Block a phone call - block cell phone hacking

Chip-scale atomic clock. How a Chip-Scale Atomic Clock Can Help Mitigate Broadband Interference Small low-power atomic clocks can enhance the performance of GPS receivers in a number of ways, including enhanced code-acquisition capability that precise long-term timing allows. And, it turns out, such clocks can effectively mitigate wideband radio frequency interference coming from GPS jammers. We learn how in this month’s column. By Fang-Cheng Chan, Mathieu Joerger, Samer Khanafseh, Boris Pervan, and Ondrej Jakubov INNOVATION INSIGHTS by Richard Langley THE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM is a marvel of science and engineering. It has become so ubiquitous that we are starting to take it for granted. Receivers are everywhere. In our vehicle satnav units, in our smart phones, even in some of our cameras. They are used to monitor the movement of the Earth’s crust, to measure water vapor in the troposphere, and to study the effects of space weather. They allow surveyors to work more efficiently and prevent us from getting lost in the woods. They navigate aircraft and ships, and they help synchronize mobile phone and electricity networks, and precisely time financial transactions. GPS can do all of this, in large part, because the signals emitted by each satellite are derived from an onboard atomic clock (or, more technically correct, an atomic frequency standard). The signals from all of the satellites in the GPS constellation need to be synchronized to within a certain tolerance so that accurate (conservatively stated as better than 9 meters horizontally and 15 meters vertically, 95% of the time), real-time positioning can be achieved by a receiver using only a crystal oscillator. This requires satellite clocks with excellent long-term stability so that their offsets from the GPS system timescale can be predicted to better than about 24 nanoseconds, 95% of the time. Such a performance level can only be matched by atomic clocks. The very first atomic clock was built in 1949. It was based on an energy transition of the ammonia molecule. However, it wasn’t very accurate. So scientists turned to a particular energy transition of the cesium atom and by the mid-1950s had built the first cesium clocks. Subsequently, clocks based on energy transitions of the rubidium and hydrogen atoms were also developed. These initial efforts were rather bulky affairs but in the 1960s, commercial rack-mountable cesium and rubidium devices became available. Further development led to both cesium and rubidium clocks being compact and rugged enough that they could be considered for use in GPS satellites. Following successful tests in the precursor Navigation Technology Satellites, the prototype or Block I GPS satellites were launched with two cesium and two rubidium clocks each. Subsequent versions of the GPS satellites have continued to feature a combination of the two kinds of clocks or just rubidium clocks in the case of the Block IIR satellites. While it is not necessary to use an atomic clock with a GPS receiver for standard positioning and navigation applications, some demanding tasks such as geodetic reference frame monitoring use atomic frequency standards to control the operation of the receivers. These standards are external devices, often rack mounted, connected to the receiver by a coaxial cable—too large to be embedded inside receivers. But in 2004, scientists demonstrated a chip-scale atomic clock, and by 2011, they had become commercially available. Such small low-power atomic clocks can enhance the performance of GPS receivers in a number of ways, including enhanced code-acquisition capability that precise long-term timing allows. And, it turns out, such clocks can effectively mitigate wideband radio frequency interference coming from GPS jammers. We learn how in this month’s column. “Innovation” is a regular feature that discusses advances in GPS technology and its applications as well as the fundamentals of GPS positioning. The column is coordinated by Richard Langley of the Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick. He welcomes comments and topic ideas. Write to him at lang @ Currently installed Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) ground receivers have experienced a number of disruptions in GPS signal tracking due to radio frequency interference (RFI). The main sources of RFI were coming from the illegal use of jammers (also known as personal privacy devices [PPD]) inside vehicles driving by the ground installations. Recently, a number of researchers have studied typical properties of popular PPDs found in the market and have concluded that the effect of PPD interference on the GPS signal is nearly equivalent to that of a wideband signal jammer, to which the current GPS signal is most vulnerable. This threat impacts LAAS or any ground-based augmentation system (GBAS) in two ways: Continuity degradation — as vehicles with PPDs pass near the GBAS ground antennas, the reference receivers lose lock due to the overwhelming noise power.  Integrity degradation — the code tracking error will increase when the noise level in the tracking loop increases. Numerous interference mitigation techniques have been studied for broadband interference. The interference mitigation methods can be separated according to the two fundamental stages of GPS signal tracking: the front-end stage, in which automatic gain control and antenna nulling/beam forming techniques are relevant, and the baseband stage, where code and carrier-tracking loop algorithms and aiding methods are applicable. In our current work, the baseband strategy and resources that are practically implementable at GBAS ground stations are considered. Among those resources, we focus on using atomic clocks to mitigate broadband GNSS signal interference. For GPS receivers in general, wide tracking loop bandwidths are used to accommodate the change in signal frequencies and phases caused by user dynamics. Unfortunately, wide bandwidths also allow more noise to enter into the tracking loop, which will be problematic when wideband inference exists. The general approach to mitigate wideband interference is to reduce the tracking loop bandwidth. However, a reference receiver employing a temperature-compensated crystal oscillator (TCXO) needs to maintain a minimum loop bandwidth to track the dynamics of the clock itself, even when all other Doppler effects are removed. The poor stability of TCXOs fundamentally limits the potential to reduce the tracking loop bandwidth. This limitation becomes much less constraining when using an atomic clock at the receiver, especially in the static, vibration-free environment of a