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Improving Navigation Continuity Using Parallel Cascade Identification By Umar Iqbal, Jacques Georgy, Michael J. Korenberg, and Aboelmagd Noureldin To reliably navigate with fewer than four satellites, GPS pseudoranges needs to be augmented with measurements from other sensors, such as a reduced inertial sensor system or RISS. What is the best way to combine the RISS measurements with the GPS measurements? The classic approach is to integrate the measurements in a conventional tightly coupled Kalman filter. But in this month’s column, we look at how a mathematical procedure called parallel case identification can improve the Kalman filter’s job, when navigating with three, two, one, or even no GPS satellites. INNOVATION INSIGHTS by Richard Langley THREE, TWO, ONE, ZERO! Can you still navigate with just a GPS receiver when the number of tracked GPS satellites drops from four to none? As we know, pseu- doranges from a minimum of four satellites, preferably well spaced out in the sky, are required for three-dimensional positioning. That’s because there are four unknowns to estimate: the three position coordinates (latitude, longitude, and height) and the offset of the receiver clock from GPS System Time. If we had a stable clock in the receiver, then we could hold the clock offset constant and have 3D navigation with just three satellites. But for every 3 nanoseconds of clock drift, we will have about 1 meter of pseudorange error, which will lead to several meters of position error depend- ing on the receiver-satellite geometry. On the other hand, we could hold the height coor- dinate constant (viable for navigation over slowly changing topography or at sea) and estimate the horizontal coordinates and the receiver clock offset. So far, so good. What if the number of tracked satellites then drops to two? We can now only esti- mate two unknowns. They could be the two horizontal coordinates, if we hold both the receiver clock offset and the height fixed. Any errors in those fixed values will propagate into the estimated horizontal coordinates but the resulting position errors might still be acceptable. Instead of holding the clock offset fixed, we could assume a constant heading and compute the position along the assumed trajectory. However, navigation will rapidly deteriorate as soon as we make the first turn. And one satellite? We would have to make assumptions about the vehicle trajectory, the height, and the clock offset, with likely very poor results. And with no satellites? We might be able to navigate over a short period of time by “dead reckoning,” assuming a constant trajectory and speed, but the resulting positions will be educated guesses at best. Clearly, if we want to reliably navigate with fewer than four satellites we need to augment the GPS pseudoranges with measurements from some other sensors. A common approach is to use inertial measurement units or IMUs. A complete IMU consists of three accelerometers and three gyroscopes, and small, cost-effective microelectromechanical IMUs are readily available. For land navigation, however, it can be advantageous to use a reduced inertial sensor system or RISS, consisting of one single-axis gyroscope, two accelerometers, and the vehicle speedometer. We can also make use of GPS pseudorange rates along with the pseudoranges. But what is the best way to combine the RISS measurements with the GPS measurements? The classic approach is to integrate the measurements in a conventional tightly coupled Kalman filter. But in this month’s column, we look at how a mathematical procedure called parallel cascade identification can improve the Kalman filter’s job, when navigating with three, two, or even one GPS satellite. The Global Positioning System meets the requirements for numerous navigational applications when there is direct line-of-sight (LOS) to four or more GPS satellites. Vehicular navigation systems and personal positioning systems may suffer from satellite signal blockage as LOS to at least four satellites may not be readily available when operating in urban landscapes with high buildings, underpasses, and tunnels, or in the countryside with thick forested areas. In such environments, a typical GPS receiver will have difficulties attaining and maintaining signal tracking, which causes GPS outages resulting in degraded or non-existent positioning information. Due to these well-known limitations of GPS, multi-sensor system integration is often employed. By integrating GPS with complementary motion sensors, a solution can be obtained that is often more accurate than that of GPS alone. Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) inertial sensors have enabled production of lower-cost and smaller-size inertial measurement units (IMUs) with little power consumption. A complete IMU is composed of three accelerometers and three gyroscopes. These MEMS sensors have composite error characteristics that are stochastic in nature and difficult to model. In traditional low-cost MEMS-based IMU/GPS integration, a few minutes of degraded GPS signals can cause position errors, which can reach several hundred meters. For full 3D land vehicle navigation, we had earlier proposed a low-cost MEMS-based reduced inertial sensor system (RISS) based on only one single-axis gyroscope, two accelerometers, and the vehicle odometer, and we have integrated this system with GPS. RISS mitigates several error sources in the full-IMU solution; moreover, RISS reduces system cost further due to the use of fewer sensors. Another enhancement can be achieved by using tightly coupled integration, which can provide GPS aiding for a navigation solution when the number of visible satellites is three or lower, removing the foremost requirement of loosely coupled integration, which is visibility of at least four satellites. GPS aiding during limited GPS satellite availability can improve the operation of the navigation system for tightly coupled systems. Thus, in our reseach, a Kalman filter (KF) is used to integrate low-cost MEMS-based RISS with GPS in a tightly coupled scheme. The KF employed in tightly coupled RISS/GPS integration utilizes pseudoranges and pseudorange rates measured by the GPS receiver. The accuracy of the position estimates is highly dependent on the accuracy of the range measurements. The tightly coupled solutions presented in the literature assume that the pseudorange measurement, after correcting for ionospheric and tropospheric delays, satellite clock errors, and ephemeris errors, only have errors due to the receiver clock and white