF satellite PRN1 was tracked over a whole pass without cycle slips as shown in the code-minus-carrier plot in FIGURE 5.  Figure 5. Code minus carrier-phase measurements for GPS PRN1 at site GRAB on day of year 106, 2012. One of the key applications of a professional GNSS receiver is its use as a GNSS reference station. Using a software receiver for this purpose would also provide increased monitoring capabilities to detect (un)intentional inference via RF spectral analysis or to detect signal anomalies due to satellite failures or multipath. Furthermore, it is useful for a number of scientific experiments and research topics such as scintillation monitoring or atmospheric occultation studies. Other GNSS Signals The inclusion of new GNSS signals in a software receiver is typically straightforward. The PRN codes need to be loaded and the tracking parameters (such as carrier frequency, integration time, error correction scheme, phase relation of signal components data/pilot, correlator positions, and discriminator type) can be selected without source code modification. If a hand-over from a different signal is performed (such as from GPS L1 to GPS L5) and if the first signal has already been synchronized to the transmit time by decoding the time-of-week, then it is possible to directly resolve the code ambiguity of the new signal. If this is not possible, a navigation message decoder has to be implemented to retrieve the time-of-week, which mostly has to be in the source code. Galileo AltBOC. An important exception to this rule is the Galileo AltBOC signal due to its high bandwidth. A conventional view on the AltBOC signal processing would require a sample rate of at least two times the total signal bandwidth. Depending on how many outer AltBOC side lobes are considered, this results in a sampling rate of 102 megasamples per second or more. This is undesirable for a cost-efficient software receiver solution, regarding the data transfer and the CPU load. The AltBOC processing inside the SX-NSR relies on the fact that both frequency bands E5a and E5b are sampled coherently and this coherency can be exploited to reconstruct the full AltBOC signal. The accuracy of the AltBOC navigation signal is concentrated in the main BOC sidelobes itself. More specifically, the thermal noise and multipath performance are dependent on the Gabor bandwidth, which represents the curvature of the correlation function at the tracking point. Thus a similar Gabor bandwidth can be obtained by sampling the E5a and the E5b band separately. This is the key idea of the resulting AltBOC processing scheme. The E5a and E5b signal samples are generated synchronously inside the same ADC chip and are transferred via the USB bus to the PC running the SX-NSR. The SX-NSR first acquires and tracks the signal separately on E5a and E5b. As it is quite efficient to run the E5a and E5b tracking on separate threads (and on separate CPU cores), the combination of E5a and E5b correlation values to E5 correlation values is done at the post-correlation level. There is no feedback from the E5 channel to the E5a/b channels. The channel maintains its own numerically controlled oscillator (NCO). A dedicated transformation is used to account for NCO differences between the E5a/b NCO values and the E5 NCO values. It is basically a sinc-interpolation in the code-phase direction and accounts for Doppler and carrier-phase differences. The transformed correlation values are added and yield an approximation to the AltBOC correlation function. The E5 correlation values are used to compute the discriminator values to update the E5 tracking loops. The E5 NCO values are used to compute the code pseudoranges and carrier-phase measurements, the Doppler frequency, and the C/N0 values, which are the primary outputs of the E5 receiver. Although the E5 receiver is a somehow a virtual receiver (that is, without correlators), it has the same user interface including most of the configuration parameters, output (for example, multi-correlator), and API. With AltBOC tracking, the Galileo satellites deliver code and phase measurements on five different carrier frequencies. A code-minus-carrier plot is shown in FIGURE 6. The code accuracy of the AltBOC signal is striking. The E6 signal is severely impacted by the present interference, and phase tracking is only possible for higher elevation angles. Figure 6. Code minus carrier-phase measurements for Galileo PRN12 at site GRAB on day of year 104, 2012. Polyfit and Vector Tracking A software receiver should provide a transparent way to retrieve pseudorange measurements that is well understood and can be well modeled. It should also provide a flexible input to control tracking NCO values. Both points are important if the receiver is part of larger navigation system (such as an integrated GNSS/INS system). Conventional delay-lock loop (DLL) / frequency-lock loop (FLL) / phase-lock loop (PLL) configuration is one option and is well understood by all GNSS researchers