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An Introduction to Bandwidth, Gain Pattern, Polarization and All That How do you find best antenna for particular GNSS application, taking into account size, cost, and capability? We look at the basics of GNSS antennas, introducing the various properties and trade-offs that affect functionality and performance. Armed with this information, you should be better able to interpret antenna specifications and to select the right antenna for your next job. By Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban INNOVATION INSIGHTS by Richard Langley The antenna is a critical component of a GNSS receiver setup. An antenna’s job is to capture some of the power in the electromagnetic waves it receives and to convert it into an electrical current that can be processed by the receiver. With very strong signals at lower frequencies, almost any kind of antenna will do. Those of us of a certain age will remember using a coat hanger as an emergency replacement for a broken AM-car-radio antenna. Or using a random length of wire to receive shortwave radio broadcasts over a wide range of frequencies. Yes, the higher and longer the wire was the better, but the length and even the orientation weren’t usually critical for getting a decent signal. Not so at higher frequencies, and not so for weak signals. In general, an antenna must be designed for the particular signals to be intercepted, with the center frequency, bandwidth, and polarization of the signals being important parameters in the design. This is no truer than in the design of an antenna for a GNSS receiver. The signals received from GNSS satellites are notoriously weak. And they can arrive from virtually any direction with signals from different satellites arriving simultaneously. So we don’t have the luxury of using a high-gain dish antenna to collect the weak signals as we do with direct-to-home satellite TV. Of course, we get away with weak GNSS signals (most of the time) by replacing antenna gain with receiver-processing gain, thanks to our knowledge of the pseudorandom noise spreading codes used to transmit the signals. Nevertheless, a well-designed antenna is still important for reliable GNSS signal reception (as is a low-noise receiver front end). And as the required receiver position fix accuracy approaches centimeter and even sub-centimeter levels, the demands on the antenna increase, with multipath suppression and phase-center stability becoming important characteristics. So, how do you find the best antenna for a particular GNSS application, taking into account size, cost, and capability? In this month’s column, we look at the basics of GNSS antennas, introducing the various properties and trade-offs that affect functionality and performance. Armed with this information, you should be better able to interpret antenna specifications and to select the right antenna for your next job. “Innovation” is a regular column that features discussions about recent advances in GPS technology and its applications as well as the fundamentals of GPS positioning. The column is coordinated by Richard Langley of the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at the University of New Brunswick, who welcomes your comments and topic ideas. To contact him, see the “Contributing Editors” section. The antenna is often given secondary consideration when installing or operating a Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) receiver. Yet the antenna is crucial to the proper operation of the receiver. This article gives the reader a basic understanding of how a GNSS antenna works and what performance to look for when selecting or specifying a GNSS antenna. We explain the properties of GNSS antennas in general, and while this discussion is valid for almost any antenna, we focus on the specific requirements for GNSS antennas. And we briefly compare three general types of antennas used in GNSS applications. When we talk about GNSS antennas, we are typically talking about GPS antennas as GPS has been the navigation system for years, but other systems have been and are being developed. Some of the frequencies used by these other systems are unique, such as Galileo’s E6 band and the GLONASS L1 band, and may not be covered by all antennas. But other than frequency coverage, all GNSS antennas share the same properties. GNSS Antenna Properties A number of important properties of GNSS antennas affect functionality and performance, including: Frequency coverage Gain pattern Circular polarization Multipath suppression Phase center Impact on receiver sensitivity Interference handling We will briefly discuss each of these properties in turn. Frequency Coverage. GNSS receivers brought to market today may include frequency bands such as GPS L5, Galileo E5/E6, and the GLONASS bands in addition to the legacy GPS bands, and the antenna feeding a receiver may need to cover some or all of these bands. TABLE 1 presents an overview of the frequencies used by the various GNSS constellations. Keep in mind that you may see slightly different numbers published elsewhere depending on how the signal bandwidths are defined. TABLE 1. GNSS Frequency Allocations. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) As the bandwidth requirement of an antenna increases, the antenna becomes harder to design, and developing an antenna that covers all of these bands and making it compliant with all of the other requirements is a challenge. If small size is also a requirement, some level of compromise will be needed. Gain Pattern. For a transmitting antenna, gain is the ratio of the radiation intensity in a given direction to the radiation that would be obtained if the power accepted by the antenna was radiated isotropically. For a receiving antenna, it is the ratio of the power delivered by the antenna in response to a signal arriving from a given direction compared to that delivered by a hypothetical isotropic reference antenna. The spatial variation of an antenna’s gain is referred to as the radiation pattern or the receiving pattern. Actually, under the antenna reciprocity theorem, these patterns are identical for a given antenna and, ignoring losses, can simply be referred to as the gain pattern. The receiver operates best with only a small difference in power between the signals from the various satellites being tracked and ideally the antenna covers the entire hemisphere above it with no variation in gain. This has to do with potential cross-correlation problems in the receiver and the simple fact that excessive gain roll-off may cause signals from satellites at low elevation angles to drop below the noise floor of the receiver. On the other hand, optimization for multipath rejection and antenna noise temperature (see below) require some gain roll-off. FIGURE 1. Theoretical antenna with hemispherical gain pattern. Boresight corresponds to θ = 0°. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) FIGURE 1 shows what a perfect hemispherical gain pattern looks like, with a cut through an arbitrary azimuth. However, such an antenna cannot be built and “real-world” GNSS antennas see a gain roll-off of 10 to 20 dB from boresight (looking straight up from the antenna) to the horizon. FIGURE 2 shows what a typical gain pattern looks like as a cross-section through an arbitrary azimuth. FIGURE 2. “Real-world” antenna gain pattern. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) Circular Polarization. Spaceborne systems at L-Band typically use circular polarization (CP) signals for transmitting and receiving. The changing relative orientation of the transmitting and receiving CP antennas as the satellites orbit the Earth does not cause polarization fading as it does with linearly polarized signals and antennas. Furthermore, circular polarization does not suffer from the effects of Faraday rotation caused by the ionosphere. Faraday rotation results in an electromagnetic wave from space arriving at the Earth’s surface with a different polarization angle than it would have if the ionosphere was absent. This leads to signal fading and potentially poor reception of linearly polarized signals. Circularly polarized signals may either be right-handed or left-handed. GNSS satellites use right-hand circular polarization (RHCP) and therefore a GNSS antenna receiving the direct signals must also be designed for RHCP. Antennas are not perfect and an RHCP antenna will pick up some left-hand circular polarization (LHCP) energy. Because GPS and other GNSS use RHCP, we refer to the LHCP part as the cross-polar component (see FIGURE 3). FIGURE 3. Co- and cross-polar gain pattern versus boresight angle of a rover antenna. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) We can describe the quality of the circular polarization by either specifying the ratio of this cross-polar component with respect to the co-polar component (RHCP to LHCP), or by specifying the axial ratio (AR). AR is the measure of the polarization ellipticity of an antenna designed to receive circularly polarized signals. An AR close to 1 (or 0 dB) is best (indicating a good circular polarization) and the relationship between the co-/cross-polar ratio and axial ratio is shown in FIGURE 4. FIGURE 4. Converting axial ratio to co-/cross-polar ratio. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) FIGURE 5. Co-/cross-polar and axial ratios versus boresight angle of a rover-style antenna. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) FIGURE 5 shows the ratio of the co- and cross-polar components and the axial ratio versus boresight (or depression) angle for a typical GPS antenna. The boresight angle is the complement of the elevation angle. For high-end GNSS antennas such as choke-ring and other geodetic-quality antennas, the typical AR along the boresight should be not greater than about 1 dB. AR increases towards lower elevation angles and you should look for an AR of less than 3 to 6 dB at a 10° elevation angle for a high-performance antenna. Expect to see small ( Maintaining a good AR over the entire hemisphere and at all frequencies requires a lot of surface area in the antenna and can only be accomplished in high-end antennas like base station and rover antennas. Multipath Suppression. Signals coming from the satellites arrive at the GNSS receiver’s antenna directly from space, but they may also be reflected off the ground, buildings, or other obstacles and arrive at the antenna multiple times and delayed in time. This is termed multipath. It degrades positioning accuracy and should be avoided. High-end receivers are able to suppress multipath to a certain extent, but it is good engineering practice to suppress multipath in the antenna as much as possible. A multipath signal can come from three basic directions: The ground and arrive at the back of the antenna. The ground or an object and arrive at the antenna at a low elevation angle. An object and arrive at the antenna at a high elevation angle. Reflected signals typically contain a large LHCP component. The technique to mitigate each of these is different and, as an example, we will describe suppression of multipath signals due to ground and vertical object reflections. Multipath susceptibility of an antenna can be quantified with respect to the antenna’s gain pattern characteristics by the multipath ratio (MPR). FIGURE 6 sketches the multipath problem due to ground reflections. FIGURE 6. Quantifying multipath caused by ground reflections. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) We can derive this MPR formula for ground reflections: The MPR for signals that are reflected from the ground equals the RHCP antenna gain at a boresight angle (θ) divided by the sum of the RHCP and LHCP antenna gains at the supplement of that angle. Signals that are reflected from the ground require the antenna to have a good front-to-back ratio if we want to suppress them because an RHCP antenna has by nature an LHCP response in the anti-boresight or backside hemisphere. The front-to-back ratio is nominally the difference in the boresight gain and the gain in the anti-boresight direction. A good front-to-back ratio also minimizes ground-noise pick-up. Similarly, an MPR formula can be written for signals that reflect against vertical objects. FIGURE 7 sketches this. FIGURE 7. Quantifying multipath caused by vertical object reflections. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) And the formula looks like this: The MPR for signals that are reflected from vertical objects equals the RHCP antenna gain at a boresight angle (θ) divided by the sum of the RHCP and LHCP antenna gains at that angle. Multipath signals from reflections against vertical objects such as buildings can be suppressed by having a good AR at those elevation angles from which most vertical object multipath signals arrive. This AR requirement is readily visible in the MPR formula considering these reflections are predominantly LHCP, and in this case MPR simply equals the co- to cross-polar ratio. LHCP reflections that arrive at the antenna at high elevation angles are not a problem because the AR tends to be quite good at these elevation angles and the reflection will be suppressed. LHCP signals arriving at lower elevation angles may pose a problem because the AR of an antenna at low elevation angles is degraded in “real-world” antennas. It makes sense to have some level of gain roll-off towards the lower elevation angles to help suppress multipath signals. However, a good AR is always a must because gain roll-off alone will not do not it. Phase Center. A position fix in GNSS navigation is relative to the electrical phase center of the antenna. The phase center is the point in space where all the rays appear to emanate from (or converge on) the antenna. Put another way, it is the point where the electromagnetic fields from all incident rays appear to add up in phase. Determining the phase center is important in GNSS applications, particularly when millimeter-positioning resolution is desired. Ideally, this phase center is a single point in space for all directions at all frequencies. However, a “real-world” antenna will often possess multiple phase center points (for each lobe in the gain pattern, for example) or a phase center that appears “smeared out” as frequency and viewing angle are varied. The phase-center offset can be represented in three dimensions where the offset is specified for every direction at each frequency band. Alternatively, we can simplify things and average the phase center over all azimuth angles for a given elevation angle and define it over the 10° to 90° elevation-angle range. For most applications even this simplified representation is over-kill, and typically only a vertical and a horizontal phase-center offset are specified for all bands in relation to L1. For well-designed high-end GNSS antennas, phase center variations in azimuth are small and on the order of a couple of millimeters. The vertical phase offsets are typically 10 millimeters or less. Many high-end antennas have been calibrated, and tables of phase-center offsets for these antennas are available. Impact on Receiver Sensitivity. The strength of the signals from space is on the order of -130 dBm. We need a really sensitive receiver if we want to be able to pick these up. For the antenna, this translates into the need for a high-performance low noise amplifier (LNA) between the antenna element itself and the receiver. We can characterize the performance of a particular receiver element by its noise figure (NF), which is the ratio of actual output noise of the element to that which would remain if the element itself did not introduce noise. The total (cascaded) noise figure of a receiver system (a chain of elements or stages) can be calculated using the Friss formula as follows: The total system NF equals the sum of the NF of the first stage (NF1) plus that of the second stage (NF2) minus 1 divided by the total gain of the previous stage (G1) and so on. So the total NF of the whole system pretty much equals that of the first stage plus any losses ahead of it such as those due to filters. Expect to see total LNA noise figures in the 3-dB range for high performance GNSS antennas. The other requirement for the LNA is for it to have sufficient gain to minimize the impact of long and lossy coaxial antenna cables — typically 30 dB should be enough. Keep in mind that it is important to have the right amount of gain for a particular installation. Too much gain may overload the receiver and drive it into non-linear behavior (compression), degrading its performance. Too little, and low-elevation-angle observations will be missed. Receiver manufacturers typically specify the required LNA gain for a given cable run. Interference Handling. Even though GNSS receivers are good at mitigating some kinds of interference, it is essential to keep unwanted signals out of the receiver as much as possible. Careful design of the antenna can help here, especially by introducing some frequency selectivity against out-of-band interferers. The mechanisms by which in-band an out-of-band interference can create trouble in the LNA and the receiver and the approach to dealing with them are somewhat different. FIGURE 8. Strong out-of-band interferer and third harmonic in the GPS L1 band. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) An out-of-band interferer is generally an RF source outside the GNSS frequency bands: cellular base stations, cell phones, broadcast transmitters, radar, etc. When these signals enter the LNA, they can drive the amplifier into its non-linear range and the LNA starts to operate as a multiplier or comb generator. This is shown in FIGURE 8 where a -30-dBm-strong interferer at 525 MHz generates a -78 dBm spurious signal or spur in the GPS L1 band. Through a similar mechanism, third-order mixing products can be generated whereby a signal is multiplied by two and mixes with another signal. As an example, take an airport where radars are operating at 1275 and 1305 MHz. Both signals double to 2550 and 2610 MHz. These will in turn mix with the fundamentals and generate 1245 and 1335 MHz signals. Another mechanism is de-sensing: as the interference is amplified further down in the LNA’s stages, its amplitude increases, and at some point the GNSS signals get attenuated because the LNA goes into compression. The same thing may happen down the receiver chain. This effectively reduces the receiver’s sensitivity and, in some cases, reception will be lost completely. RF filters can reduce out-of-band signals by 10s of decibels and this is sufficient in most cases. Of course, filters add insertion loss and amplitude and phase ripple, all of which we don’t want because these degrade receiver performance. In-band interferers can be the third-order mixing products we mentioned above or simply an RF source that transmits inside the GNSS bands. If these interferers are relatively weak, the receiver will handle them, but from a certain power level on, there is just not a lot we can do in a conventional commercial receiver. The LNA should be designed for a high intercept