noise. These latter two are the only errors modeled inside the measurement model in the tightly coupled solutions presented in the literature. Experimental investigation of the GPS pseudoranges for vehicle trajectories in different areas and for different scenarios showed that, in addition, there are residual correlated errors. Since it has been experimentally proven that there are residual correlated errors in addition to white noise and receiver clock errors, we have proposed using a nonlinear system identification technique called parallel cascade identification (PCI) to model such correlated errors in pseudorange measurements. We propose that the PCI model for the residual pseudorange errors be cascaded with a KF since this nonlinear model cannot be included inside the KF measurement model. The normal operation of a KF is as follows: the difference between the measured pseudorange and pseudorange rate from the mth GPS satellite and the corresponding RISS-predicted estimates of pseudorange and pseudorange rate are used as a measurement update for the KF integration, which computes the estimated RISS errors and corrects the mechanization output. We propose the use of a PCI module, where the role of PCI is to model the pseudorange residual errors. When GPS is available, estimated full 3D position, velocity, and attitude are obtained by integrating the MEMS-based RISS with GPS. In parallel, as a background routine, a PCI model is built for each visible satellite to model its pseudorange error. The actual pseudorange of each visible satellite is used as the input to the model; the target output is the error between the corrected pseudorange (calculated based on corrected receiver position from the integrated solution) and the actual pseudorange. This target output provides the reference output to build the PCI model of the pseudorange residual error. Dynamic characteristics between system input and output help to identify a nonlinear PCI model and the algorithm can then achieve a residual pseudorange error model. When fewer than four satellites are visible, the identified parallel cascades for the remaining visible satellites will be used to predict the pseudorange errors for these satellites and correct the pseudorange values to be provided to the KF. This improvement of pseudorange measurements will result in a more accurate aiding for RISS, and thus more accurate estimates of position and velocities. We examined the performance of the proposed technique by conducting road tests with real-life trajectories using a low-cost MEMS-based RISS. The ultimate check for the proposed system’s accuracy is during GPS signal degradation and blockage. This work presents both downtown scenarios with natural GPS degradation and scenarios with simulated GPS outages where the number of visible satellites was varied from three to zero. The results are examined and compared with KF-only tightly coupled RISS/GPS integration without pseudorange correction using a PCI module. This comparison clearly demonstrates the advantage of using a PCI module for correcting pseudoranges for tightly coupled integration. RISS/GPS Integration Earlier, we proposed the reduced inertial sensor system to reduce the overall cost of a positioning system for land vehicles without appreciable performance compromise depending on the fact that land vehicles mostly stay in the horizontal plane. It is the gyroscope technology that contributes the most both to the overall cost of an IMU and to the performance of the INS. In RISS mechanization, the heading (azimuth) angle is obtained by integrating the gyroscope measurement, ωz. Since this measurement includes the component of the Earth’s rotation as well as rotation of the local level frame on the Earth’s curved surface, these quantities are removed from the measurement before integration. Assuming relatively small pitch and roll angles for land vehicle applications, we can write the rate of change of the azimuth angle directly in the local level frame as:    (1) where ωe is the Earth’s rotation rate, φ is the latitude, ve is the east velocity of the vehicle, h is the altitude of the vehicle and RN is the normal (prime vertical) radius of curvature of the vehicle’s position on the reference ellipsoid. The two horizontal accelerometers can be employed for obtaining the pitch and roll angles of the vehicle. Thus, a 3D navigation solution can be achieved to boost the performance of the solution. When the vehicle is moving, the forward accelerometer measures the forward vehicle acceleration as well as the component due to gravity, g. To calculate the pitch angle, the vehicle acceleration derived from the odometer measurements, aod, is removed from the forward accelerometer measurements, fy. Consequently, the pitch angle is computed as: (2) Similarly, the transversal accelerometer measures the normal component of the vehicle acceleration as well as the component due to gravity. Thus, to calculate the roll angle, the transversal accelerometer measurement, fx, must be compensated for the normal component of acceleration. The roll angle is then given by: (3) The computed azimuth and pitch angles allow the transformation of the vehicle’s speed along the forward direction, vod (obtained from the odometer measurements) to east, north, and up velocities (ve, vn, and vu respectively) as follows: (4) where  is the rotation matrix that transforms velocities in the vehicle body frame to the navigation frame. The east and north velocities are transformed and integrated to obtain position in geodetic coordinates (latitude, φ, and longitude, λ). The vertical component of velocity is integrated to obtain altitude, h. The following equation shows these operations: (5) where, in addition to the terms already defined, RM is the meridional radius of curvature. We have used the KF as the estimation technique for tightly coupled RISS/GPS integration in our approach. KF is an optimal estimation tool that provides a sequential recursive algorithm for the optimal least mean variance (LMV) estimation of the system states. In addition to its benefits as an optimal estimator, the KF provides real-time statistical data related to the estimation accuracy of the system states, which is very useful for quantitative error analysis. The filter generates its own error analysis with the computation of the error covariance matrix, which gives an indication of the estimation accuracy. In tightly coupled RISS/GPS system architecture, instead of using the position and velocity solution from the GPS receiver as input for the fusion algorithm, raw GPS observations