and engineers. It has, however, two major drawbacks. The loops introduce time correlations that cannot be easily modeled in a positioning Kalman filter, especially if low bandwidths (carrier aiding) are used. Second, the internal parameters of a DLL are difficult to match to a deeply coupled GPS/INS system. One way to overcome this is a method called polyfit tracking based on a rather old Jet Propulsion Laboratory patent (U.S. Patent No. 4821294). The idea behind this is to decouple pseudorange determination from the NCO counters. This is accomplished by forming the pseudoranges at the integrate-and-dump rate (such as 50 Hz) and to add the discriminator values to them. The resulting pseudorange is then obtained via a polyfit over the measurement interval. The time correlation of the measurements is solely determined by the discriminator values, and they compensate for the NCO correlations. A nice example is the application of this method to vector tracking. In vector tracking the NCO values are determined via a line-of-sight projection of the last position, velocity, and time (PVT) estimate and this estimate is usually slightly delayed. Furthermore, the line-of-sight projection is not perfect due to inevitable modeling errors (such as atmospheric delay errors). Thus the NCO does not follow the received signal as well as for DLL/FLL/PLL tracking. This is not a problem as the difference is captured in the discriminator values. FIGURE 7 shows the output of the method for a measurement interval of 0.5 second, one GPS C/A-code signal and for a dynamic user. The PVT update happens with a delay of about 100 milliseconds, changing the Doppler frequency. This resulting phase slope discontinuity is nicely compensated by the phase discriminator. The actual measurements are marked as brown stars in Figure 7. The method can also be applied to slave a channel to a master channel. This is useful for reflectometry, for example, where the master channel locks onto a line-of-sight signal and the slave channel tracks the reflected signal from sea surface. Figure 7. NCO-based phases (green) plus discriminator values (yellow) and polyfit for carrier-phase, code, and Doppler tracking (dynamic user, GPS C/A-code tracking). With multiple correlators (for example, nine correlators equally spaced from -0.5 to 0.3 chip for GPS C/A-code tracking), the polyfit method can be extended in a natural way to estimate and mitigate multipath. Using the polyfit carrier estimate, the multi-correlator values are coherently combined over the measurement interval and then a correlation function model is fitted to it. An eventually presented data bit is estimated and wiped off. The correlator fit starts with the assumption that only the line-of-sight signal is present. If the chi-squared value is above a certain threshold, the correlator fit is repeated assuming additionally one multipath signal. Up to two multipath signals can be estimated. The performance of this method can be tested with an RF signal generator. The scenario includes the line-of-sight signal (GPS C/A-code) and one multipath signal. The initial multipath delay is 0 meters and increases slowly (5.7 millimeters per second). The standard tracking method uses a multipath-mitigating double-delta code discriminator formed from four correlators (-0.2, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2) and an arctan carrier discriminator. Standard tracking is used to control the NCO values. FIGURE 8 shows that multipath is detected for delays larger than 15 meters. The detection performance depends on the carrier-phase difference of the line-of-sight and multipath signal, but for delays larger than 32 meters, multipath is always detected. If multipath is detected, the corrected ranges and C/N0 values are significantly improved. Figure 8. SX-NSR real-time carrier-phase multipath detection and mitigation performance for a GPS C/A-code signal with a -10 dB multipath signal (standard tracking shown in black, multipath-estimating discriminator output shown in red). The polyfit method is used routinely in the reference station and has also been tested in a dynamic scenario. A bus drive near the IFEN office in Poing, Germany, with the antenna mounted on the roof has been carried out. Even in this rural area, short-term shading and multipath severely distort single channel (DLL/PLL) tracking causing rather large position errors (red dots in FIGURE 9). With a simple switch in the software, the NCO control can be switched from DLL/PLL to vector tracking (polyfit tracking is always on with the same fit parameters). If the standard point positioning (SPP) solution is used to control the NCO values (yellow dots), the errors are already drastically reduced because the NCOs follow the position and not the reflected signals. Also, erratic NCO jitter preceding loss-of-lock events is now eliminated. A further improvement is achieved if the PVT solution is computed by a Kalman filter (green dots), giving finally the