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Clomiphene Citrate

Package: 50mg/tab.*50 tablets
Usage: oral
Produced by: GKH Pharmaceuticals.Ltd
  • Model: Clomiphene Citrate 1 pack
  • Units in Stock: 890

Price:   $26.00

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Clomiphene Citrate 1 pack

Clomid - anti-estrogen drug that is prescribed to women for to treat anovulatory infertility. In clinical medicine, it is called non-steroidal ovulation stimulator. The product does its job, interacting with estrogen receptors, mostly antagonistic, in various tissues of the body, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary, endometrium, vagina and cervix. The drug also stops estrogen negative feedback on the hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian, thereby increasing the production of gonadotropins (LH and FSH). This surge of gonadotropins may cause ovulation, which ideally leads to conception. Clomid - synthetic estrogen with agonist antagonist properties. It is believed that Clomid can well support women fertility.

Using by men:
    Clomid acts partly as anti-estrogen, and can be used to counter some of the side effects of AAS aromatization, such as gynecomastia and water retention. Clomid can also increase production of FSH and luteinizing hormone, which increases testosterone levels. This is especially useful after athletic "course" when level of endogenous testosterone is very low. Clomid in this case is used with chorionic gonadotropin and tamoxifen, to accelerate recovery rate after course. If testosterone does not return to normal levels within short time, there may be a serious loss of weight and strength. This is due to the fact that without testosterone other androgens, catabolic hormone cortisol becomes dominant player in protein synthesis in the muscles, causing catabolism, which can eat much of course acquired muscle.     Should be noted that all triphenylethylene compounds (toremifene citrate, tamoxifen citrate, clomiphene citrate), has estrogen effects in the liver. This means they can block estrogen in certain areas of body, and thus can act as an estrogen in others. Dominant role play the possibility to adjusting level of good and bad cholesterol synthesis. Steroid use, appear risk factors for cardio-vascular diseases, which are aggravated by use of aromatase inhibitors. Clomid use can stop gynecomastia and in the same time to maintain balance of good and bad cholesterol.
    Clpmiphene Citrate is available under names: Clomid, serofen, sepafar, omifin, pergotaym, gonafen, duinum, klostil, ovamit and klostilbegit.

    Some patients using Clomid, talked about blurred vision and other visual disturbances such as blind spots and flare. These symptoms usually occur at high doses and long-term use and often disappear after a few days. Have reported cases of prolonged view impairment. Taking Clomid be careful when driving and managing heavy equipment. When these symptoms appear should discontinue treatment and make medical examination.

Side effects:
Clomid is usually well tolerated. Common side effects include:
-Ovaries growth (13.6%),
-Nasal fever (10.4%),
-Gastrointestinal discomfort (5.5%),
-Nausea and vomiting (2.2%),
-Chest discomfort (2, 1%),
-Blurred vision (1.5%),
-Headache (1.3%)
-Uterine bleeding (1.3%).
Prolonged use of Clomid may increase the likelihood of ovarian tumors. Clomid can rarely cause serious side effects such as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome.

Latent difficulties:
- kidney evils 
- liver problems 
- water collection in the lungs and stomach 
- distortion of the ovaries

How Clomid should be taken?
    Clomid is commonly used by complex protocol, to treat violations ovulation. Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) should be administrating orally, since 3-5th days of your menstrual cycle or since 5-9th day, depending on your clinical history. Initial prescribed dose is usually of 50mg/per first 2 cycles. If there is no change to a better in ovulation, the dosage can be rise to 200 mg per day.
    Athletes (men) use Clomid at dose of 50-100mg for 30 days after the "course", to bring testosterone levels to normal. As a rule, it is part of multi-component recovery circuits. By women, Clomid is used for reducing the amount of fat on the thighs and improve the overall appearance of the muscles.