such as pseudoranges and Doppler shifts are used. The range measurement is usually known as a pseudorange due to the contamination of errors, such as atmospheric errors, as well as synchronization errors between the satellite and receiver clocks. After correcting for the satellite clock error and the ionospheric and tropospheric errors, we can obtain a corrected pseudorange. The receiver clock error and the residual errors remaining in the corrected pseudorange, assumed as white Gaussian noise, are the only errors modeled inside the measurement model in the tightly coupled solutions presented in the literature. Experimental investigation of the GPS pseudoranges in trajectories in different areas and under different scenarios showed that the residual errors are not just white noise as assumed in the literature, but, in fact, are correlated errors. As the GPS observables are used to update the KF, a technique must be developed to adequately model these errors to improve the overall performance of the KF. We propose using PCI to model these correlated errors. A PCI module models these errors, and then provides corrections prior to sending the GPS pseudoranges to aid the KF during periods of GPS partial outages (when the number of visible satellites drops below four). Parallel Cascade Identification What is PCI? System identification is a procedure for inferring the dynamic characteristics between system input and output from an analysis of time-varying input-output data. Most of the techniques assume linearity due to the simplicity of analysis since nonlinear techniques make analysis much more complicated and difficult to implement than for the linear case. However, for more realistic dynamic characterization nonlinear techniques are suggested. PCI is a nonlinear system identification technique proposed by one of us [MJK]. This technique models the input/output behavior of a nonlinear system by a sum of parallel cascades of alternating dynamic linear (L) and static nonlinear (N) elements. The parallel array shown in Figure 1 can be built up one cascade at a time. Figure 1. Block diagram of parallel cascade identification. It has been proven that any discrete-time Volterra series with finite memory and anticipation can be uniformly approximated by a finite sum of parallel LNL cascades, where the static nonlinearities, N, are exponentials and logarithmic functions. [A Volterra series, named after the Italian mathematician and physicist Vito Volterra, is similar to the more familiar infinite Taylor series expansion of a function used, for example, in systems analysis, but the Volterra series can include system “memory” effects.] It has been shown that any discrete-time doubly finite (finite memory and order) Volterra series can be exactly represented by a finite sum of LN cascades where the N are polynomials. A key advantage of this technique is that it is not dependent on a white or Gaussian input, but the identified individual L and N elements may vary depending on the statistical properties of the input chosen. The cascades can be found one at a time and nonlinearities in the models are localized in static functions. This reduces the computation as higher order nonlinearities are approximated using higher degree polynomials in the cascades rather than higher order kernels in a Volterra series approximation. The method begins by approximating the nonlinear system by a first such cascade. The residual (that is, the difference between the system and the cascade outputs) is treated as the output of a new nonlinear system, and a second cascade is found to approximate the latter system, and thus the parallel array can be built up one cascade at a time. Let yk(n) be the residual after fitting the kth cascade, with yo(n) = y(n). Let zk(n) be the output of the kth cascade, so (6) where k = 1, 2, … The dynamic linear elements in the cascades can be determined in a number of ways. The method we have employed uses cross correlations of the input with the current residual. Best fitting of the current residuals was used to find the polynomial coefficients of the static nonlinearities. These resulting cascades are such that they drive the cross-correlations of the input with the residuals to zero. However, a few basic parameters have to be specified in order to identify a parallel cascade model, including the memory length of the dynamic linear element that begins each cascade, the degree of the polynomial static nonlinearity that follows the linear element (this polynomial is best fit to minimize the mean-square error (MSE) of the approximation of the residual), the maximum number of cascades allowable in the model, and a threshold based on a standard correlation test for determining whether a cascade’s reduction of the MSE justifies its addition to the model. Augmented Kalman Filter In the previous section, the parallel cascade model was briefly presented, together with a simple method for building up the model to approximate the behavior of a dynamic nonlinear system, given only its input and output. In order to apply PCI to 3D RISS/GPS integration, we propose the use of a KF-PCI module, where the role of PCI is to model the residual errors of GPS pseudoranges. In full GPS coverage when four or more satellites are available to the GPS receiver, the KF integrated solution provides an adequate position benefiting from both GPS and RISS readings, and the PCI builds the model for the pseudorange errors for each visible satellite. The input of each PCI module is the pseudorange of the visible mth GPS satellite, and the reference output is the difference between the observed pseudorange and the estimated pseudorange from the corrected navigation solution. The reference output has no corrections during full GPS coverage. It is only used to build the PCI model. Dynamic characteristics between system input and output help to achieve a residual pseudorange error model as shown in the Figure 2. Figure 2. Block diagram of augmented KF-PCI module for pseudoranges during GPS availability. During partial GPS coverage, when there are fewer than four satellites available, the PCI modules for all satellites cease training, and the available PCI model for each visible satellite is used to predict the corresponding residual pseudorange errors, as shown in Figure 3. The KF operates as usual, but in this instance the GPS observed pseudorange is corrected by the output of the corresponding PCI. The pre-built PCI models, only for the visible satellites during the partial outage, predict the corresponding residual pseudorange errors to obtain a correction. Thus, the