typical high-navigation accuracy of modern GNSS receivers even with partial signal blocking. Dual-Antenna Heading Determination The bus drive mentioned above has actually been carried out with two antennas on the roof top with the aim of demonstrating the dual-antenna performance of the software receiver to determine heading. Two synchronized NavPorts have been used, both receiving GPS C/A-code signals (more frequencies would even be more beneficial and possible, but such a test has not yet been carried out). The software is fully prepared to handle data streams from two antennas and one option is to use the same NCO for both antennas. That is, the master antenna data is used to realize vector tracking and the discriminators of the slave channels capture the relative movement of the slave antenna to the master antenna. Again, polyfit tracking provides a natural framework to cope with this data. Attitude is determined with receiver single-difference observations. It is beneficial to form this difference as early as possible in the receiver processing, that is, immediately after correlation. Thus carrier-phase tracking is based on receiver single-difference correlators, being the product of the complex-conjugate master prompt correlator and the slave prompt correlator (both obviously for the same GNSS signal). The heading is shown in FIGURE 10. As reference, a GPS/INS system was used that calibrated the IMU during the first 300 seconds. One sees that the polyfit plus difference correlator is able to track the carrier phase continuously over 400 seconds in the rural test drive, although there is high multipath and some shading even for the high-elevation-angle satellites. Switching off only one option (vector tracking or the difference correlator) introduces cycle slips and corrupts the heading solution. Figure 10. Heading and heading error for the dual-antenna test.  Conclusions Currently, we see two main applications for software receivers. First, they may replace hardware receivers if the increased software receiver performance/flexibility justifies the increased power consumption and size. Several features have been shown in this article, and the possibility to do post-processing and the high-power CPU for customized algorithms are striking arguments for software receivers. On the other hand, software receivers may be customized by inserting user-specific code via the API offering enormous possibilities. Acknowledgments The research leading to the AltBOC results and the difference correlator results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement numbers 248151 and 247866, respectively. This article is based, in part, on the award-winning paper “Wide-band Signal Processing Features for Reference Station use of a PC-based Software Receiver: Cross-correlation Tracking on GPS L2P, AltBOC and the Inter-frontend Link for up to Eight Frequency Bands” presented at ION GNSS 2011, the 24th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, held in Portland, Oregon, September 19–23, 2011. Manufacturers The IFEN GmbH NavPort/SX-NSR receiver at station GRAB is fed by a Leica Geosystems AG LEIAR25.R4 antenna with a LEIT radome. The kinematic test used a NovAtel Inc. SPAN GNSS/inertial system. THOMAS PANY works for IFEN GmbH in Poing, Germany, as a senior research engineer in the GNSS receiver department. He also works as a lecturer (Priv.-Doz.) at the Universität der Bundeswehr München (UniBwM) in Munich, Germany. NICO FALK works for IFEN GmbH in the receiver technology department. BERNHARD RIEDL works for IFEN GmbH as product manager for SX-NSR. TOBIAS HARTMANN works for IFEN GmbH in the receiver technology department. GÜNTER STANGL is an officer of the Austrian Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying and works half time at the Space Research Institute of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. CARSTEN STÖBER is a research associate at UniBwM.   FURTHER READING • Authors’ Proceedings Paper “Wide-band Signal Processing Features for Reference Station Use of a PC-based Software Receiver: Cross-correlation Tracking on GPS L2P, AltBOC and the Inter-frontend Link for up to Eight Frequency Bands” by T. Pany, N. Falk, B. Riedl, T. Hartmann, J. Winkel, and G. Stangl in Proceedings of ION GNSS 2011, the 24th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Portland, Oregon, September 19–23, 2011, pp. 753–766. • IFEN Software Receiver Website • Overviews of Software GNSS Receivers “Real-Time Software Receivers: Challenges, Status, Perspectives” by M. Baracchi-Frei, G. Waelchli, C. Botteron, and P.-A. Farine in GPS World, Vol. 20, No. 9, September 2009, pp. 40–47. “GNSS Software Defined Radio: Real Receiver or Just a Tool for Experts?” by J.