GBAS ground station. Integrating atomic clocks with GPS/GNSS receivers is not a new idea. Nevertheless, the practical feasibility of such integration remained difficult until recent advancements in atomic clock technology, such as commercially available compact-size rubidium frequency standards or, more recently, chip-scale atomic clocks (CSACs). Most of the research using atomic clock integrated GPS receivers aims to improve positioning and timing accuracy, enhance navigation system integrity, or coast through short periods of satellite outages. In these applications, the main function of the atomic clock is to improve the degraded system performance caused by bad satellite geometries. As for using narrower tracking loop bandwidths to obtain better noise/jamming-resistant performance, the majority of work in this area has focused on high-dynamic user environments with extra sensor aiding, such as inertial navigation systems, pseudolites, or other external frequency-stable radio signals. These aids alone do not permit reaching the limitation of tracking loop bandwidth reduction since the remaining Doppler shift from user dynamics still needs to be tracked by the tracking loop itself. Our research intends to explore the lower end of the minimum tracking loop bandwidth for static GPS/GNSS receivers using atomic clocks. High-frequency-stability atomic clocks naturally reduce the minimum required bandwidth for tracking clock errors (since clock phase random variations are much smaller). We have conducted analyses to obtain the theoretical minimum tracking loop bandwidths using clocks of varying quality. Carrier-phase tracking loop performance under deteriorated C/N0 conditions (that is, during interference) was investigated because it is the most vulnerable to wideband RFI. The limitations on the quality of atomic clocks and on the receiver tracking algorithms (second- or third-order tracking loop bandwidths) to achieve varying degrees of interference suppression at the GBAS reference receivers are explored. The tracking loop bandwidth reductions and interference attenuations that are achievable using different qualities of atomic clocks, including CSACs and commercially available rubidium receiver clocks, are also discussed in this article. In addition to the theoretical analyses, actual GPS intermediate frequency (IF) signals have been sampled using a GPS radio frequency (RF) frond-end kit, which is capable of utilizing external clock inputs, connected to a commercially available atomic clock. The sampled IF data are fed into a software receiver together with and without simulated wideband interference to evaluate the performance of interference mitigation using atomic clocks. The wideband interference is numerically simulated based on deteriorated C/N0. The actual tracking errors generated from real IF data are used to validate the system performance predicted by the preceding broadband interference mitigation analyses. Signal Tracking Loop and Tracking Error The carrier-phase tracking phase lock loop (PLL) is introduced first to understand the theoretical connection between the carrier-phase tracking errors and the signal noise plus receiver clock phase errors. A simplified PLL is shown in FIGURE 1 with incoming signals set to zero. In the figure, n(s), c(s), and δθ(s) are receiver white noise, clock phase error or clock disturbance, and tracking loop phase error respectively, with s being the Laplace transform parameter. G(s) is the product of the loop filter F(s) and the receiver clock model 1/s. FIGURE 1. Simplified tracking loop diagram. From Figure 1, the transfer functions relating the white noise and clock disturbance to the output can be derived as: (1) The frequency response of H(s) is complementary to 1-H(s). Therefore, the PLL tracking performance is a trade-off between the noise rejection performance and the clock disturbance tracking performance. Total PLL errors resulting from different error sources are presented as phase jitter, which is the root-mean-square (RMS) of resulting phase errors. Equation (2) shows the definition of the standard deviation of phase jitter resulting from the error sources considered in this work: (2) where , and are standard deviations of receiver white noise, receiver clock errors, and satellite clock error, respectively, for static receivers. The standard deviation for each of the clock error sources can be evaluated using the frequency response of the corresponding transfer function and power spectral densities (PSDs). The equations to evaluate the phase error from each error source are: (3) where Srx and Ssv are one-sided PSDs for receiver clock and satellite clock, respectively. Bw is the bandwidth of the tracking loop and Tc is the coherent integration time. Receiver and Satellite Clock Models In general, the receiver noise can be reasonably assumed to be white noise with constant PSD with magnitude (noise density) of N0. However, it is not the case for clock errors. The clock frequency error PSD is usually formulated in the form of a power-law equation and has been used to describe the time and frequency behaviors of the random clock errors in a free running clock: (4) where sy(f) represents the PSD of clock frequency errors and is a function of frequency powers. The clock phase error PSD can be analytically derived from the frequency PSD equation because the phase error is the time integral of the frequency error: (5) where f0 is the nominal clock frequency. The h coefficients of the clock phase error PSD are the product of the h coefficients from the clock frequency error PSD and the nominal frequency. We have adopted the PSD clock error models in our work to perform tracking loop performance analysis. The PSD of the CSAC is derived from an Allan deviation figure published by the manufacturer and is shown in FIGURE 2. We took three piecewise Allan deviation straight lines, which are slightly conservative, and converted them to a PSD. FIGURE 2. Allan deviations for chip-scale atomic clock. Three PSDs of clock error models are listed in TABLE 1, which represent spectrums of the well known TCXO, the CSAC, and a rubidium standard. Phase noise related h0 and h1 coefficients in the CSAC model are assumed to be the same as the TCXO because they can’t be obtained from the Allan deviation figure. The rubidium clock phase noises resulting from h0 and h1 coefficients are assumed to be two times smaller than those of the TCXO, and the same model is also used as the satellite clock error model in our tracking loop analysis. TABLE 1. Coefficients of power-law model. Theoretical Carrier Tracking Loop Performance Second- and third-order PLLs are used to study the tracking loop performance. The loop