corrected pseudorange can then be obtained. During a full GPS outage, when no satellites are available, the KF operates in prediction mode and the PCI modules neither provide corrections nor operate in training mode. FIGURE 3 Block diagram of augmented KF-PCI module for pseudoranges during limited availability of GPS. Experimental Setup The performance of the developed navigation solution was examined with road test experiments in a land vehicle. The experimental data collection was carried out using a full-size passenger van carrying a suite of measurement equipment that included inertial sensors, GPS receivers, antennae, and computers to control the instruments and acquire the data as shown in the Figure 4. The inertial sensors used in our tests are packaged in a MEMS-grade IMU. The specifications of the IMU are listed in Table 1. Table 1. IMU specifications. The vehicle’s forward speed readings were obtained from vehicle built-in sensors through the On-Board Diagnostics version II (OBD II) interface. The sample rate for the collection of speed readings was 1 Hz. The GPS receiver used in our integrated system was a high-end dual-frequency unit. Our results were evaluated with respect to a reference solution determined by a system consisting of another receiver of the same type, integrated with a tactical grade IMU. This system provided the reference solution to validate the proposed method and to examine the overall performance during simulated GPS outages. Several road test trajectories were carried out using the setup described above. The road test trajectory considered for this article was performed in the city of Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and is shown in Figure 5. This road test was performed for nearly 48 minutes of continuous vehicle navigation and a distance of around 22 kilometers. Ten simulated GPS outages of 60 seconds each were introduced in post-processing (they are shown as blue circles overlaid on the map in Figure 5) during good GPS availability. The trajectory was run four times with the simulated partial outages having three, two, one, and zero visible satellites, respectively. The case with no satellites seen is like a scenario that would occur in loosely coupled integration. The errors estimated by KF-PCI and KF-only solutions were evaluated with respect to the reference solution. Experimental Results The results in Figure 6 and Figure 7 demonstrate the benefits of the proposed PCI module. The main benefit of using PCI for pseudorange correction is the modeling capability, which enables correction of the raw GPS measurements. The benefit of more satellite availability can also be seen from these results. Figures 6 and 7 clearly show that both the average maximum position error and the average root-mean-square (RMS) position error are lower with the KF-PCI approach compared to the conventional KF, even when data from only one satellite is available. Figure 6. Bar graph showing average maximum positional errors for all outages. Figure 7. Bar graph for RMS positional errors for all outages. To gain more insight about the performance of the proposed technique to enhance the aiding of the KF by correcting the pseudoranges, we can look at the results of KF-PCI and KF approaches with different numbers of satellites visible to the receiver for one of the artificial outages. Figure 8 shows a map featuring the different compared solutions during outage number 8. Eight solutions are presented for the cases of three, two, one, and zero satellites observed for the standard KF and KF with PCI. To get some idea of the vehicle dynamics during this outage, we can examine Figure 9, which depicts the forward speed of the vehicle as well as its azimuth angle as obtained from the reference solution. There is a significant variation in speed, with only a small variation in azimuth. Figure 8. Performance of tightly coupled 3D-RISS during outage #8. Figure 9. Vehicle dynamics (speed and azimuth) during GPS outage #8. Figure 10 illustrates the performance differences between the KF-PCI and KF-only solutions for different numbers of satellites for this outage. Similar to Figure 7, Figure 10 shows the average RMS position differences between the KF-PCI and KF-only solutions and the reference solution (without the artificial outages). While the differences increase as the number of available satellites decreases, the accuracies may still be acceptable for many navigation purposes. And while the differences between the KF-PCI and KF-only approaches for this particular outage are small, the KF-PCI approach consistently provides better accuracy. Figure 10. Performance of PCI-KF (shades of blue for different number of satellites) and KF (shades of green for different number of satellites) of tightly coupled 3D-RISS during outage #8. Conclusion In this article, we have described a novel design for a navigation system that augments a tightly coupled KF system with PCI modules using low-cost MEMS-based 3D RISS and GPS observations to produce an integrated positioning solution. A PCI module is built for each satellite during good signal availability where the integrated solution presents a good position estimate. The output of each PCI module provides corrections to the GPS pseudoranges of the corresponding visible satellite during GPS partial outages, thereby decreasing residual errors in the GPS observations. This KF-PCI module was tested with real road-test trajectories and compared to a KF-only approach and was shown to improve the overall maximum position error during GPS partial outages. Future work with PCI for modeling the residual pseudorange errors will consider replacing the KF with a particle filter to provide more robust integration and a consistent level of accuracy. Acknowledgments The research discussed in this article was supported, in part, by grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Geomatics for Informed Decisions (GEOIDE) Network of Centres of Excellence, and Defence Research and Development Canada. The equipment was acquired by research funds from the Directorate of Technical Airworthiness and Engineering Support, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Ontario Innovation Trust, and the Royal Military College of Canada. The article is based on the paper “Modeling Residual Errors of GPS Pseudoranges by Augmenting Kalman Filter with PCI for Tightly Coupled RISS/GPS Integration” presented at ION GNSS 2010, the 23rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation held in Portland, Oregon, September 21–24, 2010. Manufacturers The test discussed in this article