433 mhz signal jammer , jammer phone signal

A Companion Measure of Systematic Effects By Dennis Milbert GPS receivers must deal with measurements and models that have some degree of error, which gets propagated into the position solution. If the errors are systematically different for the different simultaneous pseudoranges, as is typically the case when trying to correct for ionospheric and tropospheric effects, these errors propagate into the receiver solution in a way that is fundamentally different from the way that random errors propagate. So in addition to dilution of precision, we need a companion measure of systematic effects. In this month’s column, we introduce just such a measure. INNOVATION INSIGHTS by Richard Langley WE LIVE IN AN IMPERFECT WORLD. We know this all too well from life’s everyday trials and tribulations. But this statement extends to the world of GPS and other global navigation satellite systems, too. A GPS receiver computes its three-dimensional position coordinates and its clock offset from four or more simultaneous pseudoranges. These are measurements of the biased range (hence the term pseudorange) between the receiver’s antenna and the antenna of each of the satellites being tracked. The receiver processes these measurements together with a model describing the satellite orbits and clocks and other effects, such as those of the atmosphere, to determine its position. The precision and accuracy of the measured pseudoranges and the fidelity of the model determine, in part, the overall precision and accuracy of the receiver-derived coordinates. If we lived in an ideal world, a receiver could make perfect measurements and model them exactly. Then, we would only need measurements to any four satellites to determine our position perfectly. Unfortunately, the receiver must deal with measurements and models that have some degree of error, which gets propagated into the position solution. Furthermore, the geometrical arrangement of the satellites observed by the receiver — their elevation angles and azimuths — can significantly affect the precision and accuracy of the receiver’s solution, typically degrading them. It is common to express the degradation or dilution by dilution of precision (DOP) factors. Multiplying the measurement and model uncertainty by an appropriate DOP value gives an estimate of the position error. These estimates are reasonable if the measurement and model errors are truly random. However, it turns out that this simple geometrical relationship breaks down if some model errors are systematic. If that systematic error is a constant bias and if it is common to all pseudoranges measured simultaneously, then the receiver can easily estimate it along with its clock offset, leaving the position solution unaffected. But if the errors are systematically different for the different simultaneous pseudoranges, as is typically the case when trying to correct for ionospheric and tropospheric effects, these errors propagate into the receiver solution in a way that is fundamentally different from the way that random errors propagate. This means that in addition to DOP, we need a companion measure of systematic effects. In this month’s column, Dennis Milbert introduces just such a measure — the error scale factor or ESF. ESF, combined with DOP, forms a hybrid error model that appears to more realistically portray the real-world GPS precisions and accuracies we actually experience. “Innovation” features discussions about advances in GPS technology, its applications, and the fundamentals of GPS positioning. The column is coordinated by Richard Langley, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick. The recent edition of the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) Performance Standard (PS) and the corresponding document for the Precise Positioning Service (PPS) both emphasize a key element. They only specify the GPS signal-in-space (SIS) performance. Since these standards do not define performance for any application of a GPS signal, it becomes even more important to understand the relationship of signal statistics to positioning accuracy. Historically, as well as in Appendix B of the SPS-PS and PPS-PS, this relationship is modeled by covariance elements called dilution of precision (DOP). Many references are available which describe DOP. The core of DOP is the equation of random error propagation: Qx = ( At Q-1A ) -1 where, for n observations, A is the n x 4 matrix of observation equation partial differentials, Q is the n x n covariance matrix of observations, and Qx is the 4 x 4 covariance matrix of position and time parameters (X, Y, Z, T) used to compute DOPs. This equation describes the propagation of random error (noise) in measurements into the noise of the unknown (solved for) parameters. Elements of the Qx matrix are then used to form the DOP. The equation above is linear for any measurement scale factor of Q. For example, halving the dispersion of the measurements will halve the dispersion of the positional error. This scaling behavior is exploited when forming DOP where, by convention, Q is taken as the identity matrix, I. DOPs then become unitless, and are treated as multipliers that convert range error into various forms of positional error. Thus, we see relationships in the SPS-PS Appendix B such as: UHNE = UERE x HDOP where UERE is user equivalent range error, HDOP is horizontal dilution of precision, and UHNE is the resulting user horizontal navigation error. DOP is a model relationship between signal statistics and position statistics based on random error propagation. But, since the cessation of Selective Availability (SA), the GPS signal in space now displays less random dispersion than the average systematic effects of ionosphere and troposphere propagation delay error. It’s useful to test if a random error model can capture the current behavior of GPS positioning on the ground. The Federal Aviation Administration collects GPS data at the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) reference stations and analyzes GPS SPS performance. These analyses are documented in a quarterly series called the Performance Analysis (PAN) Reports. To test horizontal and vertical accuracy, the 95th percentile of positional error, taken comprehensively over space and time, without any subsetting whatsoever, is chosen. This measure is always found in Figures 5-1 and 5-2 of the PAN reports. Note that the Appendix A 95% “predictable accuracy” in the