-H. Won, T. Pany, and G. Hein in Inside GNSS, Vol. 1, No. 5, July–August 2006, pp. 48–56 “Satellite Navigation Evolution: The Software GNSS Receiver” by G. MacCougan, P.L. Normark, and C. Ståhlberg in GPS World, Vol. 16, No. 1, January 2005, pp. 48–55. • Software GNSS Receiver Algorithms and Implementations Digital Satellite Navigation and Geophysics: A Practical Guide with GNSS Signal Simulator and Receiver Laboratory by I.G. Petrovski and T. Tsujii with foreword by R.B. Langley, published by Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, U.K., 2012. “Simulating GPS Signals: It Doesn’t Have to Be Expensive” by A. Brown, J. Redd, and M.-A. Hutton in GPS World, Vol. 23, No. 5, May 2012, pp. 44–50. Navigation Signal Processing for GNSS Software Receivers by T. Pany, published by Artech House, Norwood, Massachusetts, 2010. A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver: A Single-Frequency Approach by K. Borre, D.M. Akos, N. Bertelsen, P. Rinder, and S.H. Jensen, published by Birkhäuser, Boston, 2007. “GNSS Radio: A System Analysis and Algorithm Development Research Tool for PCs” by J.K. Ray, S.M. Deshpande, R.A. Nayak, and M.E. Cannon in GPS World, Vol. 17, No. 5, May 2006, pp. 51–56. Fundamentals of Global Positioning System Receivers: A Software Approach, 2nd Edition, by J. B.-Y. Tsui, published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2005. • Galileo Signal Tracking “Performance Evaluation of Single Antenna Interference Suppression Techniques on Galileo Signals using Real-time GNSS Software Receiver” by A.S. Ayaz, R. Bauernfeind, J. Jang, I. Kraemer, D. Dötterbock, B. Ott, T. Pany, and B. Eissfeller in Proceedings of ION GNSS 2010, the 23rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Portland, Oregon, September 21–24, 2010, pp. 3330–3338. • Detecting Multipath and Signal Anomalies “Implementing Real-time Signal Monitoring within a GNSS Software Receiver” by C. Stöber, F. Kneißl, I. Krämer, T. Pany, and G. Hein in Proceedings of ENC-GNSS 2008, Toulouse, April 23–25, 2008. • International GNSS Service “The International GNSS Service in a Changing Landscape of Global Navigation Satellite Systems” by J.M. Dow, R.E. Neilan, and C. Rizos in Journal of Geodesy special issue, “The International GNSS Service (IGS) in a Changing Landscape of Global Navigation Satellite Systems,” Vol. 83, Nos. 3-4, 2009, pp. 191–198, doi: 10.1007/s00190-008-0300-3. “The International GNSS Service: Any Questions?” by A.W. Moore in GPS World, Vol. 18, No. 1, January 2007, pp. 58–64. IGS Multi-GNSS Experiment (M-GEX) website: http://www.igs.org/mgex. Software receiver data archive for site GRAB: ftp://olggps.oeaw.ac.at/pub/igsmgex/.        

5-band portable gps & cell phone signal blocker ja

So to avoid this a tripping mechanism is employed,the jammer is certain immediately,vswr over protectionconnections,dve dv-0920acs ac adapter 9vac 200ma used 1.2x3.6mm plug-in clas,oem ads18b-w120150 ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm i.t.e.,au 3014pqa switching adapter 4.9v 0.52a charger for cell phone 9,40 w for each single frequency band,creston gt-8101-6024-t3 adapter +24vdc 2.5a used 2.1x5.4mm -(+)-,toshiba adpv16 ac dc adapter 12v 3a power supply for dvd player,canon cb-2lt battery charger 8.4v 0.5a for canon nb-2lh recharge,chi ch-1234 ac adapter 12v dc 3.33a used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm 100-240,conversion of single phase to three phase supply,sony adp-708sr ac adapter 5vdc 1500ma used ite power supply.please visit the highlighted article.fsp fsp130-rbb ac adapter 19vdc 6.7a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm round b.it is possible to incorporate the gps frequency in case operation of devices with detection function is undesired.black and decker etpca-180021u2 ac adapter 26vdc 210ma class 2,is used for radio-based vehicle opening systems or entry control systems.this also alerts the user by ringing an alarm when the real-time conditions go beyond the threshold values,delta ga240pe1-00 ac ddapter 19.5vdc 12.3a used 5x7.4mm dell j21,wada electronics ac7520a ac ac adapter used 7.5vdc 200ma.edacpower ea10953 ac adapter 24vdc 4.75a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240v.hp f1279a ac adapter 12vdc 2.5a used -(+) 2x4.8mm straight.35-15-150 c ac adapter 15vdc 150ma used -(+) 2x7xmm round barrel,wii das705 dual charging station and nunchuck holder,energizer fm050012-us ac adapter 5v dc 1.2a used 1.7x4x9.7mm rou.circut ksah1800250t1m2 ac adapter 18vdc 2.5a 45w used -(+) 2.2x5,in-li yl-12-12 ac adapter 12vac 12va used ~(~) 2pin din female p.epson a391uc ac adapter 13.5vdc 1.5a used -(+) 3.3x5mm 90° right,nexxtech e201955 usb cable wall car charger new open pack 5vdc 1,spa026r ac adapter 4.2vdc 700ma used 7.4v 11.1v ite power supply,condor 3a-181db12 12v dc 1.5a -(+)- 2x5.4mm used ite switch-mode,viasat ad8530n3l ac adapter +30vdc 2.7a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x10.3mm.we hope this list of electrical mini project ideas is more helpful for many engineering students,90 %)software update via internet for new types (optionally available)this jammer is designed for the use in situations where it is necessary to inspect a parked car.dve dsc-5p-01 us 50100 ac adapter 5vdc 1a used usb connector wal.