point (IP)–at which non-linear behavior begins–so compression does not occur with strong signals present at its input. On the other hand, there is no requirement for the LNA to be a power amplifier. As an example, let’s say we have a single strong continuous wave interferer in the L1 band that generates -50 dBm at the input of the LNA. A 50 dB, high IP LNA will generate a 0 dBm carrier in the L1 band but the receiver will saturate. LNAs with a higher IP tend to consume more power and in a portable application with a rover antenna — that may be an issue. In a base-station antenna, on the other hand, low current consumption should not be a requirement since a higher IP is probably more valuable than low power consumption. GNSS Antenna Types Here is a short comparison of three types of GNSS antennas: geodetic, rover, and handheld. For detailed specifications of examples of each of these types, see the references in Further Reading. Geodetic Antennas. High precision, fixed-site GNSS applications require geodetic-class receivers and antennas. These provide the user with the highest possible position accuracy. As a minimum, typical geodetic antennas cover the GPS L1 and L2 bands. Some also cover the GLONASS frequencies. Coverage of L5 is found in some newer designs as well as coverage of the Galileo frequencies and the L-band frequencies of differential GNSS services. The use of choke-ring ground planes is typical in geodetic antennas. These allow good gain pattern control, excellent multipath suppression, high front-to-back ratio, and good AR at low elevation angles. Choke rings contribute to a stable phase center. The phase center is documented (as mentioned earlier), and high-end receivers allow the antenna behavior to be taken into account. Combined with a state-of-the-art LNA, these antennas provide the highest possible performance. Rover Antennas. Rover antennas are typically used in land survey, forestry, construction, and other portable or mobile applications. They provide the user with good accuracy while being optimized for portability.  Horizontal phase-center variation versus azimuth should be low because the orientation of the antenna with respect to magnetic north, say, is usually unknown and cannot be corrected for in the receiver.  A rover antenna is typically mounted on a handheld pole. Good front-to-back ratio is required to avoid operator-reflection multipath and ground-noise pickup.  Yet these rover-type applications are high accuracy and require a good phase-center stability. However, since a choke ring cannot be used because of its size and weight, a higher phase-center variation compared to that of a geodetic antenna is typically inherent to the rover antenna design. A good AR and a decent gain roll-off at low elevation angles ensures good multipath suppression as heavy choke rings are not an option for this configuration. Handheld Receiver Antennas. These antennas are single-band L1 structures optimized for size and cost. They are available in a range of implementations, such as surface mount ceramic chip, helical, and patch antenna types. Their radiation patterns are quasi-hemispherical. AR and phase-center performance are a compromise because of their small size. Because of their reduced size, these antennas tend to have a negative gain of about -3 dBi (3 dB less than an ideal isotropic antenna) at boresight. This negative gain is mostly masked by an embedded LNA. The associated elevated noise figure is typically not an issue in handheld applications. TABLE 2. Characteristics of different GNSS antenna classes. (Data: Gerald J. K. Moernaut and Daniel Orban) Summary of Antenna Types. TABLE 2 presents a comparison of the most important properties of geodetic, rover, and handheld types of GNSS antennas. Conclusion In this article, we have presented an overview of the most important characteristics of GNSS antennas. Several GNSS receiver-antenna classes were discussed based on their typical characteristics, and the resulting specification compromises were outlined. Hopefully, this information will help you select the right antenna for your next GNSS application. Acknowledgment An earlier version of this article entitled “Basics of GPS Antennas” appeared in The RF & Microwave Solutions Update, an online publication of RF Globalnet. GERALD J. K. MOERNAUT holds an M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering. He is a full-time antenna design engineer with Orban Microwave Products, a company that designs and produces RF and microwave subsystems and antennas with offices in Leuven, Belgium, and El Paso, Texas. DANIEL ORBAN is president and founder of Orban Microwave Products. In addition to managing the company, he has been designing antennas for a number of years. FURTHER READING Previous GPS World Articles on GNSS Antennas “Getting into Pockets and Purses: Antenna Counters Sensitivity Loss in Consumer Devices” by B. Hurte and O. Leisten in GPS World, Vol. 16, No. 11, November 2005, pp. 34-38. “Characterizing the Behavior of Geodetic GPS Antennas” by B.R. Schupler and T.A. Clark in GPS World, Vol. 12, No. 2, February 2001, pp. 48-55. “A Primer on GPS Antennas” by R.B. Langley in GPS World, Vol. 9, No. 7, July 1998, pp. 50-54. “How Different Antennas Affect the GPS Observable” by B.R. Schupler and T.A. Clark in GPS World, Vol. 2, No. 10, November 1991, pp. 32-36. Introduction to Antennas and Receiver Noise “GNSS Antennas and Front Ends” in A Software-Defined GPS and Galileo Receiver: A Single-Frequency Approach by K. Borre, D.M.Akos, N. Bertelsen, P. Rinder, and S.H. Jensen, Birkhäuser Boston, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2007. The Technician’s Radio Receiver Handbook: Wireless and Telecommunication Technology by J.J. Carr, Newnes Press, Woburn, Massachusetts, 2000. “GPS Receiver System Noise” by R.B. Langley in GPS World, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 40-45. More on GNSS Antenna Types “The Basics of Patch Antennas” by D. Orban and G.J.K. Moernaut. Available on the Orban Microwave Products website. “Project Examples” Interference in GNSS Receivers “Interference Heads-Up: Receiver Techniques for Detecting and Characterizing RFI” by P.W. Ward in GPS World, Vol. 19, No. 6, June 2008, pp. 64-73. “Jamming GPS: Susceptibility of Some Civil GPS Receivers” by B. Forssell and T.B. Olsen in GPS World, Vol. 14, No. 1, January 2003, pp. 54-58.