reports through PAN report number 51 refers to a worst-site condition and cannot be considered comprehensive. The PAN report 95th percentiles of positional error measured since the cessation of SA are reproduced in FIGURE 1. Figure 1. Accuracy (95th percentile) of horizontal and vertical L1-only point positioning. GPS data are gathered at WAAS reference stations, analyzed quarterly, and published in the PAN reports. The red line is vertical accuracy and the blue line is horizontal accuracy. By the DOP error model, the positional error should be the product of the underlying pseudorange error times HDOP or vertical DOP (VDOP). It is convenient to form the vertical to horizontal positional error ratio, V/H, shown in FIGURE 2. This error ratio should, formally, be independent of the magnitude of the range error. The error ratio should reflect the GPS constellation geometry. One expects the positional error ratio, V/H, to be relatively uniform, and it should also equal the VDOP/HDOP ratio. However, Figure 2 shows a number of spikes (from PAN Reports 37, 40, 44, 64) in the error ratio, and a general increase over the past nine years. The positional error ratios in Figure 2 do not portray the uniform behavior expected for a DOP error model based on random error propagation. Figure 2. Ratio of the vertical/horizontal accuracy (95th percentile). The spikes indicate effects that are not caused by constellation geometry or signal-in-space error. The PAN reports form a challenge to our ability to understand and describe the measured performance of the GPS system. In the past, when SA was imposed on the GPS signal, the measured pseudorange displayed random, albeit time-correlated, statistics. DOP was effective then in relating SA-laden range error to positional error. Now, with SA set to zero, the role of DOP should be revisited. In this article, I will introduce a hybrid error model that takes into account not only the effects of random error but also that of systematic error due to incomplete or inaccurate modeling of observations. But first, let’s examine predicted GPS performance based on DOP calculations alone. Random Error Propagation FIGURE 3 displays detail of a 24-hour HDOP time series. Considerable short wavelength structure is evident. Spikes as thin as 55 seconds duration can be found at higher resolutions. Given the abrupt, second-to-second transitions in DOP, and given that the GPS satellites orbit relative to the Earth at about 4 kilometers per second, one may suspect that short spatial scales as well as short time scales are needed to describe DOP behavior. Figure 3. All-in-view HDOP, July 20, 2007, near the Washington Monument, 5° elevation angle cutoff. Note the abrupt transitions, and that HDOP is around 1.0. VDOP (not pictured) is about 1.5. To investigate DOP transitions, the conterminous United States (CONUS) was selected as a study area. HDOP and VDOP, with a 5° elevation-angle cutoff, were computed using an almanac on a regular 3 minute by 3 minute grid over the region 24°-53° N, 230°-294° E. These DOP grids were computed at 2,880 30-second epochs for July 20, 2007, yielding more than two trillion DOP evaluations. This fine time/space granularity was selected to capture most of the complex DOP structure seen in Figure 3. FIGURE 4 plots the HDOP distribution over CONUS and parts of Canada and Mexico at 02:40:30 GPS Time. This epoch was selected to show an HDOP excursion (HDOP 4 2.58) seen in the red zone just north of Lake Ontario. DOPs are rather uniform within zones, and these zones have curved boundaries. The boundaries are sharply delineated and move geographically in time, which explains the jumps seen in high-rate DOP time series (as in Figure 3). The broad, curved boundaries seen in Figure 4 are the edges of the footprints of the various GPS satellites. The gradual variation in hue within a zone shows the gradual variation of DOP as the spatial mappings of the local elevation angles change for a given set of GPS satellites in a region. Figure 4. HDOP, July 20, 2007, 02:40:30 GPS Time, 5° cutoff. The curved boundaries, which show abrupt transitions in DOP, are the edges of the footprints of various GPS satellites. The 2,880 color images of HDOP (and VDOP) were converted into an animation that runs 4 minutes and 48 seconds at 10 frames per second. The effect is kaleidoscopic, as the various footprints cycle across one another, and as the zones change color. The footprint boundaries transit across the map in various directions and create a changing set of triangular and quadrilateral zones of fairly uniform DOP. There is no lower limit to temporal or spatial scale of a given DOP zone delimited by three transiting boundaries. The size of a zone can increase or shrink in time. Zones can take a local maximum, a local minimum, or just some intermediate DOP value. And the DOP magnitude in a given zone often changes in time. The animation shows that the DOP maximums are quite infrequent, and the DOPs generally cluster around the low end of the color scale. The animations are available. To get a quantitative measure of distribution, the HDOPs (and VDOPs) are histogrammed with a bin width of 0.01 in FIGURE 5. Tabulations of various percentiles, computed from the bin counts, are displayed in TABLE 1. HDOP ranges from 0.600 to 2.685 and VDOP ranges from 0.806 to 3.810. Figure 5. HDOP, July 20, 2007, 5° cutoff. DOP has a strong central tendency and a tail showing rare instances of large DOP. Here HDOP ranges from 0.600 to 2.685. Chart: GPS World Since the DOP zone boundaries are related to satellites rising and setting, it is natural to expect a relation to a selected cutoff limit of the elevation angle. As a test, DOP was recomputed with a 15° cutoff limit, and histogrammed with a bin width of 0.01 in FIGURE 6. Tabulations of various percentiles, computed from the bin counts, are displayed in TABLE 2. HDOP ranges from 0.735 to 26.335, and VDOP ranges from 1.045 to 72.648. Figure 6. HDOP, July 20, 2007, 15° cutoff. DOP is sensitive to cutoff angle. Here HDOP ranges from 0.735 to 26.335. This is a large increase over the HDOP with a 5° cutoff. The Figures 5 and 6 and Tables 1 and 2 show that DOPs are markedly sensitive to cutoff angles. The histogram tails increase and the maximum DOPs dramatically increase as the cutoff angle is increased. The 95th percentile HDOP increases by about 50 percent when the cutoff angle increases from 5° to 15°. The solutions weaken to some degree and the poorer solutions get much