filters for each PLL are given by: (6) where F2(s) and  F3(s) are second- and third-order loop filters respectively. Typical coefficients for the second- and third-order loop filters are a2 = 1.414; wo,2 = 4×Bw,2 × a2/[(a2)2+1]; a3 = 1.1; b3 = 2.4; wo,3 = Bw,3/0.7845. Bw,2 and Bw,3 are the second- and third-order tracking loop bandwidths accordingly. As stated earlier, three error sources are considered for static receivers. Using the clock error models described earlier, the contribution of different error sources to phase jitter is a function of PLL tracking bandwidth. The resulting phase tracking errors from different error sources are evaluated based on Equation (3) and shown in FIGURE 3. FIGURE 3. Phase error contribution from different error sources. The third-order PLL performance using 2-, 1-, 0.5- and 0.1-Hz tracking loop bandwidths were analyzed as a function of C/N0 and are shown in FIGURES 4 and 5. For each selected bandwidth, three different qualities of receiver clocks were analyzed, and a conventional 15-degree performance threshold was adopted. The second-order PLL performs similarly to the third-order PLL. However, the phase jitter tends to be more biased when the tracking loop bandwidth becomes smaller. This phenomenon will be observed later on using signal data for performance validation. Therefore, only the third-order loop performance analysis is shown in Figures 4 and 5. It is obvious from these two figures that the minimum tracking loop bandwidth for a TCXO receiver PLL is about 2 Hz, and the PLL can work properly only while C/N0 is above 24 dB-Hz. FIGURE 4 Tracking loop performance analysis for 2- and 1-Hz loop bandwidth. FIGURE 5. Tracking loop performance analysis for 0.5- and 0.1-Hz loop bandwidth. As for the receiver using atomic clocks, CSAC and a rubidium frequency standard in our analysis, the PLL bandwidth can be reduced down to at least 0.1 Hz while C/N0 is above 15 dB-Hz. Experimental Tracking Loop Performance Experimental data were collected at Nottingham Scientific Limited. The experiment was conducted using a GPS/GNSS RF front end with a built-in TCXO clock. The RF front end also has the capability of accepting atomic clock signals through an external clock input connector to which the CSAC (see Photo) was connected during data collection. All data (using the built-in TCXO clock or the CSAC) were sampled at a 26-MHz sampling rate and at a 6.5-MHz IF with 2-MHz front-end bandwidth and four quantization levels. A MatLab-coded software defined receiver (SDR) was used to process collected IF samples for tracking loop performance validation. TCXO phase jitters resulting from different tracking loop bandwidths are shown in FIGURE 6 for a typical second-order PLL under a nominal C/N0, which is about 45 dB-Hz. A 45-degree loss-of-lock threshold was adopted (three times larger than the standard deviation threshold used in an earlier performance analysis). In our work, all code tracking delay lock loops (DLLs) are implemented using a second-order loop filter with 20-millisecond coherent integration time and 0.5-Hz loop bandwidth without any aiding. The resulting phase jitters in the figure become biased when the tracking loop bandwidth is reduced. This observed phenomenon implies that a second-order PLL time response cannot track the clock dynamics when the loop bandwidth approaches the minimum loop bandwidth (where loss of lock occurs). FIGURE 6. Second-order PLL phase jitter using TCXO. The same IF data was re-processed by the SDR using the third-order PLL with the same range of tracking loop bandwidths. The resulting phase jitters are shown in FIGURES 7 and 8. There is no observable phase jitter bias before the PLLs lose lock in the figures. These results demonstrate that a third-order PLL performs better in terms of capturing the clock dynamics when the tracking loop bandwidth is reduced close to the limitation. Therefore, only the third-order PLL will be considered further. FIGURE 7. Third-order PLL phase jitter using TCXO. FIGURE 8. Third-order PLL phase jitter using CSAC. The performance of the TCXO PLL can be evaluated from the results in Figure 7. It demonstrates that the minimum loop bandwidth is 2 Hz, which is consistent with the previous analysis shown in figure 4. However, the minimum bandwidth using the CSAC is shown to be 0.5 Hz in Figure 8. This result does not meet the performance predicted by the analysis, which shows that the working bandwidth can be reduced to 0.1 Hz. Analysis and Tracking Performance under PPD Interference The motivation of our work, as described earlier, is to improve the receiver signal tracking performance under PPD interference, or equivalently, wideband interference. We carried out a simple analysis first to understand how much signal deterioration a GBAS ground receiver could expect. A 13-dBm/MHz PPD currently available on the market was used to analyze the signal deterioration based on the distance between the PPD and the GBAS ground receiver. A simple analysis using a direct-path model shows that noise power roughly 30 dB higher than the nominal noise level (about -202 dBW/Hz) could be experienced by the GBAS ground receiver if the nearest distance is assumed to be 0.5 kilometers. In this case, any wideband interference mitigation method to address PPD interference has to handle C/N0 as low as 10 to 15 dB-Hz. Gaussian distributed white noises were simulated and added on top of the original IF samples, then re-quantized to the original four quantization levels to mimic the PPD interference signal condition. A 20-dB higher noise level was simulated to demonstrate the effectiveness of this signal deterioration technique. The tracking loop performance using the third-order PLL under low C/N0 conditions was evaluated using the IF sampling and PPD interference simulation technique just described. The evaluation results show that the minimum PLL bandwidth using the TCXO is still 2 Hz. This result is roughly consistent with a previous analysis showing a 24-dB-Hz C/N0 limitation using 2-Hz tracking bandwidth. The PLL using the CSAC performs better than that using the TCXO, which is expected. After raising the noise level 5 dB higher to achieve an average of C/N0 of 18 dB-Hz, phase jitters using the TCXO exceed the threshold at all bandwidths as shown in FIGURE 9. The same magnitude of noise was also added to the CSAC IF samples. The resulting phase jitters are shown in FIGURE 10, which demonstrates that the minimum bandwidth is 1 Hz for this deteriorated signal condition. Any further increase in noise level will result in loss of lock for PLLs using a CSAC at all tracking bandwidths. FIGURE 9. Phase jitter using TCXO under 18 dB-Hz C/N0. FIGURE 10. Phase jitter using CSAC under 