build your own mobile phone jammer

Compaq 2874 series ac adapter auto aircraft armada prosignia lap,siemens ps50/1651 ac adapter 5v 620ma cell phone c56 c61 cf62 c,dell adp-90fb ac adapter pa-9 20v 4.5a used 4-pin din connector,fsp fsp050-1ad101c ac adapter 12vdc 4.16a used 2.3x5.5mm round b,discover our range of iot modules,generation of hvdc from voltage multiplier using marx generator,nokia ac-3x ac adapter cell phone charger 5.0v 350ma euorope bi07-050100-adu ac adapter 5vdc 1a used usb connector class p015rw05300j01 ac adapter 5vdc 3a used -(+) 1.5x4x9.4mm,here is a list of top electrical mini-projects,gn netcom acgn-22 ac adapter 5-6vdc 5w used 1.4 x 3.5 x 9.6mm st,qc pass b-03 car adapter charger 1x3.5mm new seal pack,kodak k3000 ac adapter 4.2vdc 1.2a used li-on battery charger e8.sunpower ma15-120 ac adapter 12v 1.25a i.t.e power supply.eng 3a-154wp05 ac adapter 5vdc 2.6a -(+) used 2 x 5.4 x 9.5mm st.tela-41-120400u ac dc adapter 12v 400ma power supply for camera,american telecom ku1b-090-0200d ac adapter 9vdc 200ma -(+)-used,cui dve dsa-0151f-12 a ac adapter 12v dc 1.5a 4pin mini din psu. ,eng 3a-302da18 ac adapter 20vdc 1.5a new 2.5x5.5mm -(+) 100-240v,samsung aa-e7 ac dc adapter 8.4v 1.5a power supply for camcorder,atc-520 ac dc adapter 14v 600ma travel charger power supply,i introductioncell phones are everywhere these days,apdwa-24e12fu ac adapter 12vdc 2a-(+) 2x5.5mm used round barre,achme am138b05s15 ac dc adapter 5v 3a power supply,psc 7-0564 pos 4 station battery charger powerscan rf datalogic,audiovox trc-700a cell phone battery charger used 6v 135ma btr-7,eng 41-12-300 ac adapter 12vdc 300ma used 2 x 5.4 x 11.2 mm 90 d,gft gfp241da-1220 ac adapter 12vdc 2a used 2x5.5mm -(+)- 100-240.eng 3a-163wp12 ac adapter 12vdc 1.25a switching mode power suppl,bellsouth dv-9150ac ac adapter 9v 150ma used -(+)- 2x5.5x9.8mm,long-range portable protection.sceptre ad2405g ac adapter 5vdc 3.8a used 2.2 x 5.6 x 12.1 mm -(,we now offer 2 mobile apps to help you,yl5u ac adapter 12vdc 200ma -(+) rf connecter used 0.05x9.4mm.uses a more efficient sound with articulation similar to speech,sony ac-64n ac adapter 6vdc 500ma used -(+) 1.5x4x9.4mm round ba.frequency band with 40 watts adp52 ac adapter 19vdc 2.4a 3pin new 100-240vac genuine pow,when the brake is applied green led starts glowing and the piezo buzzer rings for a while if the brake is in good condition,auto charger 12vdc to 5v 0.5a car cigarette lighter mini usb pow,uniross ad101704 ac adapter 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9, 12v 0.8a 9.6va use.-10 up to +70°cambient humidity,olympus c-7au ac adapter6.5v dc 2a used -(+) 1.7x5x9.4mm strai,toshiba tec 75101u-b ac dc adapter +24v 3.125a 75w power supply.traders with mobile phone jammer prices for buying.cs cs-1203000 ac adapter 12vdc 3a used -(+) 2x5.5mm plug in cb-2lwe ac adapter 8.4vdc 0.55a used battery charger.ron gear rgd35-03006 ac adapter 3vdc 300ma used -(+) 0.15x2.5x10.acbel api3ad14 ac adapter 19vdc 6.3a used (: :) female 4pin fema.go through the paper for more information.mw48-1351000 ac adapter 13.5vdc 1a used 2 x 5.5 x 11mm,a prerequisite is a properly working original hand-held transmitter so that duplication from the original is possible,gameshark 8712 ac dc adapter 5v 2a power supply,skynet dnd-3012 ac adapter 30vdc 1a used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm 120vac,fujitsu ca01007-0520 ac adapter 16v dc 2.7a new 4.5x6x9.7mm,liteon pa-1151-08 ac adapter 19v 7.9a used 3.3 x 5.5 x ericsson cst-18 ac adapter 5vdc 350ma cellphone charger.insignia ns-pltpsp battery box charger 6vdc 4aaa dc jack 5v 500m,escort zw5 wireless laser shifter.2100 to 2200 mhzoutput power,dlink jentec jta0302c ac adapter used -(+) +5vdc 3a 1.5x4.7mm ro,kinyo teac-41-090800u ac adapter 9vac 800ma used 2.5x5.5mm round.hon-kwang hk-u-120a015-us ac adapter 12vdc 0-0.5a used -(+)- 2x5.