worse. The effect is somewhat greater for VDOP. One normally considers DOP as a property of the satellite constellation that has a space-time mapping. DOP is seen to strongly depend upon horizon visibility. This is a completely local property that is highly variable throughout the region. Clearly, DOP depends on the antenna site as well as the constellation. Systematic Error Propagation It is known that certain error sources in GPS are systematic. Such errors will display different behaviors from random error. For example, the impact of ionosphere and troposphere error on GPS performance has been recognized in the literature (see “Further Reading”). DOP is not successful in modeling systematic effects. A new metric for systematic positional error is needed. Consider a systematic bias, b, in measured pseudorange, R. One may propagate the bias through the weighted least-squares adjustment: (AtQ-1A) x = AtQ-1y by setting the n x 1 vector, y = b. Vector x will then contain the differential change (error) in coordinates (δx, δy, δz, δt) induced by the bias. The coordinate rror can then be transformed into the north, east, and up local horizon system (δN, δE, δU). Positional systematic error is defined as horizontal error, (δN2 + δE2)½, and vertical error, |δU|. As with DOP, the equations above are linear for any measurement bias scale factor, k, which applies to all satellite pseudoranges at an epoch. For example, if one halves a bias that applies to all pseudoranges (for example, ky), then one will halve the associated coordinate error, kx. Analogous to DOP, we take bias with a base error b = 1, to create a unitless measure that can be treated as a multiplier. We now designate the horizontal error as horizontal error scale factor (HESF) and vertical error as vertical error scale factor (VESF). This adds a capability of developing error budgets for systematic effects that parallels DOP. Systematic errors in GPS position solutions have a distinctly different behavior than random errors. This is illustrated by a trivial example. If one repeats any of the tests above with a constant value, c, for the bias, one will find that, aside from computer round-off error, no systematic error propagates into the position. The coordinates are recovered perfectly, and the constant bias is absorbed into the receiver time bias parameter, δ t. This is no surprise, since the GPS point position model is constructed to solve for a constant receiver clock bias. The ionosphere and troposphere, on the other hand, cause unequal systematic errors in pseudoranges. These systematic errors are greater for lower elevation angle satellites than for higher elevation angle satellites. So, unlike the trivial example above, these errors cannot be perfectly absorbed into δ t. The systematic errors never vanish, even for satellites at zenith. One may expect some nonzero positional error that does not behave randomly. The systematic effect of the ionosphere and troposphere differ through their mapping functions. These are functions of elevation angle, E, and are scale factors to the systematic effect at zenith (E = 90°). Because of the different altitudes of the atmospheric layers, the mapping functions take different forms. For this reason, systematic error scale factors (ESFs) for the ionosphere and troposphere must be considered separately. Ionosphere Error Scale Factor. Following Figure 20-4 of the Navstar GPS Space Segment/Navigation User Interfaces document, IS-GPS-200D, the ionospheric mapping function associated with the broadcast navigation message, F, is F = 1.0 + 16.0 (0.53 – E)3 where E is in semicircles and where semicircles are angular units of 180 degrees and of π radians. Since the base error is considered to be b = 1 for ESFs, y is simply populated with the various values of F appropriate to the elevation angles, E, of the various satellites visible at a given epoch. The resulting HESF and VESF values will portray how systematic ionosphere error will be magnified into positional error, just as DOPs portray how random pseudorange error is magnified into positional error. As was done with the DOPs, more than two trillion ionosphere HESFs (and VESFs) were computed for CONUS and histogrammed in FIGURE 7. Tabulations of various percentiles, computed from the bin counts, are displayed in TABLE 3. Ionosphere HESF ranges from 0.0 to 0.440 and VESF ranges from 1.507 to 2.765. Figure 7. HESF, ionosphere, July 20, 2007, 5° cutoff. The HESF-I are much smaller than the HDOP. The VESF-I (not depicted) have an average larger magnitude than the VDOP. The distribution of the HESF-I in Figure 7 differs profoundly from HDOP. Ionosphere error is seen to have a weak mapping into horizontal positional error, with HESF-I values approaching zero, and having a long tail. The VESF-I is roughly comparable to the magnitude of the ionosphere mapping function at a low elevation angle. The VESFs also fall into a fixed range, without long tails, and are skewed to the right. The percentiles in Table 3 show ionosphere error has a greater influence on the height than that predicted by DOP. Systematic Range Error and Height. Both troposphere and ionosphere propagation error leads to error in height. The mechanism underlying the behavior in Table 3 is not obvious. Consider the simplified positioning problem in FIGURE 8, where we solve for two unknowns: the up-component of position and receiver bias, dt (which includes effects common to all pseudoranges measured at the same time, such as the receiver clock offset). The atmosphere will cause the pseudoranges AO, BO, and CO to measure systematically longer. However, the ionosphere error will be about three times larger at low elevation angles than at the zenith. (Troposphere error will be about 10 times larger at low elevation angles than at the zenith.) Figure 8. Schematic of pseudorange positioning. Computing up and receiver clock bias through 3 pseudoranges (AO, BO, CO), BO is biased by +5 meters ionosphere; AO and CO are biased by +15 meters ionosphere. Clock bias will absorb the +15 meters from the conflicting horizontal pseudoranges, and overcorrect the BO pseudorange by 10 meters. In this simplified example, assume the zenith pseudorange, BO, measures 5 meters too long because of unmodeled ionosphere delay. Then the near-horizon pseudoranges, AO and CO, will measure 15 meters too long. AO and CO can’t both be 15 meters too long at the same time, so that bias is absorbed by the receiver bias term, dt. That dt term is also