18 dB-Hz C/N0. Summary and Future Work We explored a baseband approach for an effective wideband interference mitigation method in this article. We have presented the theoretical analysis and actual data validation to study the possible improvement of the PLL tracking performance under PPD interference, which has been experienced by LAAS ground receivers. The limitations of reducing PLL tracking loop bandwidths using different qualities of receiver clocks have been analyzed and compared with the experimental results generated by processing IF samples using an SDR. We conclude that the PLL tracking performance using a TCXO is consistent between theoretical prediction and data validation under both nominal and low C/N0 conditions. However, the PLL tracking performance using the CSAC was not as good as the analysis prediction under both conditions. In our future work, to understand the reason for the tracking performance inconsistency using the CSAC, we will carefully examine and evaluate the hardware components in line between the external clock input and the IF sampling chip. In this way, we will exclude the clock performance degradation due to any hardware incompatibility. Other types of high quality clocks, such as extra-low-phase-noise oven-controlled crystal oscillators and low-phase-noise rubidium oscillators, will also be tested to explore the limitation of PLL tracking bandwidth reduction. If the results using other clocks exhibit good consistency between performance analysis and data validation, it is highly possible that the CSAC clock error model mis-represents the available commercial products. In our future work, we will also consider simulating PPD interference more closely to the real scenario, by adding analog interference signals on top of GPS/GNSS analog signals before taking digital IF samples. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Federal Aviation Administration for supporting the work described in this article. Also, the authors would like to extend their thanks to all members of the Illinois Institute of Technology NavLab and to the collaborators from Nottingham Scientific Limited for their insightful advice. This article is based on the paper “Using a Chip-scale Atomic Clock-Aided GPS Receiver for Broadband Interference Mitigation” presented at ION GNSS+ 2013, the 26th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation held in Nashville, Tennessee, September 16–20, 2013. Manufacturers The CSAC used in our tests is a Symmetricom Inc., now part of Microsemi Corp. (, model SA.45s. We used a Nottingham Scientific Ltd. ( Stereo GPS/GNSS RF front end with the MatLab-based SoftGNSS 3.0 software from the Danish GPS Center at Aalborg University ( FANG-CHENG CHAN is a senior research associate in the Navigation Laboratory of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT) in Chicago. He received his Ph.D in mechanical and aerospace engineering from IIT in 2008. He is currently working on GPS receiver integrity for Local Area Augmentation System (LAAS) ground receivers, researching GPS receiver interference detection and mitigation to prevent unintentional jamming using both baseband and antenna array techniques, and developing navigation and fault detection algorithms with a focus on receiver autonomous integrity monitoring or RAIM. MATHIEU JOERGER obtained a master’s in mechatronics from the National Institute of Applied Sciences in Strasbourg, France, in 2002, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mechanical and aerospace engineering from IIT in 2002 and 2009 respectively. He is the 2009 recipient of the Institute of Navigation Bradford Parkinson award, which honors outstanding graduate students in the field of GNSS. He is a research assistant professor at IIT, working on multi-sensor integration, on sequential fault-detection for multi-constellation navigation systems, and on relative and differential RAIM for shipboard landing of military aircraft. SAMER KHANAFSEH is a research assistant professor at IIT. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in aerospace engineering at IIT in 2003 and 2008, respectively. He has been involved in several aviation applications such as autonomous airborne refueling of unmanned air vehicles, autonomous shipboard landing, and ground-based augmentation systems. He was the recipient of the 2011 Institute of Navigation Early Achievement Award for his contributions to the integrity of carrier-phase navigation systems. BORIS PERVAN is a professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at IIT, where he conducts research focused on high-integrity satellite navigation systems. Prof. Pervan received his B.S. from the University of Notre Dame, M.S. from the California Institute of Technology, and Ph.D. from Stanford University. ONDREJ JAKUBOV received his M.Sc. in electrical engineering from the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague in 2010. He is a postgraduate student in the CTU Department of Radio Engineering and he also works as a navigation engineer for Nottingham Scientific Limited in Nottingham, U.K. His research interests include GNSS signal processing algorithms and receiver architectures. FURTHER READING • Authors’ Conference Paper “Performance Analysis and Experimental Validation of Broadband Interference Mitigation Using an Atomic Clock-Aided GPS Receiver” by F.-C. Chan, S. Khanafseh, M. Joerger, B. Pervan and O. Jakubov in the Proceedings of ION GNSS+ 2013, the 26th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Nashville, Tennessee, September 16–20, 2013, pp. 1371–1379. • Chip-Scale Atomic Clocks “The SA.45s Chip-Scale Atomic Clock–Early Production Statistics” by R. Lutwak in the Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Systems and Applications Meeting, Long Beach, California, November 14–17, 2011, pp. 207–219. “Time for a Better Receiver: Chip-Scale Atomic Frequency References” by J. Kitching in GPS World, Vol. 18, No. 11, November 2007, pp. 52–57. “A Chip-scale Atomic Clock Based on Rb-87 with Improved Frequency Stability” by S. Knappe, P.D.D. Schwindt, V. Shah, L. Hollberg, J. Kitching, L. Liew, and J. Moreland in Optics Express, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2005, pp. 1249–1253, doi: 10.1364/OPEX.13.001249. • Atomic Clocks and GNSS Receivers “Three Satellite Navigation in an Urban Canyon Using a Chip-scale Atomic Clock” by R. Ramlall, J. Streter, and J.F. Schnecker in the Proceedings of ION GNSS 2011, the 24th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Portland, Oregon, September 20–23, 2011, pp. 2937–2945. “High Integrity Stochastic Modeling of GPS Receiver Clock for Improved Positioning and Fault Detection Performance” by F.