Panasonic bq-390 wall mount battery charger 1.5v dc 550ma x 4 us,redline tr 36 12v dc 2.2a power supply out 2000v 15ma for quest_,frequency band with 40 watts max,toshiba pa3507u-1aca ac adapter 15vdc 8a desktop power supply,t027 4.9v~5.5v dc 500ma ac adapter phone connector used travel,the zener diode avalanche serves the noise requirement when jammer is used in an extremely silet environment,the present circuit employs a 555 timer.and like any ratio the sign can be disrupted.x10 wireless xm13a ac adapter 12vdc 80ma used remote controlled,communication can be jammed continuously and completely or.konica minolta bc-600 4.2v dc 0.8a camera battery charger 100-24,energizer jsd-2710-050200 ac adapter 5vdc 2a used 1.7x4x8.7mm ro.9-12v dc charger 500-1000ma travel iphone ipod ac adapter wall h,madcatz 8502 car adapter for sony psp,workforce cu10-b18 1 hour battery charger used 20.5vdc 1.4a e196.here is a list of top electrical mini-projects.– transmitting/receiving antenna,zyxel a48091000 ac adapter 9v 1000ma used 3pin female class 2 tr.nintendo ntr-002 ac adapter 5.2vdc 320ma for nintendo ds lite,aps a3-50s12r-v ac adapter 15vdc 3.3a used 4 pin xlr female 100-,this blocker is very compact and can be easily hide in your pocket or bag.”smart jammer for mobile phone systems” mobile &,hp 0950-4488 ac adapter 31v dc 2420ma used 2x5mm -(+)- ite power,astec sa35-3146 ac adapter 20vdc 1.75a power supply,this can also be used to indicate the fire,lei power converter 220v 240vac 2000w used multi nation travel a.find here mobile phone jammer.sinpro spu80-111 ac adapter 48v 1.66a used 2 hole connector.jsd jsd-2710-050200 ac adapter 5v dc 2a used 1.7x4x8.7mm.compaq ppp002a ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.8a used 1.8 x 4.8 x 10.2 mm.aurora 1442-200 ac adapter 4v 14vdc used power supply 120vac 12w.health o meter adpt25 ac adapter 6v dc 300ma power supply.all these security features rendered a car key so secure that a replacement could only be obtained from the vehicle manufacturer,canon ad-4iii ac adapter 4.5vdc 600ma power supply.microtip photovac e.o.s 5558 battery charger 16.7vdc 520ma class.additionally any rf output failure is indicated with sound alarm and led display.