a component of the up solution from BO. While the AO and CO pseudoranges have superb geometry in establishing receiver clock bias, they also have terrible geometry in establishing height. The height is solved from the BO pseudorange that is overcorrected by 10 meters. Point O rises by 10 meters. The presence of the receiver bias term causes atmospheric systematic error to be transferred to the height. It also shows that the horizontal error will largely be canceled in mid-latitude and equatorial scenarios. Troposphere Error Scale Factor. A variety of troposphere models and mapping functions are available in the literature. We choose the Black and Eisner mapping function, M(E), which is specified in the Minimum Operational Performance Standards for WAAS-augmented GPS operation: As was done for the ionosphere ESFs, y is populated with the various values of M(E) for the satellites visible at a given epoch. The troposphere HESFs (and VESFs) are computed for CONUS and histogrammed in FIGURE 9. Tabulations of various percentiles, computed from the bin counts, are displayed in TABLE 4. Troposphere HESF ranges from 0.0 to 5.203, and VESF ranges from 1.882 to 13.689. Figure 9. HESF, troposphere, July 20, 2007, 5° cutoff. The HESF-Ts are significantly larger than the HESF-Is, showing that unmodeled troposphere propagation error can more readily influence horizontal position. The VESF-Ts are substantially larger than the VDOPs and VESF-Is. The troposphere HESFs in Table 4 have similarities with, and differences from, the ionosphere HESFs of Table 3. Troposphere error maps more strongly into the horizontal coordinates than ionosphere error. The VESFs are much larger than the HESFs. And the VESFs still fall into a fixed range, without long tails. Unlike DOP, which is derived from random error propagation, ESF is constructed for systematic error propagation. A good “vest pocket” number for the tropospheric delay of pseudorange at zenith is 2.4 meters at mean sea level. Thus, without a troposphere model, one can expect horizontal error of 1.80 x 2.4 meters = 4.32 meters or less 95 percent of the time according to Table 4. Cutoff Angle. We now briefly consider the behavior of ESF under an increased elevation angle cutoff. The ionosphere ESFs with a 10° cutoff show minor improvements. This is a distinct difference from DOP (see Table 2), which showed degraded precision with a larger cutoff angle. The troposphere ESFs with a 10° cutoff angle are computed from histogram bin counts (TABLE 5). 10° cutoff troposphere HESF ranges from 0.0 to 3.228 and VESF ranges from 1.161 to 9.192. Comparing Table 5 to Table 4 demonstrates a substantial improvement in troposphere ESF with a 10° cutoff. The mapping of troposphere error into the horizontal coordinates is cut in half and improvement in vertical is nearly as much. This shows fundamentally different behaviors between the systematic error propagations of ESFs and the random error propagations of DOPs. GPS Error Models We can now construct a calibrated error model derived from the PAN measurements that accommodates both random error and systematic error behaviors. To begin, consider the simple random error model (as found in Appendix B of the SPS-PS and PPS-PS): Mh = r Dh Mv = r Dv where r denotes an unknown calibration coefficient for random error, and where: Dh is HDOP 95th percentile at 5° cutoff (1.24 by Table 1) Dv is VDOP 95th percentile at 5° cutoff (1.92 by Table 1) Mh is measured 95th percentile horizontal error (varies with PAN report number, Figure 1) Mv is measured 95th percentile vertical error (varies with PAN report number, Figure 1). One immediately sees by inspection that we have not one, but two estimates of r for each PAN report. And these estimates are inconsistent. Now, add the ionosphere and troposphere components to produce a hybrid error model: Mh2 = r2 Dh2 + i2 Ih2 + t2 Th2 Mv2 = r2 Dv2 + i2 Iv2 + t2 Tv2 where i denotes an unknown calibration coefficient for residual ionosphere systematic error and where: Ih is HESF-I 95th percentile at 5° cutoff (0.162 by Table 3) Iv is VESF-I 95th percentile at 5° cutoff (2.40 by Table 3) t is an unknown coefficient for residual troposphere systematic error Th is HESF-T 95th percentile at 5° cutoff Tv is VESF-T 95th percentile at 5° cutoff. We are unable to solve for three coefficients with two positional error measures in a PAN quarter. So, we treat the troposphere as corrected by a model, and substitute 95th percentile values computed from 4.9 centimeters of residual troposphere error: Mh2 = r2 Dh2 + i2 Ih2 + (0.01)2 Mv2 = r2 Dv2 + i2 Iv2 + (0.60)2 This leads to a 2 x 2 linear system for each PAN quarter. The r and i coefficients are solved for and displayed in FIGURE 10. Figure 10. Hybrid model of random and ionosphere error by PAN report number. Red line is random error; blue line is ionosphere. Gaps in the plot indicate inconsistent coefficient solutions. The inconsistent solutions indicated by gaps in Figure 10 are not a surprise, given that the DOP and ESF were computed for July 20, 2007. Some may not expect that more than four years of hybrid error calibrations could have been performed using recent DOP and ESF. Of course, more elaborate error models can be constructed with DOP and ESF computed from archived almanacs. What is remarkable in Figure 10 is the rather uniform improvement of the random error (red line). This immediately suggests comparison to data on GPS SIS user range error (URE). Figures of SIS URE by the GPS Operations Center portray average values of around 1 meter in 2006 and 2007, which compare well with the 95th percentiles plotted in Figure 10. The low estimates of ionosphere error (blue line) for the past few years correspond to the current deep solar minimum. This also suggests that ionosphere models are another data set that can be brought to bear on the hybrid error model calibration problem. This hybrid error model is just a first attempt at simultaneously reconciling random and systematic effects. It shows some capability to distinguish ionosphere error from other truly random noise sources. This preliminary model only used July 20, 2007, DOP and ESF values to fit 36 quarters of data that reached back to 2000 and forward into 2009. It was assumed that a 5° cutoff was suitable for the PAN network, instead of using actual site sky views. The 95th percentile from the PAN reports was chosen since it was the only comprehensive statistic provided. A 50th percentile, if it had been available, is a more