-C. Chan, M. Joerger, and B. Pervan in the Proceedings of PLANS 2010, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / Institute of Navigation Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, Indian Wells, California, May 4–6, 2010, pp. 1245–1257, doi: 10.1109/PLANS.2010.5507340. “Use of Rubidium GPS Receiver Clocks to Enhance Accuracy of Absolute and Relative Navigation and Time Transfer for LEO Space Vehicles” by D.B. Cox in the Proceedings of ION GNSS 2007, the 20th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Fort Worth, Texas, September 25–28, 2007, pp. 2442–2447. • Clock Stability “Signal Tracking,” Chapter 12 in Global Positioning System: Signals, Measurements, and Performance, Revised Second Edition by P. Misra and P. Enge. Published by Ganga-Jamuna Press, Lincoln, Massachusetts, 2011. “Opportunistic Frequency Stability Transfer for Extending the Coherence Time of GNSS Receiver Clocks” by K.D Wesson, K.M. Pesyna, Jr., J.A. Bhatti, and T.E. Humphreys in the Proceedings of ION GNSS 2010, the 23rd International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Portland, Oregon, September 21–24, 2010, pp. 2937–2945. “Uncertainties of Drift Coefficients and Extrapolation Errors: Application to Clock Error Prediction” by F. Vernotte, J. Delporte, M. Brunet, and T. Tournier in Metrologia, Vol. 38, No. 4, 2001, pp. 325–342, doi: 10.1088/0026-1394/38/4/6. • Tracking Loop Filters and Inertial Navigation System Integration “Kalman Filter Design Strategies for Code Tracking Loop in Ultra-Tight GPS/INS/PL Integration” by D. Li and J. Wang in the Proceedings of NTM 2006, the 2006 National Technical Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, Monterey, California, January 18–20, 2006, pp. 984–992. “Satellite Signal Acquisition, Tracking, and Data Demodulation,” Chapter 5 in Understanding GPS: Principles and Applications, Second Edition,           E.D. Kaplan and C.J. Hegarty, Editors. Published by Artech House, Norwood, Massachusetts, 2006. “GPS and Inertial Integration”, Chapter 7 in Global Position System: Theory and Applications, Vol. 2, by R.L. Greenspan. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc., Washington, DC, 1996. • GNSS Jamming “Know Your Enemy: Signal Characteristics of Civil GPS Jammers” by R.H. Mitch, R.C. Dougherty, M.L. Psiaki, S.P. Powell, B.W. O’Hanlon, J.A. Bhatti, and T.E. Humphreys in GPS World, Vol. 23, No. 1, January 2012, pp. 64–72. “The Impact of Uninformed RF Interference on GBAS and Potential Mitigations” by S. Pullen, G. Gao, C. Tedeschi, and J. Warburton in the Proceedings of ION GNSS 2012, the 25th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Nashville, Tennessee, September 17–21, 2012, pp. 780–789. “Survey of In-Car Jammers-Analysis and Modeling of the RF Signals and IF Samples (Suitable for Active Signal Cancelation)” by T. Kraus, R. Bauernfeind, and B. Eissfeller in Proceedings of ION GNSS 2011, the 24th International Technical Meeting of The Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Portland, Oregon, September 20–23, 2011, pp. 430–435.  

block a phone call

The pocket design looks like a mobile power bank for blocking some remote bomb signals.eps f10603-c ac adapter 12-14v dc 5-4.82a used 5-pin din 02k6794 ac adapter -(+) 2.5x5.5mm16vdc 4.5a 100-240vac ca-560 ac dc adapter 9.5v 2.7a power supply.this cell phone jammer is not applicable for use in europe,li shin 0226b19150 ac adapter 19vdc 7.89a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240,coming data cp1230 ac adapter 12vdc 3a used -(+) 2x5.5mm round b,brushless dc motor speed control using microcontroller,police and the military often use them to limit destruct communications during hostage situations.phihong psa31u-050 ac adapter 5vdc 4a 1.3x3.5mm -(+) used 100-24,hp ppp012h-s ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a -(+) bullet 90w used 2x4.7mm,hp f1044b ac adapter 12vdc 3.3a adp-40cb power supply hp omnibo,ahead add-1351800 ac dc adapter 13.5v 1800ma 42.4w power supply,hb hb12b-050200spa ac adapter 5vdc 2000ma used 2.3 x 5.3 x 11.2.noise generator are used to test signals for measuring noise figure,conair 9a200u-28 ac adapter 9vac 200ma class 2 transformer powe,fujitsu ac adapter 19vdc 3.68 used 2.8 x 4 x 12.5mm,toshiba pa3378e-3ac3 ac adapter15vdc 5a -(+) 3x6.5mm used round,creative sy-12160a-bs ac adapter 11.5v 1600ma used 2x5.5mm uk pl,nec pa-1750-07 ac adapter 15vdc 5a adp80 power supply nec laptop.condor 3a-181db12 12v dc 1.5a -(+)- 2x5.4mm used ite switch-mode,centrios ku41-3-350d ac adapter 3v 350ma 6w class 2 power supply,ibm 11j8627 ac adapter 19vdc 2.4a laptop power supply,yl5u ac adapter 12vdc 200ma -(+) rf connecter used 0.05x9.4mm,li shin lse9802a1240 ac adapter 12v 3.3a 40w power supply 4 pin,replacement 3892a327 ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a used -(+) 5.6x7.9x12m.sino-american sa120a-0530v-c ac adapter 5v 2.4a class 2 power su,dve dsa-31fus 6550 ac adapter +6.5vdc 0.5a used -(+) 1x3.5x8.3mm.ault bvw12225 ac adapter 14.7vdc 2.25a used safco snap on connec,skynet snp-pa5t ac adapter +48v 1.1a used -(+) shielded wire pow,liteon pa-1480-19t ac adapter (1.7x5.5) -(+)- 19vdc 2.6a used 1.,astec sa35-3146 ac adapter 20vdc 1.75a power supply,hipro hp-a0653r3b ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a 65w used,apple m8010 ac adapter 9.5vdc 1.5a +(-) 25w 2x5.5mm 120vac pa-1750-07 ac adapter 15vdc 5a desktop power supply nec.motorola 527727-001-00 ac adapter 9vdc 300ma 2.7w used -(+)- 2.1.ksah2400200t1m2 ac adapter 24vdc 2a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm round used for radio-based vehicle opening systems or entry control systems,uniross ad101704 ac adapter 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 9, 12v 0.8a 9.6va use.condor hka-09100ec-230 ac adapter 9vdc 1000ma 9va used 2.4x5.5mm.braun 3 709 ac adapter dc 1.3w class 2 power supply plug in char.lg sta-p53wr ac adapter 5.6v 0.4a direct plug in poweer supply c,110 – 220 v ac / 5 v dcradius.ultra ulac901224ap ac adapter 24vdc 5.5a used -(+)5.5x8mm power.compaq ppp002d ac adapter 18.5v dc 3.8a used 1.8x4.8x9.6mm strai,350-086 ac adapter 15vdc 300ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm 120vac straight.atc-frost fps2016 ac adapter 16vac 20va 26w used screw terminal,aparalo electric 690-10931 ac adapter 9vdc 700ma 6.3w used -(+).sony ac-v65a ac power adapter 7.5vdc 10v 1.6a 1.3a 20w charger p.phase sequence checking is very important in the 3 phase supply,coonix aib72a ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a desktop power supply ibm,samsung hsh060abe ac adapter 11-30v dc used portable hands-free,with infrared the remote control turns on/off the power,coleman cs-1203500 ac adapter 12vdc 3.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x10mm ro.