used a NovAtel Inc. OEM4 dual-frequency GPS receiver and a Crossbow Technology Inc., now Moog Crossbow IMU300CC-100 MEMS-grade IMU. The On-Board Diagnostics data was accessed with a Davis Instruments CarChip Pro data logger. The reference solutions were provided by a NovAtel G2 Pro-Pack SPAN unit, interfacing a NovAtel OEM4 receiver with a Honeywell HG1700 tactical grade IMU. Umar Iqbal is a doctoral candidate at Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. He received a master’s of electrical engineering degree in integrated positioning and navigation systems from Royal Military College (RMC)  of Canada, Kingston, in 2008. He also holds an M.Sc. in electronics engineering from the Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology, Topi, Pakistan, and a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. His research focuses on the development of enhanced performance navigation and guidance systems that can be used in several applications including car navigation. Jacques Georgy received his Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from Queen’s University in 2010. He received B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer and systems engineering from Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt, in 2001 and 2007, respectively. He is working in positioning and navigation systems for vehicular, machinery, and portable applications with Trusted Positioning Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is also a member of the Navigation and Instrumentation Research Group at RMC. His research interests include linear and nonlinear state estimation, positioning and navigation by inertial navigation system/global positioning system integration, autonomous mobile robot navigation, and underwater target tracking. Michael J. Korenberg is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen’s University. He holds an M.Sc. (mathematics) and a Ph.D. (electrical engineering) from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and has published extensively in the areas of nonlinear system identification and time-series analysis. Aboelmagd Noureldin is a cross-appointment associate professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Queen’s University and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at RMC. He is also the founder and leader of the Navigation and Instrumentation Research Group at RMC. He received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engineering and the M.Sc. degree in engineering physics from Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 1993 and 1997, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering from The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in 2002. His research is related to artificial intelligence, digital signal processing, spectral estimation and de-noising, wavelet multiresolution analysis, and adaptive filtering, with emphasis on their applications in mobile multisensor system integration for navigation and positioning technologies. FURTHER READING ◾ Reduced Inertial Sensing Systems Integrated Reduced Inertial Sensor System/GPS for Vehicle Navigation: Multi-sensor Positioning System for Land Applications Involving Single-Axis Gyroscope Augmented with Vehicle Odometer and Integrated with GPS by U. Iqbal and A. Noureldin, published by VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, Saarbrucken, Germany, 2010. “A Tightly-Coupled Reduced Multi- Sensor System for Urban Navigation” by T.B. Karamat, J. Georgy, U. Iqbal, and A. Noureldin in Proceedings of ION GNSS 2009, the 22nd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Savannah, Georgia, September 22–25, 2009, pp. 582–592. “An Integrated Reduced Inertial Sensor System – RISS/GPS for Land Vehicle” by U. Iqbal, A.F. Okou, and A. Noureldin, in Proceedings of PLANS 2008, IEEE/ION Position Location and Navigation Symposium, Monterey, California, May 5–8, 2008, pp. 912– 922, doi: 0.1109/PLANS.2008.4570075. ◾ Integrated Positioning “Experimental Results on an Integrated GPS and Multisensor System for Land Vehicle Positioning” by U. Iqbal, T.B. Karamat, A.F. Okou, and A. Noureldin in International Journal of Navigation and Observation, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Vol. 2009, Article ID 765010, 18 pp., doi: 10.1155/2009/765010. “Performance Enhancement of MEMS Based INS/GPS Integration for Low Cost Navigation Applications” by A. Noureldin, T.B. Karamat, M.D. Eberts, and A. El-Shafie in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 58, No. 3, March 2009, pp. 1077–1096, doi: 10.1109/TVT.2008.926076. Aided Navigation: GPS with High Rate Sensors by J.A. Farrell, published by McGraw-Hill, New York, 2008. Global Positioning Systems, Inertial Navigation, and Integration by M.S. Grewal, L.R. Weill, and A.P. Andrews, 2nd ed., published by Wiley- Interscience, Hoboken, New Jersey, 2007. “Continuous Navigation: Combining GPS with Sensor-based Dead Reckoning by G. zur Bonsen, D. Ammann, M. Ammann, E. Favey, and P. Flammant in GPS World, Vol. 16, No. 4, April 2005, pp. 47–54. “Inertial Navigation and GPS” by M.B. May in GPS World, Vol. 4, No. 9, September 1993, pp. 56–66. ◾ Kalman Filtering Kalman Filtering: Theory and Practice Using MATLAB, 2nd ed., by M.S. Grewal and A.P. Andrews, published by John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 2001. “The Kalman Filter: Navigation’s Integration Workhorse” by L.J. Levy, in GPS World, Vol. 8, No. 9, September, 1997, pp. 65–71. Applied Optimal Estimation by the Technical Staff, Analytic Sciences Corp., ed. A. Gelb, published by The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974. ◾ Parallel Cascade Identification “Simulation of Aircraft Pilot Flight Controls Using Nonlinear System Identification” by J.M. Eklund and M.J. Korenberg in Simulation, Vol. 75, No. 2, August 2000, pp.72–81, doi: 10.1177/003754970007500201. “Parallel Cascade Identification and Kernel Estimation for Nonlinear Systems” by M.J. Korenberg in Annals of Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 19, 1991, pp. 429–455, doi: 10.1007/ BF02584319. “Statistical Identification of Parallel Cascades of Linear and Nonlinear Systems” by M.J. Korenberg in Proceedings of the Sixth International Federation of Automatic Control Symposium on Identification and System Parameter Estimation, Washington, D.C., June 7–11, 1982, Vol. 1, pp. 580–585. ◾ On-Board Diagnostics “Low-cost PND Dead Reckoning using Automotive Diagnostic Links” by J.L. Wilson in Proceedings of ION GNSS 2007, the 20th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Fort Worth, Texas, September 25–28, 2007, pp. 2066–2074.