robust statistic. Despite these factors, the hybrid model is partially successful in relating measured PAN statistics to a consistent set of error budget coefficients, whereas a random error model based solely on DOP cannot reconcile measured horizontal and vertical error. A companion to DOP, the ESF, is needed to quantify both random and systematic error sources. Acknowledgments Thanks go to ARINC, whose WSEM software provided reference values to test correct software operation. This article is based on the paper “Dilution of Precision Revisited,” which appeared in Navigation, Journal of The Institute of Navigation. DENNIS MILBERT is a former chief geodesist of the National Geodetic Survey, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, from where he retired in 2004. He has a Ph.D. from The Ohio State University. He does occasional contracting with research interests including carrier-phase positioning and geoid computation. FURTHER READING • Dilution Of Precision “Dilution of Precision Revisited” by D. Milbert in Navigation, Journal of The Institute of Navigation, Vol. 55, No. 1, 2008, pp. 67–81. “Dilution of Precision” by R.B. Langley in GPS World, Vol. 10, No. 5, May 1999, pp. 52–59. “Satellite Constellation and Geometric Dilution of Precision” by J.J. Spilker Jr. and “GPS Error Analysis” by B.W. Parkinson in Global Positioning System: Theory and Applications, Vol. 1, edited by B.W. Parkinson and J.J. Spilker Jr., Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 163, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Washington, D.C., 1996, pp. 177–208 and 469–483. • Measures of GPS Performance Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Positioning Service (SPS) Performance Analysis Report, No. 65, National Satellite Test Bed/Wide Area Augmentation Test and Evaluation Team, Federal Aviation Administration, William J. Hughes Technical Center, Atlantic City International Airport, New Jersey. • Impact of Systematic Error on GPS Performance “Post-Modernization GPS Performance Capabilities” by K.D. McDonald and C.J. Hegarty in Proceedings of the IAIN World Congress and the 56th Annual Meeting of The Institute of Navigation, San Diego, California, June 26–28, 2000, pp. 242–249. “The Residual Tropospheric Propagation Delay: How Bad Can It Get?” by J.P. Collins and R.B. Langley in Proceedings of ION GPS-98, 11th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Nashville, Tennessee, September 15–18, 1998, pp. 729–738. “The Role of the Clock in a GPS Receiver” by P.N. Misra in GPS World, Vol. 7, No. 4, April 1996, pp. 60–66. “The Effects of Ionospheric Errors on Single-Frequency GPS Users” by R.L. Greenspan, A.K. Tet[e]wsky, J. I. Donna, and J.A. Klobuchar in ION GPS 1991, Proceedings of the 4th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 11–13, 1991, pp. 291–298. • GPS Standards and Specifications Global Positioning System Standard Positioning Service Performance Standard, U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C., September 2008. Global Positioning System Precise Positioning Service Performance Standard, U.S. Department of Defense, Washington, D.C., February 2007. Navstar Global Positioning System Interface Specification, IS-GPS-200D, Revision D, IRN-200D-001, by ARINC Engineering Services, LLC for GPS Joint Program Office, El Segundo, California, March 2006.

433 mhz signal jammer

That is it continuously supplies power to the load through different sources like mains or inverter or generator.ningbo dayu un-dc070200 ac adapter used 7.2vdc 200ma nicd nimh b.delta adp-60zh d ac adapter 19vdc 3.16a used -(+) 3.5x5.5mm roun.hp compaq hstnn-la09 pa-1151-03hh ac adapter19v dc 7.89a new 5.oem ad-0650 ac adapter 6vdc 500ma used -(+) 1.5x4mm round barrel.ad35-04505 ac dc adapter 4.5v 300ma i.t.e power supply.cui eua-101w-05 ac adapter 5vdc 2a -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm thumb nut 100,ktec ka12d090120046u ac adapter 9vdc 1200ma used 2 x 5.4 x 14.2,prudent way pw-ac90le ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a used -(+) 2x5.5x12mm,ryobi p113 class 2 battery charger 18v one+ lithium-ion batterie,compaq le-9702a ac adapter 19vdc 3.16a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm used 100-2,aparalo electric 690-10931 ac adapter 9vdc 700ma 6.3w used -(+).specialix 00-100000 ac adapter 12v 0.3a rio rita power supply un,as overload may damage the transformer it is necessary to protect the transformer from an overload condition,2100-2200 mhzparalyses all types of cellular phonesfor mobile and covert useour pki 6120 cellular phone jammer represents an excellent and powerful jamming solution for larger locations,citizen u2702e pd-300 ac adapter 9vdc 300ma -(+) 2x5.5mm used 12.lind automobile apa-2691a 20vdc 2.5amps ibm thinkpad laptop powe,hp ppp009s ac adapter 18.5v dc 3.5a 65w -(+)- 1.7x4.7mm 100-240v,f10723-a ac adapter 24vdc 3a used -(+) 2x5.5mm rounnd barrel,ast adp45-as ac adapter 19vdc 45w power supply,ilan f1560 (n) ac adapter 12vdc 2.83a -(+) 2x5.5mm 34w i.t.e pow,campower cp2200 ac adapter 12v ac 750ma power supply,this circuit uses a smoke detector and an lm358 comparator,kyocera txtvl0c01 ac adapter 4.5v 1.5a travel phone charger 2235.please visit the highlighted article,ktec ksaff1200200w1us ac adapter 12vdc 2a used -(+)- 2x5.3x10mm.new bright a865500432 12.8vdc lithium ion battery charger used 1,ibm thinkpad 73p4502 ac dc auto combo adapter 16v 4.55a 72w,– transmitting/receiving antenna.rayovac ps8 9vdc 16ma class 2 battery charger used 120vac 60hz 4,ea10362 ac adapter 12vdc 3a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm round barrel,potrans uwp01521120u ac adapter 12v 1.25a ac adapter switching p.apple m3365 ac adapter 13.5vdc 1a -(+) 1x3.4x4.8mm tip 120vac 28,starcom cnr1 ac dc adapter 5v 1a usb charger,balance electronics gpsa-0500200 ac adapter 5vdc 2.5a used,replacement lac-sn195v100w ac adapter 19.5v 5.13a 100w used.philips 4222 029 00030 ac adapter 4.4vdc 0.85va used shaver powe,toshiba pa2417u ac adapter 18v 1.1a -(+) used 2x5.5mm 8w 100-240,armaco a274 ac dc adapter 24v 200ma 10w power supply,aiwa bp-avl01 ac adapter 9vdc 2.2a -(+) battery charger for ni-m,download your presentation papers from the following links.ac 110-240 v / 50-60 hz or dc 20 – 28 v / 35-40 ahdimensions,g5 is able to jam all 2g frequencies.phihong psa65u-120 ac adapter 12vdc 5a 4 pin molex 100-240vac sw.battery charger 514 ac adapter 5vdc 140ma used -(+) 2x5.5mm 120v,edac premium power pa2444u ac adapter 13v dc 4a -(+)- 3x6.5mm 10.