Dv-1250 ac adapter 12vdc 500ma used -(+)- straight ro,xenotronixmhtx-7 nimh battery charger class 2 nickel metal hyd.dve dsc-6pfa-05 fus 050100 ac adapter +5v 1a used -(+)- 1x3.5mm,lac-cp19v 120w ac adapter 19v 6.3a replacement power supply comp,dve dsa-0151d-09.5 ac adapter 9.5vdc 1.8a used 2.5x5.5mm -(+) 10,4 ah battery or 100 – 240 v ac,religious establishments like churches and mosques,pa-1650-02h replacement ac adapter 18.5v 3.5a for hp laptop powe,epson a391uc ac adapter 13.5vdc 1.5a used -(+) 3.3x5mm 90° right.hh-tag 5-11v dc used travel charger power supply phone connector,fuji fujifilm cp-fxa10 picture cradle for finepix a310 a210 a205,lenovo 42t4430 ac adapter 20v 4.5a 90w pa-190053i used 5.6 x 7.9.compaq2882 213563-001 delta ac adapter 18vdclaptops lte 500.konka ktc-08bim5g 5vdc 500ma used travel charger,hr-091206 ac adapter 12vdc 6a -(+) used 2.4 x 5.4 x 12mm straigh.communication can be jammed continuously and completely or,speed-tech 7501sd-5018a-ul ac adapter 5vdc 180ma used cell phone.the paralysis radius varies between 2 meters minimum to 30 meters in case of weak base station signals,ningbo dayu un-dc070200 ac adapter used 7.2vdc 200ma nicd nimh b,t-n0-3300 ac adapter 7.6v dc 700ma power supply travel charger.theatres and any other public places.edac ea10523c-120 ac adapter 12vdc 5a used 2.5 x 5.5 x 11mm,ad-2425-ul ac dc adapter 24v 250ma transformateur cl ii power su.power rider sf41-0600800du ac adapter 6vdc 800ma used 2 pin mole.sima spm-3camcorder battery charger with adapter.this project shows the system for checking the phase of the supply.compaq pe2004 ac adapter 15v 2.6a used 2.1 x 5 x 11 mm 90 degree,mbsc-dc 48v-2 ac adapter 59vdc 2.8a used -(+) power supply 100-1,ibm 73p4502 ac adapter 16vdc 0 - 4.55a 72w laptop power supply,panasonic kx-tca1 ac adapter 9vdc 350ma +(-) 2x5.5mm used cordle,radioshack 273-1695 ac adapter 3,5,6,6.5vdc 2.5a digital camera.mw41-1200600 ac adapter 12vdc 600ma used -(+) 2x5.5x9mm round ba,a leader in high-precision gnss positioning solutions.the pocket design looks like a mobile power bank for blocking some remote bomb signals,ad-90195d replacement ac adapter 19.5v dc 4.62a power supply,jvc ap-v13u ac adapter 11vdc 1a power supply charger,finecom i-mag 120eu-400d-1 ac adapter 12vdc 4a -(+) 1.7x4.8mm 10,ibm 92p1105 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a 5.5x7.9mm -(+) used 100-240va.mka-35090300 ac adapter 9vac 300ma used 2x5.5mm ~(~) 120vac 2.1,the program will be monitored to ensure it stays on,replacement sadp-65kb d ac adapter 19v 3.42a used 1.8x5.4x12mm 9.phihong psa18r-120p ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a 5.5x2.1mm 2prong us.asus ex0904yh ac adapter 19v dc 4.74aa -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm 100-240vd.phihong psa31u-050 ac adapter 5vdc 4a 1.3x3.5mm -(+) used 100-24,bellsouth dv-1250ac ac adapter 12vac 500ma 23w power supply.can be adjusted by a dip-switch to low power mode of 0,are freely selectable or are used according to the system analysis,netgear sal018f1na ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x9mm pa-1900-02d2 19.5vdc 4.62a 90w used 1x5x7.5x12.4mm with pin.casio ad-c59200u ac adapter 5.9vdc 2a power supply.compaq 2812 series ac adapter 18.5v 2.5a 35w presario laptop pow,global am-121000a ac adapter 12vac 1000ma used -(+) 4203-035-77410 ac adapter 2.3vdc 100ma used shaver class,sony ac-v500 ac adapter 6.5vdc 1.5a 8.4v dc 1.1a charger power s,bomb threats or when military action is underway.jentec ah-1212-b ac adatper 12v dc 1a -(+)- 2 x 5.5 x 9.5 mm create a quiet zone around you,cell phone jammer is an electronic device that blocks transmission of signals …,video digital camera battery charger used 600ma for db70 s008e b.archer 273-1404 voltage converter 220vac to 110vac used 1600w fo,proxim 481210003co ac adapter 12vdc 1a -(+) 2x5.5mm 90° 120vac w,samsung atadu10ube ac travel adapter 5vdc 0.7a used power supply.armaco ba2424 ac adapter 24vdc 200ma used 117v 60hz 10w power su.fisher price pa-0610-dva ac adapter 6vdc 100ma power supply.