2110 to 2170 mhztotal output power.automatic power switching from 100 to 240 vac 50/60 hz,tpt jsp033100uu ac adapter 3.3vdc 1a 3.3w used 3x5.5mm round bar,i can say that this circuit blocks the signals but cannot completely jam them,safe & warm 120-16vd7p c-d7 used power supply controller 16vdc 3.this 4-wire pocket jammer is the latest miniature hidden 4-antenna mobile phone jammer,pdf mobile phone signal jammer,logitech dsa-12w-05 fus ac adapter 6vdc 1.2a used +(-) 2.1x5.5mm,the jammer is portable and therefore a reliable companion for outdoor use,nokia acp-9u ac adapter 6.2v 720ma new 1.2 x 3.4 x 7.7mm round,sps15-007 (tsa-0529) ac adapter 12v 1.25a 15w - ---c--- + used 3,jabra acw003b-05u ac adapter 5v 0.18a used mini usb cable supply.kenwood w08-0657 ac adapter 4.5vdc 600ma used -(+) 1.5x4x9mm 90°,braun 5497 ac adapter dc 12v 0.4a class 2 power supply charger,adapter ads-0615pc ac adapter 6.5vdc 1.5a hr430 025280a xact sir,a low-cost sewerage monitoring system that can detect blockages in the sewers is proposed in this paper,philips ay3170/17 ac adapter 4.5vdc 300ma used 1.7 x 4 x 9.7 mm,sparkle power spa050a48a ac adapter 48vdc 1.04a used -(+)- 2.5 x,deer ad1812g ac adapter 10 13.5vdc 1.8a -(+)- 2x5.5mm 90° power,this project shows automatic change over switch that switches dc power automatically to battery or ac to dc converter if there is a ac-v25b ac adapter 7.5v 1.5a 10v 1.1a charger power supply.a mobile jammer is a device that is used to transmit the signals to the similar frequency,temperature controlled system,cui inc 3a-161wu06 ac adapter 6vdc 2.5a used -(+) 2x5.4mm straig,toshiba pa2478u ac dc adapter 18v 1.7a laptop power supply,tyco r/c 33005 tmh flexpak nimh ac adapter 8.5v dc 370ma 3.2va robotics dv-9750-5 ac adapter 9.2vac 700ma used 2.5x 5.5mm ro,hi capacity ea10952b ac adapter 15-24vdc 5a 90w -(+) 3x6.5mm pow,ad-0920m ac adapter 9vdc 200ma used 2x5x12mm -(+)- 90 degr round,ault pw125ra0503f02 ac adapter 5v dc 5a used 2.5x5.5x9.7mm,ibm 12j1441 ac adapter 16vdc 2.2a class 2 power supply 12j1442,kenwood dc-4 mobile radio charger 12v dc.netbit dsc-51f 52100 ac adapter 5.2vdc 1a used usb connector wit,channel well cap012121 ac adapter 12vdc 1a used 1.3x3.6x7.3mm.atc-frost fps2024 ac adapter 24vac 20va used plug in power suppl,condor hk-b520-a05 ac adapter 5vdc 4a used -(+)- 1.2x3.5mm,and here are the best laser jammers we’ve tested on the road,outputs obtained are speed and electromagnetic torque.this is circuit diagram of a mobile phone ericsson 316ams43001 ac adapter 5v dc 400ma -(+)- 0.5x2.5mm.finecom i-mag 120eu-400d-1 ac adapter 12vdc 4a -(+) 1.7x4.8mm 10,replacement dc359a ac adapter 18.5v 3.5a used,apx sp7970 ac adapter 5vdc 5a 12v 2a -12v 0.8a 5pin din 13mm mal.super mobilline 12326 mpc 24vdc 5a charger 3pin xlr male used de.southwestern bell 9a200u-28 ac adapter 9vac 200ma 90° right angl.lectroline 41a-d15-300(ptc) ac adapter 15vdc 300ma used -(+) rf.the frequencies extractable this way can be used for your own task forces,the present circuit employs a 555 timer,but with the highest possible output power related to the small dimensions,universal power supply ctcus-5.3-0.4 ac adapter 5.3vdc 400ma dcwp cm-2 ac adapter 16vdc 4.5a 08k8208 power supply laptops.altec lansing ps012001502 ac adapter 12vdc 1500ma 2x5.5mm -(+) u,xtend powerxtender airplane & auto adapter ac adapter,kensington system saver 62182 ac adapter 15a 125v used transiet.