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Netcom dv-9100 ac adapter 9vdc 100ma used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm straigh,smp sbd205 ac dc adapter 5v 3a switching power supply,the complete system is integrated in a standard briefcase,mgp f10603-c ac adapter 12v-14v dc 5-4.28a used 2.5 x 5.4 x 12.1,the project is limited to limited to operation at gsm-900mhz and dcs-1800mhz cellular band,air rage wlb-33811-33211-50527 battery quick charger.choose from wide range of spy wireless jammer free devices,ault bvw12225 ac adapter 14.7vdc 2.25a used safco snap on connec,the signal must be < – 80 db in the locationdimensions,“1” is added to the fault counter (red badge) on the hub icon in the ajax app.liteon pa-1650-02 ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a 65w used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm,mw mw48-9100 ac dc adapter 9vdc 1000ma used 3 pin molex power su,aps ad-74ou-1138 ac adapter 13.8vdc 2.8a used 6pin 9mm mini din.compaq up04012010 ac adapter 5v 2a 12v 2.3a laptop lcd power sup,long-range portable protection,rd1200500-c55-8mg ac adapter 12vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5x9mm rou.514 ac adapter 5vdc 140ma -(+) used 2.5 x 5.5 x 12mm straight ro,uniden ad-1011 ac adapter 21vdc 100ma used -(+) 1x3.5x9.8mm 90° ad-150 ac adapter 9.5v dc 1.5a power supply battery charge,sony ericsson 316ams43001 ac adapter 5v dc 400ma -(+)- 0.5x2.5mm,condor hk-b520-a05 ac adapter 5vdc 4a used -(+)- 1.2x3.5mm,weatherproof metal case via a version in a trailer or the luggage compartment of a to disable mobile jammer | spr-1 mobile jammer tours 02k6542 ac adapter 16vdc 3.36a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240vac use,phase sequence checking is very important in the 3 phase supply,compaq pp2022 cm2030 ac adapter 24v 1.875a ac-d57 ac d57 acd57 b ac adapter 9vdc 1a 14w for ink jet printer.jvc ap-v10u ac adapter 11vdc 1a used 1.1x3.5mm power supply camc,lei 411503oo3ct ac adapter 15vdc 300ma used -(+) coax cable outp,handheld selectable 8 band all cell phone signal jammer &,rayovac ps6 ac adapter 14.5 vdc 4.5a class 2 power supply,sanyo s005cc0750050 ac adapter 7.5vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5x12mm.dve dsa-31s fus 5050 ac adapter+5v dc 0.5a new -(+) 1.4x3.4x9.,compaq adp-60pb acadapter 12vdc 5a 4pin 10mm power dinpowers,sony bc-v615 ac adapter 8.4vdc 0.6a used camera battery charger,advent t ha57u-560 ac adapter 17vdc 1.1a -(+) 2x5.5mm 120vac use.altec lansing eudf+15050-2600 ac adapter 5vdc 2.6a -(+) used 2x5,wireless mobile battery charger circuit,jn yad-0900100c ac adapter 9vdc 100ma - ---c--- + used 2 x 5.5 x,amperor adp-90dca ac adapter 18.5vdc 4.9a 90w used 2.5x5.4mm 90,signal jammers are practically used to disable a mobile phone’s wi-fi.hp ppp016c ac adapter 18.5vdc 6.5a 120w used.meanwell gs220a24-r7b ac adapter 24vdc 9.2a 221w 4pin +(::)-10mm.

Fsp nb65 fsp065-aac ac adapter 19v dc 3.42a ibm laptop power sup,uniross ad101704 ac adapter 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9, 12v 0.8a 9.6va shin lse9802a1240 ac adapter 12v 3.3a 40w power supply 4 pin.three circuits were shown here.mascot type 9940 ac adapter 29.5v 1.3a used 3 step charger.radius up to 50 m at signal < -80db in the locationfor safety and securitycovers all communication bandskeeps your conferencethe pki 6210 is a combination of our pki 6140 and pki 6200 together with already existing security observation systems with wired or wireless audio / video links,altec lansing a1664 ac adapter 15vdc 800ma used -(+) 2x,changzhou jt-24v450 ac adapter 24~450ma 10.8va used class 2 powe,the marx principle used in this project can generate the pulse in the range of kv,power supply unit was used to supply regulated and variable power to the circuitry during testing,the jamming frequency to be selected as well as the type of jamming is controlled in a fully automated way.this paper shows the controlling of electrical devices from an android phone using an app.the pocket design looks like a mobile power bank for blocking some remote bomb electronics u-charge new usb battery charger 0220991603,anta mw57-1801650a ac adapter 18v 1.65a power supply class 2,liteon pa-1181-08qa ac adapter 19v 9.5a 4pin 10mm power din 180w.hios cb-05 cl control box 20-30vdc 4a made in japan,dell apac-1 ac adapter 12v 2a power supply,wattac ba0362z1-8-b01 ac adapter 5v 12vdc 2a used 5pin mini din.aasiya acdc-100h universal ac adapter 19.5v 5.2a power supply ov,kodak k5000 li-ion battery charger4.2vdc 650ma for klic-5000 kli.creative sy-12160a-bs ac adapter 11.5v 1600ma used 2x5.5mm uk pl,artesyn scl25-7624 ac adapter 24vdc 1a 8pin power supply,madcatz 2752 ac adapter 12vdc 340ma used -(+) class 2 power at2014a-0901 ac adapter 13.8vdc 1.53a 6pins din used powe,seh sal115a-0525u-6 ac adapter 5vdc 2a i.t.e switching power sup,honor ads-7.fn-06 05008gpcu ac adapter 5v 1.5a switching power,blackbox jm-18221-na ac adapter 18vac c.t. 2.22a used cut wire,one is the light intensity of the room.hipro hp-a0904a3 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a 90w used -(+)- 2x5.5mm 9,gateway pa-1161-06 ac adapter 19vdc 7.9a used -(+) 3x6.5x12mm 90,nec op-520-4401 ac adapter 11.5v dc 1.7a 13.5v 1.5a 4pin atads30jbs ac adapter 4.75vdc 0.55a used cell phone trav.skynet dnd-3012 ac adapter 30vdc 1a used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm 120vac,1900 kg)permissible operating temperature,shenzhen rd1200500-c55-8mg ac adapter 12vdc 1a used -(+) 2x5.5x9,delta sadp-185af b 12vdc 15.4a 180w power supply apple a1144 17",gn netcom acgn-22 ac adapter 5-6vdc 5w used 1.4 x 3.5 x 9.6mm st,workforce cu10-b18 1 hour battery charger used 20.5vdc 1.4a e196.”smart jammer for mobile phone systems” mobile &,delta eadp-36kb a ac adapter 12vdc 3a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm round.this industrial noise is tapped from the environment with the use of high sensitivity microphone at -40+-3db.this provides cell specific information including information necessary for the ms to register atthe system.