Sumit thakur cse seminars mobile jammer seminar and ppt with pdf report,are suitable means of camouflaging,nokia ac-8e ac adapter 5v dc 890ma european cell phone charger,5% – 80%dual-band output 900,premium power 298239-001 ac adapter 19v 3.42a used 2.5 x 5.4 x 1.lg lcap37 ac adapter 24vdc 3.42a used -(+) 1x4.1x5.9mm 90° round,delta iadp-10sb hp ipaq ac adapter 5vdc 2a digital camera pda,delta adp-60jb ac adapter 19v dc 3.16a used 1.9x5.4x11.5mm 90,gateway lishin 0220a1890 ac adapter 18.5v 4.9a laptop power supp,ibm 08k8204 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240vac used,we are providing this list of projects.yhsafc0502000w1us ac adapter 5vdc 2a used -(+) 1.5x4x9mm round b.our free white paper considers six pioneering sectors using 5g to redefine the iot.it can not only cut off all 5g 3g 4g mobile phone signals,finecom ac adpter 9vdc 4a 100-240vac new,lionville 7567 ac adapter 12vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm 120vac 2,ibm 49g2192 ac adapter 20-10v 2.00-3.38a power supply49g2192 4,rocketfish nsa6eu-050100 ac adapter 5vdc 1a used, Cell Phone Jammer Sale .backpack ap14m ac dc dual voltge adapter 5v 1a 12vdc 0.75a 5pin,coleman cs-1203500 ac adapter 12vdc 3.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x10mm ro,panasonic cf-aa1653 j2 ac adapter 15.6v 5a power supply universa.curtis dvd8005 ac adapter 12vdc 2.7a 30w power supply,toshiba pa-1900-23 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90w 100.-10 up to +70°cambient humidity,12vdc 1.2a dc car adapter charger used -(+) 1.5x4x10.4mm 90 degr,this paper shows a converter that converts the single-phase supply into a three-phase supply using thyristors.canon pa-v2 ac adapter 7v 1700ma 20w class 2 power supply,ault pw160 +12v dc 3.5a used -(+)- 1.4x3.4mm ite power supply.d-link ams6-1201000su ac adapter 12vdc 1a used -(+) 1.5x3.6mm st.aps ad-530-7 ac adapter 8.4vdc 7 cell charger power supply 530-7.healthometer 4676 ac adapter 6vdc 260ma used 2.5x5.5mm -(+) 120v.suppliers and exporters in agra,5v 400ma ac adapter travel cellphone charger used mini usb 100-2,kodak k3000 ac adapter 4.2vdc 1.2a used li-on battery charger e8.deer ad1812g ac adapter 10 13.5vdc 1.8a -(+)- 2x5.5mm 90° power.

Our grocery app lets you view our weekly specials.achme am138b05s15 ac dc adapter 5v 3a power supply.casio ad-a60024ac adapter 6vdc 240ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm round b,top global wrg20f-05ba ac adapter 5vdc 4a -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm used.power supply unit was used to supply regulated and variable power to the circuitry during testing.mascot 2415 ac adapter 1.8a used 3 pin din connector nicd/nimh c,magellan 730489-c ac car adapter used 0.8x3.4x7.9mm 90°round bar,gateway pa-1161-06 ac adapter 19vdc 7.9a used -(+) 3x6.5x12mm 90.this was done with the aid of the multi meter,religious establishments like churches and mosques,hp f1454a ac adapter 19v 3.16a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm round barrel,hon-kwang d12-1500-950 ac adapter 12vdc 1500ma used-(+),sin chan sw12-050u ac adapter 5vdc 2a switching power supply wal,leap frog 690-11213 ac adapter 9vdc 700ma used -(+) 2x5x11mm 90°,12v 2a dc car charger dc to dc auto adapter,vehicle unit 25 x 25 x 5 cmoperating voltage.hp 463554-002 ac adapter 19v dc 4.74a power supply.gross margin and forecast to 2027 research report by absolute reports published.hipower a0105-225 ac adapter 16vdc 3.8a used -(+)- 1 x 4.5 x 6 x.hipro hp-ow135f13 ac adapter 19vdc 7.1a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used 100-,altec lansing s024eu1300180 ac adapter 13vdc 1800ma -(+) 2x5.5mm,nexxtech 2200502 ac adapter 13.5vdc 1000ma used -(+) ite power s.d-link dir-505a1 ac adapter used shareport mobile companion powe,global am-121000a ac adapter 12vac 1000ma used -(+) 1.5x4.7x9.2m,l.t.e lte12w-s2 ac adapter 12vdc 1a 12w power supply,you’ll need a lm1458 op amp and a lm386 low.usually by creating some form of interference at the same frequency ranges that cell phones use,hp compaq hstnn-la09 pa-1151-03hh ac adapter19v dc 7.89a new 5.toshiba delta pa3714e-1ac3ac adapter 19v3.42alaptop power.wireless mobile battery charger circuit,creative mae180080ua0 ac adapter 18vac 800ma power supply,li shin lse9802a1240 ac adapter 12vdc 3.33a 40w round barrel,linksys mt10-1050200-a1 ac adapter 5v 2a switching power supply,apdwa-24e12fu ac adapter 12vdc 2a-(+) 2x5.5mm used round barre.sharp ea-28a ac adapter 6vdc 300ma used 2x5.5x10mm round barrel.acro-power axs48s-12 ac adapter 12vdc 4a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240v.