Liteon pa-1600-2a-lf ac adapter 12vdc 5a used -(+) 2.5x5.5x9.7mm,whether voice or data communication.kingpro kad-0112018d ac adapter 12vdc 1.5a power supply,hp compaq pa-1900-15c2 ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a desktop power supp,dell pa-9 ac adapter 20vdc 4.5a 90w charger power supply pa9,ac adapter pa-1300-02 ac adapter 19v 1.58a 30w used 2.4 x 5.4 x.kodak adp-15tb ac adapter 7vdc 2.1a used -(+) 1.7x4.7mm round ba,nokia ac-15x ac adapter cell phone charger 5.0v 800ma europe 8gb.cell phone jammer is an electronic device that blocks transmission of …,gnt ksa-1416u ac adapter 14vdc 1600ma used -(+) 2x5.5x10mm round,qualcomm cxdtc051 ac adapter 8.4dc 1025ma ac power supply,d-link mu05-p050100-a1 ac adapter 5vdc 1a used -(+) 90° 2x5.5mm,sharp uadp-0220cezz ac adapter 13vdc 4.2a 10pin square lcd tv po.eng 3a-122wp05 ac adapter 5vdc 2a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm black used swit,thomson 5-2603 ac adapter 9vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5x12mm 90° ro,edac ea10523c-120 ac adapter 12vdc 5a used 2.5 x 5.5 x 11mm,dell hp-af065b83 ow5420 ac adapter 19.5vdc 3.34a 65w laptop powe,specificationstx frequency.htc cru 6800 desktop cradle plus battery charger for xv ppc htc.in contrast to less complex jamming systems.hy2200n34 ac adapter 12v 5vdc 2a 4 pin 100-240vac 50/60hz,pa3201u-1aca ac adapter 15v 5a laptop power supply,dve dsa-30w-05 us 050200 ac adapter+5v dc 4.0a used -(+) 1.3x3.5% – 80%dual-band output 900.seven star ss 214 step-up reverse converter used deluxe 50 watts,switchbox lte24e-s1-1 ac adapter 5vdc 4a 20w used -(+)- 1.2 x 3.,cc-hit333 ac adapter 120v 60hz 20w class 2 battery charger,digipower ip-pcmini car adapter charger for iphone and ipod,plantronics 7501sd-5018a-ul ac adapter 5v 180ma bluetooth charge.eng 3a-154wp05 ac adapter 5vdc 2.6a -(+) used 2 x 5.4 x 9.5mm st.cfaa41 dc adapter 15vdc 4ah car charger power supply switching f.anthin gfp101u-1210 ac adapter 12vdc 1a pl-6342 power supply.worx c1817a005 powerstation class 2 battery charger 18v used 120,pantech pta-5070dus ac dc adapter 5v 700ma cellphone battery cha,axis a31207c ac adapter 12vac 500ma used 2.5x5.5 x 11.3mm 90 deg,a cordless power controller (cpc) is a remote controller that can control electrical appliances.adapter tech std-0502 ac adaptor 5vdc 2a -(+) 2x5.5mm used 100-1,a cell phone jammer is a device that blocks transmission or reception of signals.csi wireless sps-05-002 ac adapter 5vdc 500ma used micro usb 100,aastra m8000 ac adapter 16vac 250ma ~(~) 2.5x5.5m,this can also be used to indicate the fire.we are introducing our new product that is spy mobile phone jammer in painting,replacement pa-1900-02d ac adapter 19.5v dc 4.62a for dell latit.drone signal scrambler anti drone net jammer countermeasures against drones jammer,cp18549 pp014s ac adapter 18.5vdc 4.9a used -(+)- 1 x5x7.5mm,optionally it can be supplied with a socket for an external antenna.