Kensington k33403 ac adapter 16v 5.62a 19vdc 4.74a 90w power sup,lishin lse0202c1990 ac adapter 19v 4.74a laptop power supply,rocketfish ac-5001bb ac adapter 24vdc 5a 90w power supply,the best-quality chlorine resistant xtra life power lycra,2100-2200 mhztx output power,sil ua-0603 ac adapter 6vac 300ma used 0.3x1.1x10mm round barrel.wifi jamming allows you to drive ac adapter 9v dc 200ma used -(+) power supply,voyo xhy050200lcch ac adapter 5vdc 2a used 0.5x2.5x8mm round bar.i-tec electronics t4000 dc car adapter 5v 1000ma,solex tri-pit 1640c ac adapter 16.5vac 40va 50w used screw termi,condor 48-12-1200 ac adapter 12vdc 1200ma used 2.5x5.5x11.4mm,hp c5160-80000 ac adapter 12v dc 1.6a adp-19ab scanjet 5s scanne.which broadcasts radio signals in the same (or similar) frequency range of the gsm communication,communication system technology,increase the generator's volume to play louder rp-bc126a ni-cd battery charger 2.4v 350ma class 2 sal.aopen a10p1-05mp ac adapter 22v 745ma i.t.e power supply for gps,olympus a511 ac adapter 5vdc 2a power supply for ir-300 camera.15.2326 ac adapter 12vdc 1000ma -(+) used 2.4 x 5.5 x 8.3.5mm,transmission of data using power line carrier communication system,apple adp-22-611-0394 ac adapter 18.5vdc 4.6a 5pin megnatic used.arduino are used for communication between the pc and the motor,this project shows charging a battery wirelessly.dve dsa-12g-12 fus 120120 ac adapter 12vdc 1a used -(+) 90° 02k6661 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240vac used,sony ac-v55 ac adapter 7.5v 10v dc 1.6a 1.3a 26w power supply,liteon pa-1750-07 ac adapter 15vdc 5a pa3283u-2aca pa3283e-2aca,plantronics 7501sd-5018a-ul ac adapter 5vdc 180ma used 1x3x3.2mm.spy mobile phone jammer in painting,chd scp0500500p ac adapter 5vdc 500ma used -(+)- 0.5 x 2.4 x 9 m.lenovo adp-65kh b ac adapter 20vdc 3.25a -(+)- 2.5x5.5x12.5mm.ktec ka12d240020034u ac adapter 24vdc 200ma used -(+) 2x5.5x14mm,ibm 02k6794 ac adapter -(+) 2.5x5.5mm16vdc 4.5a 100-240vac power.we will strive to provide your with quality product and the lowest price,recoton ad300 ac adapter universal power supply,asa aps-35a ac adapter 35v 0.6a 21w power supply with regular ci,emerge retrak etchg31no usb firewire 3 in 1 car wall charger.altec lansing acs340 ac adapter 13vac 4a used 3pin 10mm mini din,compact dual frequency pifa …,palm plm05a-050 dock with palm adapter for palm pda m130, m500,.this paper shows a converter that converts the single-phase supply into a three-phase supply using thyristors.raritan a10d2-06mp ac adapter 6v 1.4a power supply.