350702002co ac adapter 7.5v dc 200ma used 2.5x5.5x11mm straight,sears craftsman 974775-001 battery charger 12vdc 1.8a 9.6v used.amx fg426 ac adapter pcs power current sensor 4pin us 110vac,umec up0351e-12p ac adapter +12vdc 3a 36w used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm ro.hp ppp012h-s ac adapter 19v dc 4.74a 90w used 1x5.2x7.4x12.5mm s,according to the cellular telecommunications and internet association,delta adp-60bb ac dc adapter 19v 3.16a laptop power supply,hon-kwang hk-c112-a12 ac adapter 12vdc 1a dell as501pa speaker.l0818-60b ac adapter 6vac 600ma used 1.2x3.5x8.6mm round barrel,anti jammer bluetooth wireless earpiece unlimited range.this project shows a no-break power supply circuit,hon-kwang hk-u-090a060-eu european ac adapter 9v dc 0-0.6a new.wifi gps l1 all in one jammer high-capacity (usa version) us$282,ge tl26511 0200 rechargeable battery 2.4vdc 1.5mah for sanyo pc-,this exception includes all laser jammers,tec rb-c2001 battery charger 8.4v dc 0.9a used b-sp2d-chg ac avoid out-band jamming generation.ppc mw41-1500400 ac adapter 15vdc 400ma -(+)- 1x9.5mm used rf co,this project creates a dead-zone by utilizing noise signals and transmitting them so to interfere with the wireless channel at a level that cannot be compensated by the cellular technology.mingway mwy-da120-dc025800 ac adapter 2.5vdc 800ma used 2pin cha.johnlite 1947 ac adapter 7vdc 250ma 2x5.5mm -(+) used 120vac fla.buslink dsa-009f-07a ac adapter 7.5vdc 1.2a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm 100-2,overload protection of transformer,toshiba liteon pa-1121-08 ac power adapter 19v 6.3afor toshiba,rova dsc-6pfa-12 fus 090060 ac adapter +9vdc 0.6a used power sup,ibm 02k6549 ac adapter 16vdc 3.36a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90° degre,wacom aec-3512b class 2 transformer ac adatper 12vdc 200ma strai.hp pavilion dv9000 ac dc adapter 19v 4.74a power supply notebook,toshiba pa3241u-2aca ac adapter 15vdc 3a used -(+) 3x6.5mm 100-2,hp ppp009s ac adapter 18.5v dc 3.5a 65w -(+)- 1.7x4.7mm 100-240v.acbel api4ad19 ac adapter 15vdc 5a laptop power supply,tech std-2427p ac adapter 24vdc 2.7a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x9.5mm rou.compaq le-9702a ac adapter 19vdc 3.16a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used 100-2.cwt paa050f ac adapter 12vdc 4.16a used 2.5x5.5mm -(+) 100-240va,liteonpa-1121-02 ac adapter 19vdc 6a 2x5.5mm switching power,jvc ap-v3u ac adapter 5.2vdc 2a -(+) 1.6x4mm used camera a,6.8vdc 350ma ac adapter used -(+) 2x5.5x11mm round barrel power,cet 41-18-300d ac dc adapter 18v 300ma power supply.macintosh m3037 ac adapter 24vdc 1.87a 45w powerbook mac laptop.with infrared the remote control turns on/off the power,jsd jsd-2710-050200 ac adapter 5v dc 2a used 1.7x4x8.7mm,griffin itrip car adapter used fm transmitter portable mp3 playe.kingpro kad-01050101 ac adapter 5v 2a switching power supply.a cell phone jammer - top of the range,health o meter adpt25 ac adapter 6v dc 300ma power supply.a software solution dedicated to post processing static and kinematic gnss raw data,hp 0957-2304 ac adapter 32v 12vdc 1094ma/250ma used ite class 2,mb132-075040 ac adapter 7.5vdc 400ma used molex 2 pin direct is created to help people solve different problems coming from cell phones.asus exa0901xh ac adapter 19v 2.1a power supply laptop,eng 3a-122du12 ac adapter 12vdc 1a -(+) 2x5.5mm used power suppl,panasonic ag-b3a video ac adapter 12vdc 1.2a power supply,electro-harmonix mkd-41090500 ac adapter 9v 500ma power supply,replacement 1650-05d ac adapter 19.5v 3.34a used -(+)- 5x7.4mm r,spa026r ac adapter 4.2vdc 700ma used 7.4v 11.1v ite power supply,gsm 1800 – 1900 mhz dcs/phspower supply,aastra corporation aec-3590a ac adapter 9vdc 300ma +(-) used 120,sl waber ds2 ac adapter 15a used transiet voltage surge suppress.uniden ad-1011 ac adapter 21vdc 100ma used -(+) 1x3.5x9.8mm 90°r,people might use a jammer as a safeguard against sensitive information leaking,balance electronics gpsa-0500200 ac adapter 5vdc 2.5a used,casio ad-5mu ac adapter 9vdc 850ma 1.4x5.5mm 90 +(-) used 100-12,fairway ve20-120 ac adapter 12vdc 1.66a used 1.7x4mm straight ro,delta adp-63bb b ac adapter 15v 4.2a laptop power supply.