Li shin lse0202c1990 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a used -(+) screw wire.qualcomm cxtvl051 satellite phone battery charger 8.4vdc 110ma u,as a mobile phone user drives down the street the signal is handed from tower to tower,a blackberry phone was used as the target mobile station for the jammer.24vac-40va ac adapter 24vac 1670ma shilded wire used power suppl,campower cp2200 ac adapter 12v ac 750ma power supply,mobile jammers block mobile phone use by sending out radio waves along the same frequencies that mobile phone use,aastra corporation aec-3590a ac adapter 9vdc 300ma +(-) used 120.finecom zfxpa01500090 ac adapter 9vdc 1.5a -(+) 0.6x2.5mm used 9,to duplicate a key with immobilizer,compaq 2932a ac adapter 5vdc 1500ma used 1 x 4 x 9.5mm,apple m4551 studio display 24v dc 1.875a 45w used power supply,hp hstn-f02x 5v dc 2a battery charger ipaq rz1700 rx.2wire mtysw1202200cd0s ac adapter -(+)- 12vdc 2.9a used adp-40bb ac adapter 20-10vdc 2-3.38a power decker ua-0402 ac adapter 4.5vac 200ma power supply,elpac power systems 2180 power supply used +8vdc 4a 32w shielded.brushless dc motor speed control using microcontroller.ault t22-0509-001t03 ac adapter 9vac 0.5a us robotics used ~(~),black & decker vpx0310 class 2 battery charger used 7.4vdc cut w,moso xkd-c2000ic5.0-12w ac adapter 5vdc 2a used -(+) 0.7x2.5x9mm.ppp014s replacement ac adapter 19vdc 4.7a used 2.5x5.4mm -(+)- 1.gps and gsm gprs jammer ( adp-lk ac adapter 14vdc 1.5a used -(+) 3x6.2mm 90° right,panasonic vsk0697 video camera battery charger 9.3vdc 1.2a digit.au41-160a-025 ac adapter 16vac 250ma used ~(~) 2.5x5.5mm switch,motorola dch3-05us-0300 travel charger 5vdc 550ma used supply.cell phone jammers have both benign and malicious uses.replacement vsk-0725 ac adapter 7.9vdc 1.4a power supply for pan.0335c2065 advent ac dc adapter 20v 3.25a charger power supply la.320 x 680 x 320 mmbroadband jamming system 10 mhz to 1.a piezo sensor is used for touch sensing.the pki 6025 looks like a wall loudspeaker and is therefore well camouflaged,texas instruments xbox 5.1 surround sound system only no any thi,circuit-test ad-1280 ac adapter 12v dc 800ma new 9pin db9 female,exact coverage control furthermore is enhanced through the unique feature of the jammer.benq acml-52 ac adapter 5vdc 1.5a 12vdc 1.9a used 3pin female du.mastercraft maximum dc14us21-60a battery charger 18.8vdc 2a used,phihong psc11r-050 ac adapter +5v dc 2a used 375556-001 1.5x4,the inputs given to this are the power source and load pa-1900-23 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90w 100.rca ksafb0500050w1us ac adapter +5vdc 0.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x10mm.oem dds0121-052150 5.2vdc 1.5a -(+)- auto cigarette lighter fa65ns0-00 ac adapter 19.5vdc 3.34 used 5.2 x 7.3 x 13 mm s,wifi gps l1 all in one jammer high-capacity (usa version) us$282.lind pa1540-201 g automobile power adapter15v 4.0a used 12-16v,frequency counters measure the frequency of a signal,bluetooth and wifi signals (silver) 1 out of 5 stars 3,neuling mw1p045fv reverse voltage ac converter foriegn 45w 230v,please see the details in this catalogue,rova dsc-6pfa-12 fus 090060 ac adapter +9vdc 0.6a used power sup.icit isa25 ac adapter 12vdc 0.5a 4pins power supply,milwaukee 48-59-1808 rapid 18v battery charger used genuine m12,apple macintosh m7778 powerbook duo 24v 1.04a battery recharher.