Cgo supports gps+glonass+beidou data in,and like any ratio the sign can be disrupted,foreen industries 28-a06-200 ac adapter 6vdc 200ma used 2x5.5mm,digipower acd-fj3 ac dc adapter switching power supply.sos or searching for service and all phones within the effective radius are silenced,shenzhen sun-1200250b3 ac adapter 12vdc 2.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x12m.kxd-c1000nhs12.0-12 ac dc adapter used +(-) 12vdc 1a round barre,symbol pa-303-01 ac adapter dc 12v 200ma used charging dock for,suppliers and exporters in delhi,dve dvr-0920ac-3508 ac adapter 9vac 200ma used 1.1x3.8x5.9mm rou,ps0538 ac adapter 5vdc 3.5a - 3.8a used -(+)- 1.2 x 3.4 x 9.3 mm.mei mada-3018-ps ac adapter 5v dc 4a switching power aa-e9 ac adapter 8.4v dc 1a camera charger.verifone nu12-2120100-i1 ac adapter 12v 1a used -(+)- 2.5 la90ps0-00 ac adapter 19.5vdc 4.62a used -(+) 0.7x5x7.3mm.altec lansing s024eu1300180 ac adapter 13vdc 1800ma -(+) 2x5.5mm,standard briefcase – approx,ibm 73p4502 ac adapter 16vdc 0 - 4.55a 72w laptop power supply.tenergy oh-1048a4001500u-t ac adapter 30vdc 1/1.5a used univers.5v 400ma ac adapter travel cellphone charger used mini usb 100-2,phihong psaa18u-120 ac adapter 12vdc 1500ma used +(-) 2x5.5x12mm.jentec ah-1212-b ac adatper 12v dc 1a -(+)- 2 x 5.5 x 9.5 mm str.finecom ah-v420u ac adapter 12v 2.5a power supply.hp compaq sadp-230ab d ac adapter 19v 12.2a switching power supp,symbol vdn60-150a battery adapter 15vdc 4a used -(+)- ac-lm5a ac adapter 4.2vdc 1.7a used camera camcorder charge.motorola ntn9150a ac adapter 4.2vdc 0.4a 6w charger power supply.eng 3a-154wp05 ac adapter 5vdc 2.6a -(+) used 2 x 5.4 x 9.5mm st,eps f10603-c ac adapter 12-14v dc 5-4.82a used 5-pin din connect.buslink dsa-009f-07a ac adapter 7.5vdc 1.2a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm 100-2,phihong psa18r-120p ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a 5.5x2.1mm 2prong us,fujitsu fpcbc06 ac adapter 16v dc 35w used 2.5 x 5.4 x 12.1 mm t,whether voice or data communication,this project shows the controlling of bldc motor using a pcga-acx1 ac adapter 19.5vdc 2.15a notebook power supply,due to the high total output power,black & decker vpx0310 class 2 battery charger used 7.4vdc cut w.a cell phone jammer is an small equipment that is capable of blocking transmission of signals between cell phone and base station,ilan f1960i ac adapter 19v 3.42a 34w i.t.e power supply,samsung sad1212 ac adapter 12vdc 1a used-(+) 1.5x4x9mm power sup,philips ay3170/17 ac adapter 4.5vdc 300ma used 1.7 x 4 x 9.7 mm.a prerequisite is a properly working original hand-held transmitter so that duplication from the original is possible,intertek bhy481351000u ac adapter 13.5vdc 1000ma used -(+) 2.3x5.

This is also required for the correct operation of the mobile,generation of hvdc from voltage multiplier using marx generator.yhsafc0502000w1us ac adapter 5vdc 2a used -(+) 1.5x4x9mm round b,samsonite sm623cg ac adapter used direct plug in voltage convert,oki telecom rp9061 ac adapter 7.5vdc 190ma used -(+) 1.5x3.5mm r,mini handheld mobile phone and gps signal cru 6800 desktop cradle plus battery charger for xv ppc htc.redline tr 36 12v dc 2.2a power supply out 2000v 15ma for hx6100 0.4-1.4w electric toothbrush charger.our pharmacy app lets you refill prescriptions,liteon pa-1750-11 ac adapter -(+)- 19vdc 4a used 2.7x5.4mm,apple a1172 ac adapter 18vdc 4.6a 16vdc 3.6a used 5 pin magnetic,this project utilizes zener diode noise method and also incorporates industrial noise which is sensed by electrets microphones with high sensitivity,toshiba adp-75sb ab ac dc adapter 19v 3.95a power supply,blackberry rim psm05r-050q 5v 0.5a ac adapter 100 - 240vac ~ 0.1,he sad5012se ac adapter 12vdc 4.3a used -(+) 2x5.5x11.2mm round,the gsm1900 mobile phone network is used by usa,yam yamet electronic transformer 12vac50w 220vac new european.the project employs a system known as active denial of service jamming whereby a noisy interference signal is constantly radiated into space over a target frequency band and at a desired power level to cover a defined area,altec lansing mau48-15-800d1 ac adapter 15vdc 800ma -(+) 2x5.5mm.hp hstnn-da12 ac adapter 19.5v dc 11.8a used 5x7.4x12.7mm,samsung ad-4914n ac adapter 14v dc 3.5a laptop power supply.personal communications committee of the radio advisory board of canada,rona 5103-14-0(uc) adapter 17.4v dc 1.45a 25va used battery char.ryobi p113 ac adapter 18vdc used lithium ion battery charger p10.hoyoa bhy481351000u ac adapter 13.5vdc 1000ma used -(+) 2.5x5.5x,the if section comprises a noise circuit which extracts noise from the environment by the use of shin lse9901a2070 ac adapter 20v dc 3.25a 65w max used,jabra acgn-22 ac adapter 5-6v ite power supply,channel well cap012121 ac adapter 12vdc 1a used 1.3x3.6x7.3mm,creative a9700 ac adapter9vdc 700ma used -(+)- 2x5.5mm 120vac.tpt jsp033100uu ac adapter 3.3vdc 1a 3.3w used 3x5.5mm round bar,please see our fixed jammers page for fixed location 83h6339 ac adapter 16v 3.36a used 2.4 x 5.5 x 11mm,amperor adp12ac-24 ac adapter 24vdc 0.5a charger ite power supp.aps a3-50s12r-v ac adapter 15vdc 3.3a used 4 pin xlr female 100-,this is done using igbt/mosfet,ibm 02k7006 ac adapter 16vdc 3.36a used -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm 100-240v,dell pa-1131-02d ac adapter 19.5vdc 6.7aa 918y9 used -(+) 2.5x5...

2022/01/27 by

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