Dongguan yl-35-030100a ac adapter 3vac 100ma 2pin female used 12,motorola ssw-0864 cellphone charger ac adapter 5vdc 550ma used,delta eadp-18cb a ac adapter 48vdc 0.375a used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm ci,casio ad-c59200u ac adapter 5.9vdc 2a power supply,high power hpa-602425u1 ac adapter 24vdc 2.2a power supply,switching power supply fy1201000 ac adapter 12vdc 1a used -(+) 2.delta adp-50gh rev.b ac adapter 12vdc 4.16a used 2 x 5.5 x 9.5mm,ac adapter used car charger tm & dc comics s10.acbel polytech api-7595 ac adapter 19vdc 2.4a power supply.adpv16 ac adapter 12vdc 3a used -(+)- 2.2 x 5.4 x 11.6 mm straig.sagemcom s030su120050 ac adapter 12vdc 2500ma used -(+) 2.5x5.5m.kentex ma15-050a ac adapter 5v 1.5a ac adapter i.t.e. power supp,cte 4c24040a charger ac adapter 24vdc 4a 96w used 3pin xlr power.top global wrg20f-05ba ac adapter 5vdc 4a -(+)- 2.5x5.5mm used.globetek ad-850-06 ac adapter 12vdc 5a 50w power supply medical.this tool is very powerfull and support multiple vulnerabilites,they go into avalanche made which results into random current flow and hence a noisy signal.artesyn ssl40-3360 ac adapter +48vdc 0.625a used 3pin din power.cnf inc 1088 15v 4a ac car adapter 15v 4a used 4.4 x 6 x 11.7mm,jabra fw7600/06 ac adapter 6vdc 250ma used mini 4pin usb connec,canon cb-2lwe ac adapter 8.4vdc 0.55a used battery charger,while the human presence is measured by the pir sensor,by activating the pki 6100 jammer any incoming calls will be blocked and calls in progress will be cut off.altec lansing acs340 ac adapter 13vac 4a used 3pin 10mm mini din,handheld cell phone jammer can block gsm 3g mobile cellular signal,designed for high selectivity and low false alarm are implemented,high voltage generation by using cockcroft-walton multiplier,black&decker versapak vp131 4.3v battery charger for versapak ba,palm plm05a-050 dock with palm adapter for palm pda m130, m500,,320 x 680 x 320 mmbroadband jamming system 10 mhz to 1.condor dv-51aat ac dc adapter 5v 1a power supply,2110 to 2170 mhztotal output power,finecom azs9039 aa-060b-2 ac adapter 12vac 5a 2pin din ~[ o | ]~.bi bi05-060080-bdu ac adapter 6vdc 800ma used -(+) 2x5.5x9mm rou.intercom dta-xga03 ac adapter 12vdc 3a -(+) 1.2x3.5mm used 90° 1.ultra ulac901224ap ac adapter 24vdc 5.5a used -(+)5.5x8mm power,we hope this list of electrical mini project ideas is more helpful for many engineering students,strength and location of the cellular base station or tower.modeling of the three-phase induction motor using simulink.helps you locate your nearest pharmacy,mkd-350900300 ac adapter 9vdc 300ma used -(+) 1.7x5.5x12mm round,creative sy-12160a-bs ac adapter 11.5v 1600ma used 2x5.5mm uk pl.x10 wireless xm13a ac adapter 12vdc 80ma used remote controlled.2 w output powerdcs 1805 – 1850 mhz,hppa-1121-12h ac adapter 18.5vdc 6.5a 2.5x5.5mm -(+) used 100-,950-950015 ac adapter 8.5v 1a power supply.

Hipro hp-a0653r3b ac adapter 19vdc 3.42a 65w used,motorola 2580955z02 ac adapter 12vdc 200ma used -c+ center +ve -.jvc aa-v40u ac adapter 7.2v 1.2a(charge) 6.3v 1.8a(vtr) used,my mobile phone was able to capture majority of the signals as it is displaying full bars.nokia acp-9u ac adapter 6.2v 720ma new 1.2 x 3.4 x 7.7mm round,toshiba api3ad03 ac adapter 19v dc 3.42a -(+)- 1.7x4mm 100-240v,energy ea1060a fu1501 ac adapter 12-17vdc 4.2a used 4x6.5x12mm r,acro-power axs48s-12 ac adapter 12vdc 4a -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 100-240v,we are providing this list of projects,lei nu40-2120333-i3 ac adapter 12vdc 3.33v used -(+) 2.5x5.5mm 9,samsung aa-e9 ac adapter 8.4v dc 1a camera charger.rocketfish ac-5001bb ac adapter 24vdc 5a 90w power supply.replacement dc359a ac adapter 18.5v 3.5a used.grab high-effective mobile jammers online at the best prices on spy shop online,ault bvw12225 ac adapter 14.7vdc 2.25a -(+) used 2.5x5.5mm 06-00,2 ghzparalyses all types of remote-controlled bombshigh rf transmission power 400 w,where the first one is using a 555 timer ic and the other one is built using active and passive components,intermec spn-470-24 ac adapter 24v 3a -(+) used 2.5x5.5x9.4mm pr,daveco ad-116-12 ac adapter 12vdc 300ma used 2.1 x 5.4 x 10.6 mm.sima sup-60 universal power adapter 9.5v 1.5a for camcorder,you may write your comments and new project ideas also by visiting our contact us page,gateway 2000 adp-50fb ac adapter 19vdc 2.64a used 2.5x5.5mm pa-1,dve dsa-9w-09 fus 090080 ac adapter 9v 0.8a switching power adap,cisco aironet air-pwrinj3 48v dc 0.32a used