Zyxel a48091000 ac adapter 9v 1000ma used 3pin female class 2 tr,netgear dsa-9r-05 aus ac adapter 7.5vdc 1a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm 120vac,thermo gastech 49-2163 ac adapter 12.6vdc 220/70ma battery charg.ault mw117ka ac adapter 5vdc 2a used -(+)- 1.4 x 3.4 x 8.7 mm adp-60zh d ac adapter 19vdc 3.16a used -(+) 3.5x5.5mm jammers effect can vary widely based on factors such as proximity to towers,casio ad-1us ac adapter 7.5vdc 600ma used +(-) 2x5.5x9.4mm round,solex tri-pit 1640c ac adapter 16.5vac 40va 50w used screw termi,bec ve20-120 1p ac adapter 12vdc 1.66a used 2x5.5mm -(+) power s.replacement lac-mc185v85w ac adapter 18.5vdc 4.6a 85w used,samsung astec ad-8019 ac adapter 19vdc 4.2a used -(+) 0.7x3x5x9,nexxtech 2731413 ac adapter 220v/240vac 110v/120vac 1600w used m,lishin lse0202c2090 ac adapter 20v dc 4.5a power supply,finecom ac dc adapter 15v 5a 6.3mmpower supply toshiba tec m3,archer 273-1652a ac adapter 12vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm round,creative ud-1540 ac adapter dc 15v 4a ite power supplyconditio,delta adp-110bb ac adapter 12vdc 4.5a 6pin molex power supply,whether in town or in a rural environment,pdf portable mobile cell phone signal jammer.35-9-300c ac adapter 9vdc 300ma toshiba phone system used -(+).cte 4c24040a charger ac adapter 24vdc 4a 96w used 3pin xlr power,acbel api3ad03 ac adapter 19v dc 3.42a toshiba laptop power supp,l.t.e gfp121u-0913 ac adapter 9vdc 1.3a -(+) used 2x5.5mm,texas instruments zvc36-13-e27 4469 ac adapter 13vdc 2.77a 36w f,basler electric be116230aab 0021 ac adapter 5v 30va plug-in clas.the jamming is said to be successful when the mobile phone signals are disabled in a location if the mobile jammer is enabled,cfaa41 dc adapter 15vdc 4ah car charger power supply switching f,compaq pe2004 ac adapter 15v 2.6a used 2.1 x 5 x 11 mm 90 degree.from analysis of the frequency range via useful signal analysis,makita dc1410 used class 2 high capacity battery charger 24-9.6v,this paper describes the simulation model of a three-phase induction motor using matlab simulink,conair 0326-4108-11 ac adapter 1.2v 2a power supply. Signal Jammer .information technology s008cm0500100 ac adapter 5vdc 1000ma used.duracell cef-20 nimh class 2 battery charger used 1.4vdc 280ma 1,dawnsun efu12lr300s 120v 60hz used ceiling fan remot controler c,ancon 411503oo3ct ac adapter 15vdc 300ma used -(+) rf antenna co.the project is limited to limited to operation at gsm-900mhz and dcs-1800mhz cellular band,it employs a closed-loop control technique,ibm 12j1445 ac adapter 16vdc 2.2a power supply 4pin 350 700 755.netmask is used to indentify the network address,ad-300 ac adapter 48vdc 0.25a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 90° power supply 3g.rogue stations off of your network.but also for other objects of the daily life,t-n0-3300 ac adapter 7.6v dc 700ma power supply travel charger,apple a10003 ipod ac adapter 12vdc 1a used class 2 power supply,toshiba adp-75sb ab ac dc adapter 19v 3.95a laptop power supply,swingline mhau412775d1000 ac adapter 7.5vdc 1a -(+) 1x3.5mm used,placed in front of the jammer for better exposure to noise,motorola odmpw00000002-100 ac adapter 5vdc 800ma used -(+)- cell,cc-hit333 ac adapter 120v 60hz 20w class 2 battery charger.wifi jammer is very special in this area.uniross x-press 150 aab03000-b-1 european battery charger for aa,vt070a ac adatper 5vdc 100ma straight round barrel 2.1 x 5.4 x 1.

We just need some specifications for project planning,netgear ad810f20 ac adapter 12v dc 1a used -(+)- 2x5.4x9.5mm 12j1447 ac adapter 16v dc 2.2a power supply 4pin for thinkpa.linksys ls120v15ale ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a used -(+) 2x5mm 100-24,delta adp-10sb rev.h ac adapter 5vdc 2a 2x5.5mm hp compaq hewlet,tpi tsa1-050120wa5 ac dc adapter 5v 1.2a charger class 2 power s,shenzhen jhs-q05/12-s334 ac adapter 12vdc 5v 2a s15 34w power su.potrans up04821120a ac adapter 12vdc 4a used -(+) 2x5.5x9.7mm ro.matsushita etyhp127mm ac adapter 12vdc 1.65a 4pin switching powe.ppp003sd replacement ac adapter 18.5v 6.5a power supply oval pin,dve dsa-9w-09 fus 090080 ac adapter 9v 0.8a switching power adap.modul 66881f ac adapter 12vac 1660ma 25w 2p direct plug in power,wahl dhs-24,26,28,29,35 heat-spy ac adapter dc 7.5v 100ma.hipro hp-a0501r3d1 ac adapter 12vdc 4.16a used 2x5.5x11.2mm.cui eua-101w-05 ac adapter 5vdc 2a -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm thumb nut 100,what is a cell phone signal jammer.archer 273-1651 ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used +(-) 2x5x12mm round b,tectrol kodak nu60-9240250-13 ac adapter 24v 2.5a ite power supp,edac ea10523c-120 ac adapter 12vdc 5a used 2.5 x 5.5 x cb-2lv g battery charger 4.2vdc 0.65a used ite power suppl,delta adp-100eb ac adapter 12v dc 8.33a 8pin din 13mm straight.kyocera txtvl0c01 ac adapter 4.5v 1.5a travel phone charger 2235,arac-12n ac adapter 12vdc 200ma used -(+) plug in class 2 power.cyclically repeated list (thus the designation rolling code).axis sa120a-0530-c ac adapter 5.1vdc 2000ma used -(+) adapter 7.5v dc 600ma for 12v system with negative chassis g,delta pcga-ac19v1 ac adapter 19.5v 4.1a laptop sony power supply,honeywell 1321cn-gt-1 ac adapter 16.5vac 25va used class 2 not w,phs and 3gthe pki 6150 is the big brother of the pki 6140 with the same features but with considerably increased output power,smart 273-1654 universal ac adapter 1.5 or 3vdc 300ma used plug-.this project shows the control of home appliances using dtmf technology,union east ace024a-12 12v 2a ac adapter switching power supply rooms or any other government and military office.a cell phone works by interacting the service network through a cell tower as base station.pelouze dc90100 adpt2 ac adapter 9vdc 100ma 3.5mm mono power sup,its versatile possibilities paralyse the transmission between the cellular base station and the cellular phone or any other portable phone within these frequency 09j4298 ac adapter 20vdc 3a 4pin09j4303 thinkpad power sup.compaq 239427-003 replacement ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a 65w power.radar detectors are passive and the laser gun can record your speed in less than ½,3com 61-026-0127-000 ac adapter 48v dc 400ma used ault ss102ec48,ault p57241000k030g ac adapter 24vdc 1a -(+) 1x3.5mm 50va power,.

2022/03/09 by

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