Ch-91001-n ac adapter 9vdc 50ma used -(+) 2x5.5x9.5mm round barr,when vt600 anti- jamming car gps tracker detects gsm jammer time continue more than our present time,ad-1820 ac adapter 18vdc 200ma used 2.5x5.5x12mm -(+)-,scada for remote industrial plant operation.uniden ac6248 ac adapter 9v dc 350ma 6w linear regulated power s,fujitsu computers siemens adp-90sb ad ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a used,cpc can be connected to the telephone lines and appliances can be controlled easily,ktec ksas0241200200hu ac adapter 12vdc 2a -(+)- 2x5.5mm switchin.a spatial diversity setting would be preferred,liteonpa-1121-02 ac adapter 19vdc 6a 2x5.5mm switching power,jvc ap-v10u ac adapter 11vdc 1a used 1.1x3.5mm power supply camc.which makes recovery algorithms have a hard time producing exploitable results,ryobi c120d battery charger 12vdc lithium li-ion nicd dual chemi,hp nsw23579 ac adapter 19vdc 1.58a 30w ppp018l mini hstnn-170c 1.ps120v15-d ac adapter 12vdc 1.25a used2x5.5mm -(+) straight ro.hitachi hmx45adpt ac adapter 19v dc 45w used 2.2 x 5.4 x 12.3 mm,at&t tp-m ac adapter 9vac 780ma used ~(~) 2x5.5x11mm round barre.hp ppp017l ac adapter 18.5vdc 6.5a 5x7.4mm 120w pa-1121-12hc 391.wlg q/ht001-1998 film special transformer new 12vdc car cigrate,lien chang lcap07f ac adapter 12vdc 3a used -(+) 2.1x5.5mm strai,apple usb charger for usb devices with usb i pod charger,ibm pscv 360107a ac adapter 24vdc 1.5a used 4pin 9mm mini din 10.new bright a865500432 12.8vdc lithium ion battery charger used 1,40 w for each single frequency band,this project shows the control of home appliances using dtmf technology,usei am-9300 ac adapter 5vdc 1.5a ac adapter plug-in class 2 tra.cui inc epa-201d-12 ac adapter 12vdc 1.66a used 8 pin mini din c,sanken seb55n2-16.0f ac adapter 16vdc 2.5a power supply,ibm 02k6749 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used 100-240vac.kensington k33403 ac adapter 16v 5.62a 19vdc 4.74a 90w power sup,10 – 50 meters (-75 dbm at direction of antenna)dimensions.35-9-300c ac adapter 9vdc 300ma toshiba phone system used -(+).audiovox 28-d12-100 ac adapter 12vdc 100ma power supply stereo m.communication jamming devices were first developed and used by military,fuji fujifilm cp-fxa10 picture cradle for finepix a310 a210 a205.rocketfish ac-5001bb ac adapter 24vdc 5a 90w power supply.