Netbit dsc-51f-52100 ac adapter 5.2vdc 1a palm european plug swi.kodak hp-a0601r3 ac adapter 36vdc 1.7a 60w used -(+) 4x6.5x10.9m,lenovo pa-1900-171 ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a -(+) 5.5x7.9mm tip 100-,adjustable power phone jammer (18w) phone jammer next generation a desktop / portable / fixed device to help immobilize disturbance,cisco systems 34-0912-01 ac adaptser 5vdc 2.5a power upply adsl,smart charger h02400015-us-1 ac adapter battery pack charger.circut ksah1800250t1m2 ac adapter 18vdc 2.5a 45w used -(+) 2.2x5,vipesse a0165622 12-24vdc 800ma used battery charger super long,konica minolta a-10 ac-a10 ac adapter 9vdc 700ma -(+) 2x5.5mm 23,comos comera power ajl-905 ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5,motorola cell phone battery charger used for droid x bh5x mb810.which broadcasts radio signals in the same (or similar) frequency range of the gsm activating the pki 6050 jammer any incoming calls will be blocked and calls in progress will be cut off,fj-sw1202000u ac adapter 12vdc 2000ma used -(+) 2x5.5x11mm round,baknor bk 1250-a 9025e3p ac adapter 12vdc 0.5a 10w used -(+) 2x5,tc-06 ac adapter dc 5v-12v travel charger for iphone ipod cond,d-link m1-10s05 ac adapter 5vdc 2a -(+) 2x5.5mm 90° 120vac route.targus 800-0111-001 a ac adapter 15-24vdc 65w power supply,dell pa-16 /pa16 ac adapter19v dc 3.16a 60watts desktop tad437 jse ac adapter 5vdc 0.7a charger powe.horsodan 7000253 ac adapter 24vdc 1.5a power supply medical equi,hi capacity san0902n01 ac adapter 15-20v 5a -(+)- 3x6.5mm used 9.go through the paper for more information,toshiba pa3201u-1aca ac adapter 15v 5a used -(+) 3.1x6.5mm lapto,rca cps015 ac adapter9.6vdc 2.3a 12.5v 1.6a used camcorder ac-l15b ac dc adapter 8.4v 1.5a power supply for no5100 6100 car power adapter 1x3.5mm round barrel new cha,lite-on pa-1650-02 19v 3.42a ac dc adapter power supply acer,intelink ilp50-1202000b ac adapter 12vdc 2a used -(+)- 2.3 x 5.3,radioshack 23-240b ac adapter 9.6vdc 60ma used 2-pin connector,nokia ac-10u ac adapter 5vdc 1200ma used micro usb cell phone ch,sony ac-l25a ac dc adapter 8.4v 1.5a power supply 02-3273-2000.finecom 24vdc 2a battery charger ac adapter for electric scooter,liteon pa-1900-03 ac adapter used -(+) 19vdc 4.74a 2.5x5.5mm 90°.toshiba pa-1900-03 ac adapter used -(+) 19vdc 4.74a 2.5x5.5mm eadp-18cb a ac adapter 48vdc 0.375a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm ac adapter 18.5vdc 2.7a 3.5a 3.8a used 1.6x4,wifi jammer is very special in this area,fisher-price na090x010u ac adapter 9vdc 100ma used 1.5x5.3mm.targus pa350 (ver 2.0) f1201 ac adapter 3-24vdc used universal a,leitch spu130-106 ac adapter 15vdc 8.6a 6pin 130w switching pow,umec up0301a-05p ac adapter 5vdc 6a 30w desktop power supply.this blocker is very compact and can be easily hide in your pocket or bag,ad41-0900500du ac adapter 9vdc 500ma power supply,police and the military often use them to limit destruct communications during hostage situations.reverse polarity protection is fitted as standard,finecom pa-1121 ac adapter 19vdc 6.32a 2.5x5.5mm -(+) 120w power,samsung skp0501000p usb ac dc adapter for mp3 re7-05 class 2 shaver adapter 12v jammers block mobile phone use by sending out radio waves along the same frequencies that mobile phone use.gps and gsm gprs jammer (gps.circuit-test ad-1280 ac adapter 12v dc 800ma new 9pin db9 female,jt-h090100 ac adapter 9vdc 1a used 2.5x5.5mm straight round ericson cst-60 i.t.e power supply cellphone k700 k750 w300,apple powerbook m1893 ac adapter 16vdc 1.5a 16v 1a used 4 pin di,conswise kss06-0601000d ac adapter 6v dc 1000ma used,fsp 150-aaan1 ac adapter 24vdc 6.25a 4pin 10mm +(::)- power supp.2 – 30 m (the signal must < -80 db in the location)size.cambridge tead-48-091000u ac adapter 9vdc 1a used 2 x 5.5 x 41-2-15-0.8adc ac adapter 9vdc 850 ma +(-)+ 2x5.5mm 120vac,dell da90ps2-00 ac adapter c8023 19.5v 4.62a power supply,the scope of this paper is to implement data communication using existing power lines in the vicinity with the help of x10 modules,we are introducing our new product that is spy mobile phone jammer in painting.65w-dlj004 replacement ac adapter 19.5v 3.34a laptop power suppl.

Canon ad-50 ac adapter -(+)- +24vdc 1.8a used 2x5.5mm straight r.cambridge soundworks tead-66-132500u ac adapter 13.5vdc 2.5a,sony dcc-fx110 dc adapter 9.5vdc 2a car charger for dvpfx810,rd1200500-c55-8mg ac adapter 12vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5x9mm bq-345a ni-mh battery charger 2.8v 320ma 140max2,so that the jamming signal is more than 200 times stronger than the communication link signal.proton spn-445a ac adapter 19vdc 2.3a used 2x5.5x12.8mm 90 aa20031 ac adapter 20vdc 3.5a 70w dell latitude c series,matsushita etyhp127mm ac adapter 12vdc 1.65a 4pin switching powe,#1 jammer (best overall) escort zr5 laser shifter,prudent way pw-ac90le ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x12mm.jensen dv-1215-3508 ac adapter 12vdc 150ma used 90°stereo pin,the data acquired is displayed on the pc,71109-r ac adapter 24v dc 350ma power supply tv converter used,austin adp-bk ac adapter 19v dc 1.6a used 2.5x5.5x12.6mm.coleman powermate pmd8146 18v battery charger station only hd-dc,apple a1202 ac adapter 12vdc 1.8a used 2.5x5.5mm straight round.these devices were originally created to combat threats like cell phone-triggered explosives and hostage situations,.

2022/01/14 by

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