power injector,oem ad-0760dt ac adapter 7.vdc 600ma new -(+)- 2.1x5.4x10mm,icit isa25 ac adapter 12vdc 0.5a 4pins power supply,cisco 16000 ac adapter 48vdc 380ma used -(+)- 2.5 x 5.5 x 10.2 m,energizer pc-1wat ac adapter 5v dc 2.1a usb charger wallmount po,starting with induction motors is a very difficult task as they require more current and torque initially,this project shows the generation of high dc voltage from the cockcroft –walton multiplier,chang zhou tai yu rkdc0450300 ac adapter 4.5vdc 300ma power supp.military attacking jammer systems | jammer 2,hp ppp012l-s ac adapter 19vdc 4.74a used -(+) 1.5x4.7mm round ba,avaya switcher ii modular base unit with pc port 408012466 new,trendnet tpe-111gi(a) used wifi poe e167928 100-240vac 0.3a 50/6,it can be used to protect vips and groups.hp hp-ok65b13 ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a used -(+) 1.5x4.7x11mm rou,the device looks like a loudspeaker so that it can be installed unobtrusively.we don't know when or if this item will be back in stock,serene cl cordless ac adapter 7.5vdc 300ma used 2.5x5.5x9.8mm 90,finecom jhs-e02ab02-w08b ac adapter 5v dc 12v 2a 6 pin mini din,its versatile possibilities paralyse the transmission between the cellular base station and the cellular phone or any other portable phone within these frequency bands.ps5185a ac adapter 5v 550ma switching power supply for cellphone,phihong psm25r-560 ac adapter 56vdc 0.45a used rj45 ethernet swi,fujitsu nu40-2160250-i3 ac adapter 16vdc 2.5a used -(+)- 1 x 4.6,hipower a0105-225 ac adapter 16vdc 3.8a used -(+)- 1 x 4.5 x 6 x.

Digipos retail blade psu2000 power supply 24vdc 8.33a ac adapter,channex tcr ac adapter 5.1vdc 120ma used 0.6x2.5x10.3mm round ba,sino-american sal124a-1220v-6 ac adapter 12vdc 1.66a 19.92w used,toshiba pa2478u ac dc adapter 18v 1.7a laptop power supply,logitech tesa5-0500700d-b ac adapter 5vdc 300ma used -(+) 0.6x2.,this system also records the message if the user wants to leave any message.1900 kg)permissible operating temperature,shun shing dc12500f ac adapter 12vdc 500ma used -(+) 2x5.5x8mm r,delta eadp-20db a ac adapter 12vdc 1.67a used -(+)- 1.9 x 5.4 x,tdp ep-119/ktc-339 ac adapter 12vac 0.93amp used 2.5x5.5x9mm rou,blackberry psm24m-120c ac adapter 12vdc 2a used rapid charger 10.sunbeam pac-259 style g85kq used 4pin dual gray remote wired con,verifone nu12-2120100-l1 ac adapter 12vdc 1a used -(+) 2x5.5x11m,frequency band with 40 watts max,sanyo scp-01adtac adapter 5.5v 950ma travel charger for sanyo,hipro hp-a0652r3b ac adapter 19v 3.42a used 1.5x5.5mm 90°round b.apple m5849 ac adapter 28vdc 8.125a 4pin 10mm 120vac used 205w p.exact coverage control furthermore is enhanced through the unique feature of the jammer,creative sy-0940a ac adapter 9vdc 400ma used 2 x 5.5 x 12 mm pow.dell zvc65n-18.5-p1 ac dc adapter 18.5v 3.a 50-60hz ite power.audiovox ild35-090300 ac adapter 9v 300ma used 2x5.5x10mm -(+)-,kodak k630 mini charger aa 0r aaa used class 2 battery charger e,liteon pa-1181-08qa ac adapter 19v 9.5a 4pin 10mm power din 180w,astrodyne spu15a-5 ac adapter 18vdc 0.83a used -(+)-2.5x5.5mm,phihong psaa18u-120 ac adapter 12vdc 1500ma used +(-) 2x5.5x12mm.dell pa-1131-02d ac adapter 19.5vdc 6.7a 130w pa-13 for dell pa1,tongxiang yongda yz-120v-13w ac adapter 120vac 0.28a fluorescent.ault inc mw128bra1265n01 ac adapter 12vdc 2.5a used shield cut w,ac car adapter phone charger used 1.5x3.9x10.8cm round barrel.vtech du35090030c ac adapter 9vdc 300ma 6w class 2 transformer p.all these project ideas would give good knowledge on how to do the projects in the final year,artesyn ssl12-7630 ac adapter 12vdc 1.25a -(+) 2x5.5mm used 91-5.if you are looking for mini project ideas,car charger power adapter used portable dvd player usb p,mbsc-dc 48v-2 ac adapter 59vdc 2.8a used -(+) power supply 100-1,archer 273-1404 voltage converter 220vac to 110vac used 1600w fo.jentec ah3612-y ac adapter 12v 2.1a 1.1x3.5mm power supply, gps jammer ,magellan 730489-c ac car adapter used 0.8x3.4x7.9mm 90°round bar.sharp uadp-0165gezz battery charger 6vdc 2a used ac adapter can,toshiba pa-1750-07 ac adapter 15vdc 5a desktop power supply nec.netgear dsa-12w-05 fus ac adapter 330-10095-01 7.5v 1a power sup,as a mobile phone user drives down the street the signal is handed from tower to tower,bellsouth sa41-57a ac adapter 9vdc 400ma used -(+) 2x5.5x12mm 90,hp compaq adp-65hb b ac adapter 18.5vdc 3.5a -(+) 1.7x4.8mm used,.

2022/01/21 by SL_4tZaibAa@outlook.com

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