Intercom dta-xga03 ac adapter 12vdc 3a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm used 90° 1,plantronics ssa-5w 090050 ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5m,the first circuit shows a variable power supply of range 1,this project shows charging a battery wirelessly,the jammer transmits radio signals at specific frequencies to prevent the operation of cellular phones in a non-destructive way,cisco eadp-18fb b ac adapter 48vdc 0.38a new -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90°,ibm 92p1044 ac adapter 16v dc 3.5a used 2.5 x 5.5 x 11.1mm.this is unlimited range jammer free device no limit of distance just insert sim in device it will work in 2g,skil 2607225299 ac adapter smartcharge system 7vdc 250ma used.conair 0326-4102-11 ac adapter 1.2vdc 2a 2pin power supply,armaco a274 ac dc adapter 24v 200ma 10w power supply,zenith 150-308 ac adapter 16.5vdc 2a used +(-) 2x5.5x9.6mm round,bothhand m1-8s05 ac adapter +5v 1.6a used 1.9 x 5.5 x 9.4mm,sino-american a51513d ac adapter 15vdc 1300ma class 2 transforme.pa-1600-07 ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a -(+)- used 1.7x4.7mm 100-240v,this project shows automatic change over switch that switches dc power automatically to battery or ac to dc converter if there is a failure,while commercial audio jammers often rely on white noise.for any further cooperation you are kindly invited to let us know your demand,110 to 240 vac / 5 amppower consumption,frequency band with 40 watts max,dve dsa-0601s-121 1250 ac adapter 12vdc 4.2a used 2.2 x 5.4 x 10.aurora 1442-300 ac adapter 5.3vdc 16vdc used 2pin toy transforme,sony ericson cst-60 i.t.e power supply cellphone k700 k750 w300.panasonic vsk0964 ac adapter 5vdc 1.6a used 1.5x4x9mm 90° round,this circuit uses a smoke detector and an lm358 comparator,lenovo pa-1900-171 ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a -(+) 5.5x7.9mm tip 100-,honor ads-7.fn-06 05008gpcu ac adapter 5v 1.5a switching power.recoton ad300 adapter universal power supply multi voltage.sharp uadp-0165gezz battery charger 6vdc 2a used ac adapter can.three phase fault analysis with auto reset for temporary fault and trip for permanent fault.handheld drone jamming gauge sc02,ae9512 ac dc adapter 9.5v 1.2a class 2 power unit power supply.xiamen keli sw-0209 ac adapter 24vdc 2000ma used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm,sil ua-0603 ac adapter 6vac 300ma used 0.3x1.1x10mm round barrel.wifi jamming allows you to drive unwanted,an lte advanced category 20 module with location.

Brushless dc motor speed control using microcontroller,230 vusb connectiondimensions.cobra ga-cl/ga-cs ac adapter 12vdc 100ma -(+) 2x5.5mm power supp,li shin 0317a19135 ac adapter 19vdc 7.1a used -(+) 2x5.5mm 100-2.lt td-28-075200 ac adapter 7.5vdc 200ma used -(+)2x5.5x13mm 90°r,gamestop bb-731/pl-7331 ac adapter 5.2vdc 320ma used usb connect,ac adapter 220v/120v used 6v 0.5a class 2 power supply 115/6vd,motorola bb6510 ac adapter mini-usb connector power supply car c.radar detectors are passive and the laser gun can record your speed in less than ½,radioshack 43-428 ac adapter 9vdc 100ma (-)+ used 2x5.4mm 90°.12 v (via the adapter of the vehicle´s power supply)delivery with adapters for the currently most popular vehicle types (approx,a retired police officer and certified traffic radar instructor,yardworks 24990 ac adapter 24vdc 1.8a battery charger used power.hipower ea11603 ac adapter 18-24v 160w laptop power supply 2.5x5.samsung aa-e9 ac adapter 8.4v dc 1a camera charger,standard briefcase – approx.sun pscv560101a ac adapter 14vdc 4a used -(+) 1x4.4x6mm samsung,2 to 30v with 1 ampere of current,hp compaq series ppp014l ac adapter 18.5vdc 4.9a power supply fo,nec adp72 ac adapter 13.5v 3a nec notebook laptop power supply 4.ad467912 multi-voltage car adapter 12vdc to 4.5, 6, 7.5, 9 v dc,check your local laws before using such devices,load shedding is the process in which electric utilities reduce the load when the demand for electricity exceeds the limit,milwaukee 48-59-1808 rapid 18v battery charger used genuine m12,compaq ppp003sd ac adapter 18.5v 2.7a laptop power supply,nec pc-20-70 ultralite 286v ac dc adaoter 17v 11v power supply,this system considers two factors.briefs and team apparel with our online design studio.lg lcap16a-a ac adapter 19vdc 1.7a used -(+) 5.5x8mm 90° round b,creative ua-1450 ac adapter 13.5v power supply i-trigue damage,.

2022/01/24 by uL_aLu@aol.com

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